Chapter XXVII (Aron POV)

2 weeks later

"Hello," I greeted my sister over the phone.

"Živijo. I'll be home okol sedmih."

(Hi. I'll be home around seven.)

"Ok...I really hope this is not the only reason you're calling me. I have work to do, you know."

"Ne ni. Rabim spremljevalca za tisto butasto zabavo od Kathleen jutr."

(No, it's not. I need someone to accompany me tomorrow to the stupid Kathleen party.)

I was really excited for it actually. It was held every year as a tradition of the O'Barry family. I think it had something to do with the day their brand was founded. O'Barry has been a big name in the food industry since the 40s I think. I always take Vanessa with me and we have a great time. I also get to see some friends who either don't live in New York or are too busy most of the time. It's a high society party, but not one of those obnoxious ones I usually try to avoid. People are not that high strung at this event.  

"A ga nimaš že? That guy from that restaurant."

(Don't you have one already?...)

"Budala si je zlomil nogo pred dvema dnevoma."

(The moron broke his leg two days ago.)

"How dare he!? The audacity!" I gasped theatrically.

"I know! No,  zdej rabm nekoga druzga."

(I know! Well, now I need someone else.)

"And what am I supposed to do about it?"

"Morš poznat koga."

(You have to know someone.)

"Si vprašala Caleba?"

(Did you ask Caleb?)

"Ja sem, ampak ima večerjo z družino."

(Yes I did, but he has a family dinner.)

"Kaj pa..."

(What about...)

"Theo, Victor and Michael are not in America. Sydney is going, but already has a date."

"Pa pejt sama. To si že nardila."

(Then go alone. You've done it before.)

"Ne morem! Ker niti slučajno ne mislim poslušat annoying opazk od Kathleen O'Bitch."

(I can't! Because I am under no circumstance listening to annoying remarks from Kathleen O'Bitch.)

I had to close my eyes and take a deep breath. I wouldn't call my sister an overly difficult or dramatic person, but when it comes to Kathleen, she turns into the biggest high school teenage girl cliche ever. She makes the smallest problems seem like the Cuban missile crisis.

"I'm sorry. Trenutno se ne morem nobenga spomnt. Maybe Parker?"

(...Right now I can't think of anyone...)

"No exes."

"Uh, Drew?"

"Going with Harry."

"Are they back together?"

"Mislim, da ne, but Harriet ni hotla it sama. So she asked him."

("I don't think so, but Harriet didn't want to go alone....)

 "Then...Oh, oh, what about Zane?"

"Hm, yeah to pa mogoče...No, I forgot. He's in Luxembourg."

"Well shit Margo, I don't know then. That are probably the only actually available guys I know."

"Ugh! This sucks! why? Of all the parties, I'll have to go solo to this one. Kathleen bo uživala."

(....Kathleen will enjoy this.)

"Yeah, sorry...."

"Spencer are you ever going to stop chit-chatting and do some actual work or are you worried that thinking will ruin your haircut!"

I was about to shout back at him to shut the fuck up when an idea popped into my head.

"What about Lukas?"

"Lukas?" I could definitely hear the confusion in her voice.

"Yes. My partner."

"Vem koga mislš. But...I don't even know him."

(I know who you mean....)

"Well, you can't exactly be zbirčna."

( Well, you can't exactly be picky.)

"What is he like? And try being objective here."

"He, decently looking, well mannered, looks alright in a suit and you guys are actually quite similar so you will probably get on well."

"Or horribly."

"Misliva pozitivno."

(Let's think positive.)

"Ok. I-I guess it could work. Can you ask him? I would, but you are kind of there already unless you want to give me his phone number so I can..."

"I'll do it. No problem."

"Hvala ti. Life saver."

(Thank you...)

"You owe me."

"Whatever you want."

"I'll think of something."

I heard Lukas calling my name again.

"Uh, I have to go. Bye. See you tonight."

"Se vidva."

(See you.)

I walked into our office and sat at the desk. He lifted his green gaze to me.

"That was a long one. Were you waiting for the radio to play your song?"

"It wasn't that long. You children are just so impatient nowadays."

"Bite me."


He rolled his eyes and returned to the file. We had another divorce on our hands. 

  "If you ask me, neither of them should get the kids," he commented.

He was right. They were a couple of narcissists with too much ego and too little of actual human decency. Their interviews were hilarious to read.

"The father would be a better choice," I shared my observation.

"Too bad we're representing the mother."

I bit the inside of my cheek. I knew I had to ask him, I just really didn't want it to be awkward.

"Ok," he closed the folder, "What is it?"


"You always do that cheek thing when you're thinking."

"I need a favour."

"Another? Would you be interested in opening an account?"

I rolled my eyes: "Yeah, yeah, I'll buy you a pony or something."

He smiled: "You better. So, what do you need?"

I felt a little jittery for some reason.

"Would you mind going to this thing as my sisters'...ah...god I'm sorry, the English translation totally slipped my mind right now. Basically, can you just go to some party with her tomorrow? Please."

