Chapter XLIII (Lukas POV)

You know after 25 years you would think my father would have learned that it's not a good idea to piss me off this early in the morning. Well, to be fair it's never a good idea to piss me off, but in the mornings especially. I was glaring at him with arms crossed over my chest, just ready to explode.

"Are you serious right now?" I said through gritted teeth.

"Yes, Lukas I am serious."

He seemed to be just as agitated as me. But it was his own damn fault now wasn't it?! If he thought I'll just calmly roll over and take it, I'm definitely proving him wrong.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me! How many times do I have to repeat the phrase ˝I'm fine˝ until you fucking get it?!"

Dad was just looking at me with a very unimpressed face.

"I don't think you're ready yet."

"But why?! I've been off my meds for months, I have my partner back and the only danger to my psyche is you refusing to give me any actual cases."

"Excuse me if I don't believe your word. You are a first-class liar when you need to be."

I groaned and almost kicked his desk, but stopped myself, realizing that would definitely not help my case. I brushed through my hair, still not quite used to the short cut. My fingers automatically just kind of continued down to my shoulder where my hair used to be.

"How can I prove to you that I am ready and capable if you don't give me a chance?"

"Lukas I said no. I'm not going to change my mind just because you try to manipulate me."


"I said no! Now get out of my office, before I suspend you."

I glared at him for the last time and left the room furious. I slammed the door to get that message across.

I almost ran into my sister when I was stomping away.

"Wow, what's with you? What happened?"

"Oh, nothing, except for dad being a total ass. But that's not really news. More of a continuous occurrence."

She sighed: "What did he do now?"

"He doesn't want to give me the Carter vs Montez case. He thinks I'm ˝not ready yet˝, which is a load of bullshit and he," I pointed in the direction of dad's office "fucking knows it!"

"Which case is that? I haven't heard of it."

"It's very hush-hush, even I don't know what's about. His new assistant let it slip. And every time dad needs so much time to assign a case, you know it's big. Or at least very interesting."

"Who is he thinking?"

"Not sure, but he doesn't want me on it."

She pursed her lips and nodded. She seemed to be thoroughly contemplating something.

"Ok, what if I try to convince dad to give me the case and then you and Aron can work on my team for the duration of the trial."

"Hm, not a bad idea."

"You looked so in pain when you said that."

"I was."

As much as I wasn't actually looking forward to working with Victoria this was the easiest way. Dad had no say in who Victoria chooses for her team.

"Do we have a deal?"

She gave me a hand and I shook it.

"Definitely. And I presume you'll want something in return?"

She opened her mouth, but I stopped her: "If you're going to ask if Spencer is single I will literally set you on fire."

"I already know that he is single, so you can calm down medieval urges. Also, the only thing I want you to do is your job. If this thing is as big as you think we'll need the win."

I nodded and she left for dad's office. I was still feeling agitated and since nothing interesting was waiting for me in that file on my desk, so I decided to go to the only place I know that will calm me down.


(Aron POV)

Lucas left to his father's office over an hour ago. As soon as he saw the inside of the file he frowned, stood up and powerwalked out of the room. He didn't say where he was going, but there was no need to. He has been complaining about his father giving him, and I quote "weak-ass cases a toddler with Alzheimer's could solve."

The curiosity got the better of me and I opened the file. It was just about two people arguing who caused a car accident. No one was hurt. Except for their cars, I guess. Neither wanted to take the blame, saying it was entirely the other's fault. Our agency represented one of their's insurance companies. Oh did Lukas hate those. Not only were these kinds of "You did it! No, you did it!" mind-bogglingly boring to him, he also didn't have the patience to read through their statements. So I understood why he immediately went to his father, no doubt to fight and not back down until he gets his way. But more than an hour and fifteen minutes was a lot, even for him. Don't get me wrong, Lukas could push and push and annoy and push some more for hours, but Liam O'Neal was far less patient. He probably threw him out after twenty minutes at most. So where he disappeared to after I don't know.

Fortunately, I ran into Clara on my way to O'Neal's office.

"Have you seen Lukas?"

"Briefly. He seemed upset."

I recond he would be.

"Do you maybe know where he went to?"

She thought for a second and then to my surprise nodded.

"There was one place he always went to when he was stressed. Check the Glowing Lights ice rink on the east side."

I furrowed my eyebrows: "Ice rink?"

"If he hadn't changed completely since I last saw him, believe me, he'll be there."

I thanked her and she gave me a sweet smile in return. I hated that it did slightly bother me how little I still knew about Lukas. Clara obviously knew him far better and that realization didn't sit quite well with me. It wasn't just because of my minuscule crush on him. It was more about the fact that we were partners and friends, yet he still felt the need to hide most of the things about himself.

I hated that he didn't trust me enough.

