Chapter XXXVIII (Margo POV)

I was sitting at the table with Tim and helping him with his homework. Well, he didn't need that much help anyway. Bright kid. He definitely didn't inherit this nack for math from Aron.

Oh right. He inherited nothing from Aron. I cursed myself inwardly. Sometimes I forget that Ar isn't his real father and that I'm not his actual aunt. But that hasn't stopped either of us from loving him as if we were. I smiled at him biting his cheek. This was such a signature Aron thing. I ruffled his hair and he gave me a slightly toothless grin in return. He has lost three teeth in two weeks.

As I watched him he was a picturesque copy of his mother, but energetic and bubbly personality was all Aron. Maybe this will change, but for now, I can easily say he is his father's son.     

"Is this right?" he put the notebook in front of me.

"No, you forgot to subtract the two."



I smiled again. I wasn't a fan of kids, but this one was pretty neat.

A sudden knock on the doors startled both of us.

"I am going to see who it is. You finish this any I'll look over it later, ok?"

He nodded and returned to his homework. I went to the door and opened.

"Hey...oh it's you," said Tristan whose face immediately dropped after seeing me. It has been almost a month since our dinner with the Koreans and I haven't seen much of him. Not that I was complaining.

"What are you doing here?"

"Looking after Tim. What are you? Aren't you supposed to be in Poland for the championship?"

"Oh," he was sporting a very self-satisfied smirk "You have been keeping track of me I see."

I maintained a very emotionless expression: "Yeah because I just can't get enough of you. But if you must know Aron told me. So why are you here?"

"I am going to Poland for the group faze in three days and since I'll be very busy until then I came to say goodbye to Van and Aron now."

"They are not here."

"I noticed. Can I wait here for them."

"Sure, but don't bother me."

"I'll pretend you don't exist."


I opened the door wider so he could enter.

"Did you say Tim's here?"


"Oh man. I haven't seen him since he was like four. Do you think he remembers me?"

"For his sanity, I hope not. Tim prid sem prosim!"

(Tim come here please!)


"Tim this is Tristan."

I could see that Tristan was nervous when Tim's eyes started evaluating him.  But then he smiled and stepped closer. He extended his arm to him.

"I'm Tim."

Tristan had to lower himself down to his hight so they could shake hands properly.

"Tristan. I am a friend of your dad's. You probably don't remember me, but I knew you when you were still pretty young."

Tim smiled slightly, immediately completely comfortable in Tristran's presence.

"Why do you have red hair?"

"Because they are cool."


Tim turned to me, eyes sparkling.

"Can I have red hair?"

Tristan laughed and I ruffled Tim's untamable mane.

"Maybe when you're older. Did you finish your homework?"

He shook his head.

"Go. I'll be right there."

He ran into the kitchen.

"I would never have imagined you as an aunt."

"You and me both. But I am adaptable."

He wanted to say something, but a knock interrupted him. I rolled my eyes thinking it was my dumbass brother forgetting his keys again. But as I opened the door I almost cursed incredibly loudly. Because in front of my eyes were standing Isaac and his fiance, I presume.

Jesus fucking fuck. I have been avoiding this exact situation since he came here. So for almost a month.

"Hello," a beautiful almond haired woman said and she even gave me a charming wave.

Isaac only offered me a nervous smile.

"Uh, are you looking for Aron, because he isn't here."

"No, actually we are here for you. We already came to your apartment, but you weren't there."

I let out a very strange sound that I wouldn't actually call a nervous laugh, but it was something similar.

"Yeah, uh, give me a second."

I closed the door on them before they could get any more words in. I wasn't sure how visible it was that I was freaking out, but it must have been because Tristan was staring at me.

"Was that..."




I closed my eyes and breathed out.

"Ok, go into the kitchen and help Tim with his homework. Don't worry, math is right on your level of capability. And I am going to them."

He gave me a sceptical look.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay, you know, for safety?"

I scrunched my face.

"I'll be fine."

"Not your safety."

I punched him in the arm.

"Fuck off. I can control myself. Now go to the kitchen."

"Fine, but just so you know," he pretended he was tearing up "I am so much more than just a housewife."

I almost kicked him, but he jumped to the side and strutted into the kitchen

"Close the door."

"Yes, mam."

I had to smile. He was such an idiot. I tried calming down before seeing them again, but it obviously didn't work so I just sucked it up and invited them in. As they sat on the sofa unbearably close I was once again reminded that that could have been me if I wasn't a fucking coward.

"I am Maya. Nice to meet you."