He stared at me with a slightly open mouth. I couldn't help but flicker my eyes down to them. I should probably stop looking at his lips. Right now. I averted my eyes. I hoped he didn't notice.

"You want me to be your sisters' date?"

I frowned.

"No! I mean yes. But no."

 "You are making so much sense right now."

"I would just like you to accompany-HA accompany, that's the damn word!"

He just stared at me in confusion.

"Whatever. She just needs someone so she doesn't show up solo. You can call it a date, but it's not."

"Ok...When again?"

"Oh, right. Tomorrow at eight. But we usually arrive at around eight-thirty. So, can you come?"

"Is this one of those posh parties?"

I sucked in a breath and answered slowly: "Yeah..."

"Awesome. I'm in."


That was quick. And surprisingly easy. 

"I always wanted to know how 1% lives," he said like he was lost in a daydream.

I had to smile. It was cute.

"Do you have a tux?"

"Uh, no. Just suits."

I nodded: "Ok, no problem, you can borrow one of mine. We are around the same size."

He scoffed: "I'm taller."

I gave him a very bored look: "Just be at my apartment at seven, please."

He nodded and started reading the file again. I furrowed my eyebrows and bit the inside of my cheek. 

Was he taller? 

I really haven't paid any attention to that.

Am I actually petty enough to obsess over this? 

I might be.

I glanced at him. He was smirking smugly to himself. I was now sure he knew exactly what I was mulling over. 


The next evening.

I had to give it to him, his obsession with being on time finally paid off. He rang the bell at 19.00 sharp. He was wearing jeans and a leader jacket, which was such a good combination on him. But like honestly, on who isn't that a good combination. His hair wasn't made up in his signature man bun, instead, they were resting loosely on his shoulders. They were really getting long. 

I let him in after a few moments of silence and introduced him to Charlie, who was doing Nessas' make-up.

"Lukas, this is Charlotte. Our stylist for all of these kinds of parties."

They shook hands. Lukas was very obviously liking what he saw.

"Charlie, Lukas, my partner."

"Hello, lovely to meet you," she greeted him.

"Not as lovely as it is meeting you," he responded.

I rolled my eyes. Charlie looked amused. She took a step back to really take in his appearance.

"I must say, that I absolutely love that you have long hair. So much more to work with," she gushed excitingly.

Lukas looked quite pleased with that.

"Yes, I agree. I always say my hair is a party-heaven for hairdressers."

"So everything  under it is...hell?" I couldn't stop myself from adding.

He turned his head to me: "I'll take this as you admitting that I'm hot." 

Vanessa and Charlie both snickered, while I couldn't think of anything to say back. Thank god Margo chose that moment to walk in.

  "Oprosti, da sem pozna. Traffic was a nightmare."

(I'm sorry, I'm late....)

"No problem. Margo," I motioned towards Lukas, who smiled at her more seductively than I would've liked "This is Lukas."

I gave him a death glare, which he ignored and kissed my sisters' hand: "Pleasure." 

Margo, who was extremely unsubtly checking him out, smiled back and responded with: "You too."

She went to Charlie and I turned to Lukas: "Can you stop flirting with every female I introduce you to?"

"I'm not even trying, it's like breathing to me."

I grabbed his arm in a tight grip and moved closer to him, so I seemed more intimidating: "Then around my sister, don't breath too much."

He didn't actually seem intimidated. His eyes traced my face and I knew he realized, how serious I was because he dropped that annoyingly amused smirk: "Of course I won't. I don't have a death wish."

I wasn't even that protective of my sister, because I knew she could take care of herself just fine, so I don't even know where that came from.

"Lukas, "Charlie's voice brought me back and I released his arm "Come with me. I want you to try a few tuxes I had in mind."

   He followed her in my room to the walking closet. I sat next to Vanessa and waited for Lukas to come out.

"I must admit brother, you sure know how to pick a man. From now on, I should ask you to find me dates."

I didn't find it funny. Vanessa however, did.

"Also...You described him as decently looking. You were really underselling."

Vanessa was chuckling again and I groaned in response. These kind of comments were now even more infuriating since I couldn't deny anymore that he was attractive. 

"What do you guys think?" I heard Charlies' voice and averted my attention from Margo to the door.

Lukas was standing there in my dark blue tux, with the first few strands of hair restrained behind his head, but otherwise, they were loose. This hairstyle really framed his face nicely.

"Well?" only then did I realize all of them were staring at me. Margo and Van must have already voiced their opinions, and now Charlie was waiting for mine.

What am I supposed to say? The tux fits you perfectly? It's annoying that it looks better on you than it ever did on me? That you should wear it, like, all the time? That you look like a goddamn royal?!

None of these seemed appropriate so I just settled on: "You look nice."

He smiled: "Thanks."

 In about an hour we were ready. Vanessa with her wine red strapless dress and Margo in a navy blue gown, that matched Lukas's attire perfectly, both looked absolutely gorgeous. We sat in the limousine and I started feeling slightly jittery. I stole a glance at Lukas. He was chatting with the girls, seemingly having no trouble with the nerves. This might just be a very interesting night.