For the first time in a while, I was extremely glad to have a personal driver. He gave me a ride to the ice rink and I told him to wait. As I entered the chill air filled my lungs and I could feel the goosebumps on my arms. The cold was not unwelcome, considering New York in June is already pretty hot. There was music playing and I needed a few moments to realize it was from The Nutcracker. There were two people in the rink. A woman and a man. Dancing or rather skating beautifully. I walked closer to a railing and leaned on it. Lukas was entirely focused on the movement, so he didn't notice. He was wearing black tights and a plain black shirt that hugged his body like a second skin. The choreography was romantic, almost sensual and I couldn't look away. I didn't know much about ice skating, so I had no idea what any of the elements were called or if they were executed correctly, but as far as I was concerned he was fantastic. There was this elegance to him I didn't quite notice until now. The sway of his hips when he walked, the proud way he held himself, all long legs and perfect posture. It also explained his physic. Masculine, yet lean. Which right now was on full display thanks to the tight shirt. I definitely wasn't complaining.

The woman shouted something at him and he nodded. About ten seconds later they both jumped, turning like three times in the air and landing without a hitch. I almost clapped. His jumps hight could rival Tristan's. There was this youthful energy to him I haven't seen before. He laughed and the woman hugged him. She skated toward the railing and picked up a controller. The music stopped. You could now hear their rapid breathing. She was the first to notice me and alerted my presence to Lukas. His jaw almost fell the ground. He skated toward me, now sporting a charming smirk.

"Let me guess...Victoria."

I shook my head: "Clara."

He seemed impressed.

"Can't believe she remembered."

He was holding onto the railing and with him this close I could see drops of sweat trailing down his neck to the collar bone, disappearing down his T-Shirt. I licked my dry lips.

"So you know how to ice skate," I stated the obvious.

This was another piece of the puzzle that is my partner.

He chuckled. "Mhm. Wanna join?"

"I actually came to get you, so we can go back to the firm."

His eyes darkened and he scowled.

"Yeah, no. I'll not be doing that."

"And why?"

"Because my dad is being a callosal dick."

"Look I know you don't like the cases you're getting. But doing what you don't want is also a part of being an adult."

"Oh, are-are you preaching to me now?"

"I'm not preaching anything. You're acting like a child. I'm trying to get you back because you still have a case-"

"The BMW driver didn't signal where he was going and while the Opel driver hasn't had his car checked out in more time that was recommended which subsequently caused his breaks to work less efficiently, it was BMW's fault. McClain should get a fine for not upkeeping his vehicle, it's Valenti who will get the worst of it. Our client will pay nothing."

I blinked.

"There was nothing to solve. Just read and write the report."

"It's still your job."

"No, it's not! I am not an insurance investigator or a lawyer. And the reason I'm having this ˝hissy˝ fit is because I have been treated as one since I came back. And I'm done."

I looked down at his hands now gripping the railing tightly.

"So what now? You're gonna play hookey?"

His green eyes twinkled with mischief: "Yep. And I think you should do it with me."


"Come on Spencer, let's call it a tribute to our high school days and skip."

He wiggled his eyebrows and smiled. Damn him and his charming grin. It really was a shame he wasn't a lawyer. He would flash one of those suckers to the jury and he would have them all on his side in a heartbeat.

Speaking of heartbeats, mine was approaching a dangerous speed as he helped me on the ice after I rented a pair of ice skates.

"I should warn you. I'm not as good of an ice skater as you are."

"Don't sweat it. Not many are."

The cocky asshole.

I haven't skated since my second year in college when Margo dragged me to Sweden for Christmas. I fell a couple of times which would have been embarrassing, but Lukas' child-like giggles made it all worth it. Suddenly he grabbed my hand and started skating faster and faster. If I wasn't so focused on not breaking something I would probably enjoy the feeling of his hand in mine a lot more. When we started to slow down I thought it was it. Lukas, however, had a different idea. He pulled me closer so we were chest to chest. The sudden movement made us twirl.

"You didn't think I forgot about that dance you owe me, did you?" he said to my ear in a low, husky voice.

I had to muster all of my self-control to keep myself at bay. I might be turned on as hell, but he didn't need to know that.

"Amalie hit it!" he shouted.

The other skater gave him a thumbs up and started playing music again. It was a gentle and romantic melody. Haydn no doubt, but I couldn't remember which composition.

"How do you know her?"

"We used to train with the same coach."

"What? You competed?"

"Mhm. And kicked ass too."

"Why did you stop?

He twirled me around.

"Something came up and when I was ready again it was too late. I lost too much time."

His face was full of sorrow when he said that.

"You regret it," it wasn't as much of a question as it was a statement.


"Was the lost time the only reason you didn't come back? Because athletes get hurt all the time and then come back next season."

He dipped me, which I really didn't expect, but couldn't say I didn't like.

"I just didn't have that spark anymore."

"You seem to have it now."

He let out a laugh: "Yeah. My timing always sucked. This applies to almost anything."

