Chapter XIV

I didn't realize there was anything going on until I heard: "I didn't hit on anyone!" in Spencers' unmistakable voice. This doesn't sound good. I started manoeuvring between people who were turning their heads toward two people standing in the middle of the crowd. A circle was beginning to form around Spencer and...Who was that? Oh shit. Taron. He was holding him by the collar, very tightly it seemed. Taron Gordon was an extremely promising lawyer but was quick-tempered.

"Taron..." I said as calmly as I could.

"No, this blond shit tried to get with my girl!"

Yeah, I really doubt that. I frowned. Blond shit is kind of harsh. Blond idiot, sure. Calling him a shit is a little bit over the top for my taste. 

I tried to continue, but Spencer spoke before I could.

"Why would I want to do that?! I have a boyfriend!"

Well, fuck. Taron froze and so did most of the other people watching. Except those who either didn't care or were too drunk to acknowledge it. My mouth was hanging slightly loose. Spencer, who was still held in the air by Taron, made eye contact with me. His light blue eyes full of terror. I tapped on Taron's shoulder and he lowered him down. 

"You're gay?" his face was kind of comical.

"No, bisexual," Spencer clarified while fixing his now crumbled suit jacket and collar. 

I stepped to his side and asked him if he was ok. He just nodded.

"Wait. Are you two together?" I heard Taron almost yell.

We looked at each other and then back at him.

"No!" we practically screamed in unison.

"Uh, look I'm sorry. I should have handled myself better."

He looked like a child who just broke a vase.

"Yeah, um, it's fine."

I could see he was feeling uncomfortable so I tucked him by his arm and dragged him to the side. 

"What the hell were you thinking?!"

"It's not my fault! It just slipped out."

I rolled my eyes.

"Not that you moron. Why did you think it was a good idea to pick a fight?"

"I didn't! The guy came at me and started accusing me of some bullshit, uh, shit."

His vocabulary is truly impressive.

"You know you could have done a lot of things that wouldn't make a scene. Like walking away and simply ignoring him."

His expression was a mixture of annoyance and boredom.

"And I know you are capable of it since you do it to me all the time."

"Yeah but you're not 2 meters tall and buff," he motioned toward my torso.

"And when I have alcohol in my system and panic in my brain, I don't usually make great decisions!"

I wanted to interject, but he continued.

"Also, you should be pissed at him, for starting a scene. I had nothing to do with it. Or mostly nothing."

"Well, he is not my partner. I can't really tell him what to do."

" But you can do it to me?"

"You are my partner aren't you? I can at least try to influence you."

He shook his head but smiled. I noticed people watching us and trying to hide it. Unsuccessfully I might add. Spencer saw them too.

"How many people do you suspect are now thinking we are dating?"

I bit my lip.

"More than I would like."

"How many's that?"

"More than zero."

A soft chuckle came out of his mouth. He smiled a lot more when he was intoxicated. He should drink more often. His face fell only a moment later.

"What am I going to do now?"

"Don't be so dramatic. It's not the end of the world. You came out to everybody, so you might as well own it."

I patted him on the back and started walking away. I glanced back and he was still standing there, glued on the spot.

"Come on Spencer. Go and chat, drink, dance and stop worrying. That's why we have this thing. To relax. Half of the people will forget about you in two hours tops. Ok?"

He gulped.

"Ok," his voice was raspy and nervous, but he decided to take my advice and went to ˝mingle˝. I wanted to grab some food and I haven't had a chance to get something to drink either. Not alcohol, but Cola sounds really good right now. My tolerance is quite low and I rarely drink, especially if I just stopped taking the pills. When I saw dad coming towards me, I realized I will have to put that off for a moment. I almost laughed. He obviously waited for Spencer to go away, so he could talk to me alone.


"Dad, how may I help you?"

I must have sounded like I was mocking him, but honestly, I felt so ridiculous knowing exactly what he wants to talk about, I might as well.  

"So...You knew about him?"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. He looked so uncomfortable. 

"Jesus dad, he is bisexual and you are acting like he's in a cult!"   

He was a little taken aback.


"What?! It's true, isn't it? Tell me you didn't come here just so you could find out if we have a thing going on. So, let me shorten our conversation. We don't. So don't worry, you don't need to send him away too."

I turned away sharply and without letting my father get another word in, walked away. I could have handled this conversation better. Less harshly, but I just got angry and couldn't control myself. Because I knew that particular face of his. Weirdly tensed and calculating. I've seen it before. I hate everything about it. Including every memory that is associated with it. I almost reached the table when I was yanked back by my arm. Victoria stood before me, arms on her hips and fire in her eyes. I'm either gonna get punched or just yelled at. Probably the second.

"What the fuck Lukas?!"

Yeah, bingo.

"Yes, sister dearest?"

"How can you be such a dick?!"

"You kiss our mother with that mouth?"

"Why didn't you tell me about his relationship?"

"I did. I said he was unavailable."

"Why didn't you mention he was dating a guy?!"

"You're right. Why didn't I? Maybe, because it's none of your fucking business!"

She just stared at me dumbfounded. She hated not getting what she wanted. 

"So stop drooling over him, because it's getting really sad and find yourself some other man. You can't have mine."

Her nostrils flared in anger. This was fun, but I really wanted to eat now.   


