Sneaking Out Amidst The Night

The night swept its curtains slowly, as I stayed awake inside my private room. I was given the third floor as my whole room, removing all the walls from here, connecting all the chambers together, so my own room was like a mansion of its own.

Place so vast to spot me easily at, a perfect place to sneak from without getting noticed!

We, me and the three girls here, conspired together from the back of Entely, to sneak at the darkest late hours of the night, and venture into the distant lands, on our horses.

The girls had never ridden a horse before, only ponies. I said I would go out with them, but I couldn't ride one of these little horses they used to ride.

As the whole world ushered into a respectful heavy silence, we sneaked out from the mansion, towards the nearby barn, where the horses and ponies were kept.

I selected the largest horse, and the three girls just opened their mouths, agape, as they said to me, with their lips not voices:

"This is too big for you."

I just smiled, saying no more. They were just pure little girls, never saw the real huge war horses back at the capital. I recalled the look of my dear night, Richard, when I asked to ride on his horse once when we were kids. He really had a very bad mood that day, and all the days since then actually.

We didn't ride our horse and ponies here, as this might cause unneeded noises. We sneaked away, dragging our ride behind us, trying not to make a slightest of sound, until we managed to pass, safely, outside the main area of the mansion.

The place in the darkness of night wasn't as beautiful as it was in the morning, as everything seemed to be covered in a thick dark blue veil, shyly waiting for the light of the dawn to expose its beauty.

As I rode over my horse, and tried to decrease its speed as much as possible, to match the snail speed of the small ponies next to me, I was literally blown away with a strong swoop of cold winds. I felt greatly refreshed, by the touch of the cold wind over my face, and the thought of finally breaking the laws, walking alone at night as a real impulsive girl should be.

Oh, how much I loved that feeling!

"Princess, where do you want to go?" the little punny said, as she was the closest one to my heart. She was still pure, with the funny innocent remarks of her, jokes to me.

"I heard of that new border wall being built near here, is that correct?"

In fact I knew all about the wall, as it kept being invaded recently, and so my dear father decided to fortify it, making it a lot higher, much thicker, hoping to stop the invaders' steps.

"Hmm, I like that," little punny said, thinking for a moment before adding, "what about we play a game? disguise game?"

"A game?" I remarked, "what is it about?" I demanded with much interest, as I never played girl games when I was a child, like never.

"A disguise game, don't you have it in the capital?"

Oly said, as she winked her left eye to me. I understood this little devil, she had played with her little sister, falsifying information to her regarding capital.

I knew little punny loved anything related to the capital, and so Oly used that to trick her, and I decided to join the fun.

"Sure, but a long time has passed since I last played it. little punny, can you tell me the rules again?"

Little punny blew her cheeks in a funny way, like an adult feeling really irritated by a child's request. "It's simple, we need to imagine ourselves on campaign, like the crown prince, going out with his trusted aides, to vanquish evil and execute justice."

I didn't know from where this little punny had this fascinating vision about me. In fact, I was never ever allowed to step a single foot outside the walls of my capital, how could I go out on top of an army and do whatever she was having in her mind right now?

I side glanced at Oly and the middle, always silent, sister, to find them both trying hard to hold back their laughter. Busted, you both were caught in crime!

And, of course, me, the princess disguised in the role of the crowned prince, was also part of this crime.

Even the tale itself made me criminal! How cruel was that?!!

"Sure, this seems interesting. Tell me, what role do you want to play?" I asked, matching my little punny's wide imagination.

"Of course the mighty knight Richard," she said, with extreme confidence like this was a known fact already. I joined the other two cousins, trying to hold my laughter back, imagining Richard being replaced by little punny, it was really hilarious.

"Then what about me?" I said, "what about your sisters?" I added.

"You will be the crown price for sure," she instantly replied, without a moment of hesitation. Once I heard her reply, I couldn't control myself, and laughed, a short laugh, controlled fast, but I couldn't keep it inside me.

Even here, away from the silly play going on at the capital, dressing finally as my true self, was about to play my real role back in the capital! That was really funny, and ironic as well.

"As for my two beloved sisters, they will act as my knights," she added, like she was so generous with them.

"Oh, why then change the roles a bit?" I said, "You be the crown prince, and I will be Richard," that sounded interesting.

"Hmm…" she thought, really, really deep about what I just proposed, like it was something critical, with the fate of the entire kingdom resting upon it. "Sure, why not?" she said with a cheerful tone, "after all we are playing a game," she said in a fake mature tone, faking a wise old man telling his whole life learnt lessons to the kids around him.

And this time I couldn't control my laugh, and it was longer than the previous one, no doubt.