"And what's the exception if I may ask?"

"Starting to work for my dad at the same time you did."

He said that in such a nonchalant way. Like he translated to: "Meeting you." Which would have been straight out of my romance-novel fantasy. I froze for a moment, blushing madly. He didn't seem to notice. Thank god he can be really oblivious for such an observant guy.


When we walked out of the ice centre or whatever it's called, he was all smiles. And it was infectious. That was when I saw my car, still parked in front.

"Oh shit!"

"What ?"

"I forgot to tell Trevor that he doesn't need to wait for me."

"Who's Trevor?"

"My driver."

"Oh wow, and here I thought you cared about your employees. I guess Bernie was right. All you one-percenters are the same."

"Shut up."

I walked to the driver's window.

"I'm so sorry Trevor."

"That's perfectly alright sir. Will you need me to drive you and...your friend back?"

"No," jumped in Lukas before I could say anything.

"What? Why not?"

"Becuase my car is still here and also our day is not over yet."

"Oh goody."

"Fuck off, you're enjoying it."

I glanced at Trevor who gave me an amused look.

"Thank you, Trevor, I'll go home on my own."

He nodded and drove off.

"Please tell me he's also your bodyguard."

I scoffed: "I haven't had a bodyguard since I was fifteen."

"Did anyone ever tried to kidnap you?"

"No, not really."

"Hm, interesting."


"Well, you're such an easy target and we both know how your motor skills are, so I figured..."

I punched him in the arm and he laughed.

"You prick! So where are you taking me?"


We were now sitting on the bench in the middle of this patch of grass, staring at the small fountain, eating a kebab. Which I haven't had in years. Lukas told me this is where he went at least once a week after practice.

"So how are you enjoying this reliving of highschool days?" he asked and took another bite.

"I didn't actually skip in high school?"

"At all?"

"At all. I had to stay on top of my grades or my father would have probably sent me to boarding school."

He snickered.

"You, I presume skipped."

He grinned.

"Oh yeah. But since I had good grades my parents couldn't do much. And I showed up just enough so I wasn't expelled."

"You were one of those dick kids that had straight A's without studying weren't you?"

"No, I mean I studied. Like a day before."


"That I was. I put my parents through a ringer."

"Because of the divorce?"

The question came out before I could stop myself. He seemed just as taken aback as I was. His face got all serious.

"Uh, no. I mean my mother coming back didn't help, but it was mostly because I felt like acting out. Yeah, I was a shitty little asshole back then."

"As opposed to now?"

The smile returned: "Oho, you wanna play, let's play. What about you mister billionaire, I know how you rich kids operate. So tell me, hookers, cocaine or alcohol?"

I contemplated not telling him, but it felt weirdly wrong to.

"I was on the verge of alcoholism when I was 16 or 17 because I wanted attention."

It was clear that he didn't expect that.

"Holy shit. Seriously?"

"Yeah. My father freaked, I spent the next month in a rehab centre. If he didn't send me there I would have probably ended up a heavy alcoholic or died of cirrhosis."

He looked down at his half-eaten kebab and murmured another "shit".

"Ok, how about you? In addition to being a class hacker, what was your poison? Sex, drugs or booze? Or all three? I suspect it's not going to be nothing."

He pursed his lips and thought for a second.

"I would have to say sex. I only smoked pot a couple of times and drank very little. But yeah, admittedly I was kind of a slut."

"Oh, I-I can see that."

"I feel like I should be insulted."

"No, it's because...You know. You're pretty hot."

His eyebrows shot up and I couldn't quite believe myself.

"Thank you. You are not that bad yourself."

I gave him a small smile. My stomach was in knots and my head was swimming. I know I was attractive, but Lukas was...Well, he was one of those who can make you rethink your sexuality.

"So...where were you those five months?"

I knew he wasn't going to tell me, but maybe someday he would let something slip.

"In an asylum."

I rolled my eyes: "Come on you can do better."

"Ok, fine! I'll tell you. I was on a super-secret mission with the FBI."

I let out a laugh.

"Of all the things you lied about, this one I would actually believe."


"Yes. I always kind of thought you would make a good agent."

He blinked, but then a wide smile spread across his face. Maybe it was the light making his eyes look like precious stones or the wind that lightly ruffled his hair, but I had a big urge to kiss him. I wished I was drunk so I could blame it on the alcohol.

"When I was younger I wanted to be an FBI agent."

"Why aren't you?"

He shrugged: "Certain things held me back."

"You can still become one."

"Those things never disappeared."

I got worried. The melancholy of his expression was making my chest feel tight.

"What things?"

He shook his head and composed himself. Like the previous moment of vulnerability didn't happen. He tugged a long stray string of hair back behind my ear.

"Nothing important. So shall we go?"

"Ye-yeah. Mhm."

He stood up and began walking. Leaving me standing there dumbfounded at how smitten I was with him.