Chapter XXV

I was standing in front of the door. I knocked already so now I just waited for her to open. I felt weirdly nervous, even though technically I didn't have anything to be jittery about. The doors opened and my nanas' face lit up when she saw me. She immediately gave me a peck on the cheek and a gentle hug. 

"Sorry for not telling you that I was coming beforehand."   

"Oh, Luki, you know that you're always welcome."

We sat on our designated cushioned chair and got quiet for a moment.

"I'm sorry for not picking up my phone or-or checking in after I stormed out. But I was so pissed, that I would probably unleash my whole anger on you. And-and I just didn't want to do that."

"You would have every right to."

I stared in front of me out of the window. 

"After you went I regretted immediately not standing up for you right away. I did give him a piece of my mind, but..."

"He ignored you. As the arrogant jerk, he is."

"I can't disagree with you on that."

I smiled.

"But I know you'll work it out next time."

I turned to her, baffled: "Next time?"

"Well yes. Next time we have a family get together."

I laughed and I knew it sounded bitter: "I am never going to be in the same room as him again. Except for his funeral."

He pursed her lips: "I understand you're angry, but avoidance is not a way to resolve a conflict."

"Oh, it's not because I want to avoid conflict, is just that if I see him or hear his voice again I'll punch him so hard, his dentures will fly to fucking Canada."

"LUKAS!" she had this look of complete disbelief on her face.

"What? I'm just telling you the situation."

"He is your grandfather! Your family."

I laughed again: "How can this be an actual argument? So what if he is family? I'm also his family and that never stoped him. Just because someone is related doesn't automatically mean they love each other. I've had enough cases where this is explicitly shown."

She looked down to her hands and then back up at me, her eyes full of sadness.

I sighed: "You have to understand my point of view. I don't want this. I want to get along with my grandfather, but it's him that made that impossible and I'm done taking shit from him."

She nodded and now looked deep in thought.

"What is it?" I asked softly.

"I'm concerned about how little family means to you."

I blinked at her.

"It's important to me, I just...I don't want to love someone just because we are related."

I smiled at her and took her hand. It was supposed to show her that she is still important to me, despite what I just said. I hope it did.

"Luki, I understand what you mean, but in the end family is all we have left."

I smirked and shook my head: "Well, we'll see, but I strongly believe you're wrong."

She squeezed my hand: "I hope so."

I let go of her hand. I stood up to make tea. When I sat cups on the table, she thanked me. 

"How are you nana?"

"Oh, worse than usual, but nothing serious, it's just a price of getting old."

"If I looked and carried myself as well at your age I'll be grateful."

She smirked: "You flatter me. Please continue."

I laughed. No matter what happens with my family, I know she would never do something to make me hate her.


Sorry for the short and filler chapter.