Seungcheol's POV

"You guys sure you can come with us all day?"I asked Jungkook.He nodded.

"We don't know where to go until tomorrow so maybe we could just hang up with you guys and it's also for Yanni so,it's fine"

We all went into two vans heading for the elephant sanctuary.After a couple of fights, sing-alongs and scoldings,we finally arrived in front of the Elephant Sanctuary.

Wonwoo covered her eyes with his Bandanna and took it off as soon as she was in front of the sign.Her jaw dropped cutely and her eyes went wider as an owl.

"E-elephants"she stuttered."Who in the world planned this?"

The boys pointed at my direction and without my guard,she jumped up to my arms and hugged me tightly.She then turned to hug all 19 boys,well of course 12 seventeen members since I'm already done hugging her plus 7 BTS members.


"PLANE WHAT?!"Jungkook asked,shock is evident in his eyes.

"We'll tell you the story later,Jungkook.We just didn't want to bother to tell you so we just kept it secret until we forgot it."Wonwoo explained, earning a nod from Jungkook.

"I also love dolphins but I love elephants more!"Yanni cheered,earning a giggle from the guys.

Little does he know,we requested for a birthday greeting for Yanni during the next surprise.I know this will turn out well!We started walking and while we were walking,Wonwoo explained to Jungkook and other BTS members the plane crash thingy while Yanni was in Vernon's arms, away from hearing all the words from Wonwoo's mouth.

"OMOOO!!THAT ELEPHANT WAS CUTE!! PROBABLY CUTER THAN WOOZI OPPA, HOSHI OPPA,VERNON OPPA AND SEUNGKWAN OPPA!" Yanni yelled and we all ended up laughing for almost half the tour.

"Yanni,you know that I'm the cutest guy at the dorm right?"Seungkwan asked.

"Probably no,you're the sassiest one!"This kid really loves teasing Seungkwan we can't help but adore her!"Jimin oppa is cuter than you."

"YAH!!JIMIN!!"Seungkwan yelled and all Jimin can do was raise a peace sign and ran. "What did that guy bought you for you to tell that he's cuter than anyone?huh?"

"Ice cream!"Yanni yelled.

"Oh c'mon!I thought we're a team!"Jimin yelled,sighing in defeat.

"It's time for the third surprise!"I shouted. Apparently,Minghao,Jun,Mingyu and Jeonghan were already in the second surprise. Our next destination will be Dolphin show marine and safari world."you all ready to be soaking wet?"

Everyone nodded but Yanni seems shock.She thought we didn't bring extra clothes?HA!We also brought some of her clothes so no worries! We went there separately again since we couldn't fit in one van.

"Welcome to your next surprise,Yanni!" Jeonghan said and Yanni looked at him with a confused look.

"When did you get here?"She asked.

"Before you went out of the sanctuary!So c'mon!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!"Mingyu replied for Jeonghan.

"DOLPHINS!!!!"She yelled then again turned to hug 13 of her oppas

The dolphin show started,the trainers were riding the dolphins and feeding them.One trainer then held the microphone and I guess this is the start of the surprise.

"Who among you here named Yannishin Jeon or Jeon Yang-Jae?"The trainer asked.The hyungs and I(including BTS) started pointing at Yanni's direction."HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY AND THIS IS FOR YOU AND YOUR 20 BROTHERS!May I ask Mr.Jeon Wonwoo, Ms.Jeon Yang-Jae and Mr.Jeon Jungkook to come over here in front as we sing happy birthday to Yang-Jae"

"Why—"Jungkook was supposed to protest but Jeonghan together with Jimin and RM pushed him to the front.No problems after this,they brought extra clothes.

The three of them stood there facing the audience and they didn't know that the dolphins were swimming towards their direction waiting for the sign to splash water to them.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU~"The crowd sang.If this will end up being on media,we don't care,It's fun.The trainer signed for the dolphins to splash,the three of them didn't notice it so the 17 of us(DK,Mingyu,Vernon, Jeonghan,I,Woozi,Hoshi,Seungkwan,Minghao, Jun,Dino,Joshua,Jimin,J-Hope,Taehyung,Jin, Suga and RM)Bursted laughing.

"I DIDN'T KNOW THAT JUNGKOOK AND I WERE ALSO IN THE PLAN!"Wonwoo yelled while distributing towels to Yanni and Jungkook.Good thing we borrowed their phones before they got soaked.

"Do you guys wanted to get someone in front to be soaking wet like you?"The trainer asked The 3 Jeons and they...nodded.This is not planned well."Please mention the names."

"Kim Mingyu,Choi Hansol, Yoon Jeonghan, Choi Seungcheol,Lee Jihoon,Kwon Soonyoung, Boo Seungkwan,Xu Minghao,Wen Junhui, Lee Chan,Hong Jisoo,Lee Seokmin,Park Jimin, Jung Hoseok,Kim Taehyung,Kim Seokjin,Min Yoongi and Kim Namjoon"Wonwoo and Jungkook said while Yanni was smiling wickedly.Creepy kid.

"May I know first,What country were you from and you seem famous from all the fangirls in this show"The trainer asked once the 21 of us were already near the dolphins."are you some kind of an artist from other country?"

"Actually,we're on different groups.We're from Korea and we are in 2 different K-pop groups, 13 of us were from the group called Seventeen and 7 of us were from BTS.Yanni is our Hyung's sister and somewhat our sister as well."I answered.The fangirls in this show were squealing like crazy!"Mingyu,Vernon,Wonwoo, Jeonghan,I,Woozi,Hoshi,Seungkwan,Minghao, Jun,Dino and Joshua were from Seventeen while Jimin,J-Hope,Taehyung,Jin,Jungkook, Suga and RM were from BTS."


Seventeen Members caught celebrating Wonwoo's little sister's birthday together with BTS.click here to see details and pictures.

"Yanni's surprise will be back in Korea.Are you visiting the graveyard,Jungkook?"I asked. "And sorry for being in the media again."

"It was fun,Wonwoo.Text me whenever the last surprise will start and we'll surely be there.I will visit the graveyard and just text me if you both were coming so we could just go together."He said before bidding goodbye to all of us.

We went night market after the dolphin show and it somehow made Yanni happy whole day.I can't even wish for more supportive friends and a cousin.