What followed was an awkward silence.

"So, uh, how did you two meet?"

"Well," started his fiance "We met in the philharmonics where I play the harp and we just clicked."

Wow. If I had to listen to their story they could at least make it an interesting one. He looked at her like she just recited the whole god damn Shakespear play.

"Mhm, cool. Why are you here?"

I knew that I was being curt, but I wanted them out of here.

"Yes," they looked at each other again "We would like to invite you to the wedding."

I honestly blacked out for a second.

"Excuse me?"

"I know about your past of course, but we also feel that you were such a big part of his life that you should be there. It's in three days. I know it's very sudden, but we still hope you have time."

I couldn't believe what an absolute disaster this idea was. I noticed Isaac watching me. Stormy eyes and all. His hair was longer and I really just wanted to grab them and kiss his stupid fiance out of his mind. But you know, I didn't.

"But you do know that we..."

Were fucking.

"....Had a relationship?"

She gave me a sweet smile and I could see that it wasn't fake. The considerate bitch.

"Yes, I do know. Like I said. And I really don't mind."

She is so annoyingly nice. It made me feel like shit.

"Yeah, um, I will think about it. I have to see how my schedule is."

She smiled again. I could see Isaac didn't quite believe me. But it wasn't the most unbelievable thing. I am a busy woman. They stood up and Maya even dared to hug me goodbye. Isaac just squeezed my shoulder which caused all the goosebumps. When the doors closed behind them I slumped on the couch.

"Ok, you can stop eavesdropping and come out."

Tristan stepped out of the kitchen with Tim right beside him.

"That went well. And I am not being sarcastic. You held yourself together really well."

"What did you think I was going to do? Cry?"

"No, more like," he looked up "Scratch their eyes out."

I shrugged: "I thought about it, but you know, I was being a better person and all that crap."



"I think you mean a bigger person, not better."

"Who cares?"

Tim was looking between us with those big dark eyes of his.

"Who was that?"

"Aunty Vanessa's brother."

Tristan chuckled: "Aunty Vanessa. That's so cute."

"Did you finish your homework, because if you didn't your dad is never going to let me watch you again."

He nodded furiously.

"Nice. You can go play now. Run, you're free."

His face lit up. He quickly hugged me and ran to his room. Tristan sat beside me.

"You saw her right?" I asked when we were alone, even though I already knew the answer.

"Yeah. I peaked."

"Tell me honestly, do you think she is hot?"

"By honestly, you mean lie right?"

"Of course."

He sighed and leaned deeper in the couch.

"She is really nothing special. Her hair is very basic and her eye colour is weird. And that's not even mentioning that she plays the harp. Pff harp is honestly a second rate instrument."

I frowned: "Oh please. Knowing how to play the harp is really impressive."

"Yeah, it is. And cool too." 

I groaned and buried my face in my hands.

"But I was serious you know. When I said I don't think she is anything special. I mean don't get me wrong, she's cute and all but she just isn't someone I would, I don't know, blow up a parliament for."


"You know, a person you would do something crazy for like go to prison and not regret it."

"I was not aware that doing crime is a romantic gesture."

"It is in my book."

We were quiet, just staring at nothing.

"You aren't going to the wedding right?"

I did think about it and if you asked me a day ago or if I was invited by mail I would say of course not, but now that I actually saw him after a year, I was reminded how much I was still attracted to him. And yeah my feelings didn't go anywhere either.

"No, I'm going."

He shot up to his feet.

"What?! Are you insane?!"

"I want him back."

His hands were in his hair and he started pacing the room. Suddenly he stopped and turned to me.

"You can't actually believe that that will work! Aren't you supposed to be smart?! How can you actually even conceive that idea?!"

I stood up too.

"You don't know me or him or what we had! Don't fucking dare lecture me!"

"They are quite visibly happy, you can't think he will abandon her and their relationship just because you're jealous!"

"He could be just as happy with me."

Tristan laughed. But more in disbelief.

"Yeah, that explains why he was on his knees, proposing to you."

"Who says I want him to do that?"

"He obviously does want that! Why can't you just accept that you are not his choice?!"

I was pissed off. And I knew he was right but I just couldn't handle logic and reason right now.

"Get out."

"I still want to say goodbye to Van and Aron."

"Do that later or over the phone."

"You just can't handle losing."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.


"Fine. You are still acting like a fucking high schooler."

I wanted to slam the doors behind him so hard, but he closed them before I could.

Tears started stinging my eyes. Fuck him and fuck the truth his word held.