Yang Jae's POV

"Ya!!!Vernon-ssi,don't you dare wake her up or else you'll see her demon side!"I heard my brother yelled outside of my room.He knew that I'm not a morning person during weekends.

I sat up and grabbed my phone from my night stand and a reminder popped up in the screen. May 29,2018-Entrance exam(Dwight school Korea)

I quickly stood up as I read the reminder.I ran to the shower and took a quick bath before going to my clothes.I decided on wearing an oversized white t-shirt and black skinny pants matching my white converse.

I ran downstairs and saw all of them sitting in the living room.They all looked at me once they heard my footsteps in the stairs and all of them gave me confused looks.

"Good morning"I told them.Their confused looks turned into a slight smile."Today is my entrance exam in Dwight High school."

"Don't ignore my messages,We'll fetch you after.Good luck"Wonwoo said to me as I walked to the dining area and saw pancakes.


"Good morning students,the subjects for your entrance exam is Math,Science and English.I hope you studied well and I wish you all good luck"The proctor said before passing us 3 booklets.

I started answering my Math booklet seriously, then English and then my favorite one,Science. I reviewed my answers before passing it in front.The proctor left for a few minutes to check the booklets using a machine and came back with a smile.

"By the way,the results will be posted 15 minutes after the dismissal."The proctor.


"Class dismissed"the proctor told us and all students went into the entrance door to wait for the results.I was walking in the hallway when my phone vibrated.

None other than.Wonwoo.


We're outside.

I quickly replied to him before he gets annoyed of me not paying attention to my phone.


I'm heading to the entrance door.I have to wait for 15 minutes for the results.


We're also waiting for it. :)

I arrived outside and immediately saw Woozi and Jeonghan.I went closer and noticed that Vernon and Wonwoo were checking on the bulletin board.

"The results are finally here."our proctor announced and all eyes were in the sheet of paper."Congratulations to those who passed."

Wonwoo and the hyung's disguises were nonsense when they shouted too loud and their shades fell down."WE OWN A PASSER!!"

All the examinees looked at them in shock.I quickly face palmed,ran to each of them and hit them in their arms since that's what I can reach.

"Congratulations.I'm Park Jung-chen.You can call me Chen"A guy about my age approached me.

"Thank you.I'm Jeon Yang-Jae."I replied and seriously,I could feel someone giving him a death glare so I turned around and saw all 13 hyungs looking shocked and at the same time, angry."are you a passer?"

He nodded and gave me a small smile."I belong to class 3-5.Same as you."It may be weird but I kinda like his attitude.

"Oh.Okay then.See you.I better get going."I said and he nodded.I walked over to the bulletin board and saw that I got the second highest average during the entrance exam.

"Yang-Jae,I already told you about boys" Wonwoo appeared out of nowhere and kept on reminding me about boys.He also knew that I'm more friendly to boys than girls.

"Ya!!You knew that I'm more friendly to boys!" I replied,getting annoyed.

"Why not girls?"He asked and the hyungs surrounded him.

"They're too sassy and wants a lot of attention. They wear too much makeup and I don't like their attitudes"I replied.A smirk was plastered on Jeonghan's face so I looked at him confused."what's with the smirk?"

"I think I already found a girl that didn't like a girl"He said making all heads turn to him. Wonwoo hyung gave him a flick on his forehead.

"I think we should get going before we get mobbed by some fans or paparazzis" SeungCheol suggested and we all hoped into the van.


"WHO'S DOWN FOR A RAMEN?"Mingyu shouted from the kitchen.Of course these boys were down when it comes to eating.

I went to my room and grabbed my science book and notebooks to write some important details to remember and memorize.I love this kind of life.Happy,peaceful and a new beginning with my brother and his hyungs.


"Come in!"

"Lunch is ready"Seungcheol said as he stood in the doorframe."what are you doing?"

"Memorizing science,Remembering science, taking notes and reading.I'll be down in 10"I replied and he nodded before going back downstairs.

I'm not used to those who were living in here. Maybe I need more time for them.I should hang out with them instead of locking myself in my room and always giving 100% of my time in these books.

"There she is.What have you been doing?" Wonwoo asked as I reached the last step in the stairs."Oh,I know.Studying,Memorizing, Remembering,taking notes and reading?"

I nodded.I definitely didn't expected that he remembered what I usually do back home when he's around.We didn't get to hang out that much but when there are times were alone together,we usually fight for small things.

I sat in between Wonwoo and Woozi at the dining table.As I fed myself with a spoon full of soup,they bombarded me with questions about myself.

"Why do you like studying more than being able to hang out with people around you?"

A question from one and only Hoshi caught my attention.It's because I don't have friends in my old school that's why I'm not used to hanging around people around me.

"It's because.."I paused."I don't have any friends in my old school and I'm not used to hanging out around people.When Wonwoo left, mom and dad were busy for their own so I was always alone back home that's how I got used to studying.Yesterday,when Wonwoo brought me in here and told me that I'm living with him,Honestly,I think it's my first time to feel happy because I can finally feel that I exist."

"Why didn't you tell me that you're always alone back home?"Wonwoo asked.