The Deal 1

"Whoop, You surely dressed down those people pretty good," Adam whispered as he came to stand beside her.

"Thanks? I guess..." Sarah said with an eye roll as Adam seemed to be in a pretty cheerful mood despite the situation," You do know that we still have to tackle the ain plan right?" She asked looking at him doubtfully

"Of course I do, how could I not know after so many briefing sessions with Robert..."Adam responded with a sigh

"Well you don't look like someone who will be facing his nemesis anytime soon, In fact, it looks like you've been enjoying the female company a lot,"

"You make it sound as if I had been having fun while you were working the whole time."

"It's because you were.." Sarah responded instantly

"If you keep doubting and framing me, I won't tell you about the intel I managed to gather."

"What kind of intel?"