I was dancing with this really hot girl. Haven't met her before, but god damn am I glad I just did. She was totally my type. Blond, hot and single. And she was a pretty good drunk dancer. Just as we began moving a lot closer to each other, I saw from the corner of my eye, Spencer who was just getting hit on by some guy. He was obviously drunk and seemingly didn't mind the strangers' hand on his arm. I knew the man. He jumped whatever moved. I think his name was Philip and was objectively a handsome guy. Spencer, who must have just realized someone was touching him, stepped back. The guy kept coming closer to him. Spencer, for some reason, started looking panicked, sacred even. Ok, that's it. I gently pushed the girl away. Her eyes said she was disappointed and believe me, so was I. You can't imagine how. I pushed people away so I could come closer to them. When Spencer saw me he looked relieved.

"Hey, Spencer! I need you to be my wingman," was the only excuse I could think of.

He wiggled away from Philip and came to my side. I didn't realize I was partly standing in front of him until Philip said: "Since when do you protect him? I heard you guys hate each other."

"If you're so interested in us than you would also know that he has a boyfriend. Or does that not stop you?"

"I don't usually ask...or care."

"Of course you don't."

He came closer: "How about you? You interested?"

I smirked. The confidence of this guy. I batted my eyelashes and answered flirtatiously: "Only in your wildest dreams love."

"So there is an option?"

I shrugged: "Do whatever you want in your sleep, but you won't be doing him or me anytime soon."

He laughed: "I'm willing to wait."

I frowned, grabbed Spencer arm and dragged him away. His eyes were now kind of foggy, but if I didn't know, I probably wouldn't have noticed that he was drunk.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, fine. That guy was kind of pushy wasn't he?"

His voice was pitched a little bit higher than usual. I tried so hard not to laugh. He started looking past me at nothing.

"I don't feel great. I don't usually drink that much anymore. I was just so nervous and then Taron came and some people started asking me things and then that guy..."

"It's fine."

This is how he acts when he drinks a lot? He handles himself very well. He didn't look good though.

"Come on, I'm taking you home."


"Because you look sick and I'm not letting you drive like this."


"You can pick up your car on Monday."

"I don't have a car."

I stopped walking and stared at him: " How do you come to work then?"


I raised my eyebrows: "Why?"

He chuckled: "I can't drive."


"I didn't want to tell you that," he said like he was just thinking out loud.

I sighed and lead him out of the party, onto the parking lot. I had an older model of Audi because I had to buy it for myself and didn't feel like blowing all of my savings on a brand new vehicle. When he got comfortable on a passenger seat, I had to instruct him to fasten his seatbelt as you do to a child.

"I like your car."

"Thanks. It's pretty nice. I mean it's not Mercedes or a Porsche, but...."

" I have a Porsche. It's nothing special."

I was surprised once again. For what it had to be a thousand time this evening.

"You have a Porsche?"


"But you can't drive?"

"What does that has to with anything?"

I smiled at him playfully. He was looking out the window.

"So no one drives it?"

"My roommate does. But she likes the BMW better."

"She has a BMW?"

"Well it's technically mine, but I gave it to her."

The fuck?! I'm kind of regretting not being nicer to him.

"Uh, Spencer, where do you live?"

He turned his head to me: "Oh right. Uptown. In one of those new grey buildings."

Those apartments were crazy expensive. When I went apartment hunting, I came across them. Even in my dreams, I couldn't have afforded them.

"Who the hell are you?"

He looked at me sideways. Like a dog would. A very confused dog: "I'm Aron."

I don't usually use this word to describe things, but this time there was no way around it. His response was simply adorable.

I could already see the buildings. They looked even more luxurious at night.

I knew he was from a rich ass family, but he told me he didn't inherit anything. Apparently, he did. There is no way he could have afforded it on our salary. I parked in front of his building. He gave me the apartment number. I helped him into the elevator and to the door. I rang the bell and not even a minute later the door opened with raven-like black hair girl standing in the door frame. She was wearing pyjamas and a surprised expression on her face. She didn't look like we woke her up though.

"Uh...hi," I said.


There was a moment of awkward silence, that I broke: "He is really drunk and I didn't want him to go home alone, so I brought him."

She started laughing and opened the door wider, letting us in.

"What?" I asked her while helping Spencer on the couch.

She stopped chuckling, but still had a mischievous glint in her stormy eyes: "It's just funny that you think this is him REALLY drunk. "

I furrowed my eyebrows: "But he said he drank a lot..."

"Yeah well, his alcohol tolerance is crazy high. No one knows why, because he doesn't even drink that often."

I looked around the apartment and there was only one word for it. Wow.

It was huge and nicely decorated.

"You live here?"

"No, I broke in."

A good answer to a dumb question.

"Ok, I'm gonna go."

I started walking out of the apartment.

"Wait," I turned to her:" You are Lukas aren't you?"

"Yes, yes I am."


"Um, well, nice to meet you."

She crossed her arms: "You're not as much of a jerk as I imagined you being."

This is starting to get annoying: "What the hell is Spencer saying about me? Everyone seems to think I kill puppies in my free time!"

She smirked.

"No, but I always thought of you being something like a maniacal villain."

That sounds kind of cool.

"But now that I have finally met you, I must say, I'm a little bit disappointed."

"And why's that?"

"Well, is just kind of like finding out that the boogie man is just some pretty boy who needs to cut his hair."

Now I see where he gets his witty responses from.

"Very nicely put. I always appreciate a good stab."

"Thank you. I try."

And with that, I left.