Hello Webnovel!

Hello Webnovel people! I honestly just found out about this website so I decided to try it out! I usually use Wattpad and Quotev so this story originated from there. Please go check out my page on those websites my Username is Weirdacraze. Anyways, I hope to successful on this website and gain the support for my story. I have been wanting to write this story for awhile now and in August I decided to start publishing. I usually post every Friday so I have time to write another chapter over the week! I have a lot on my plate this year because it is my senior year in high school and schoolwork is being piled on me that I can't catch a break. I am taking 2 college classes, 2 online classes (one being an AP course so it's pretty much like college), and 2 face-to-face classes at my high school. So, I have a lot so please be patient because I am trying my best. Anyways, I am going to copy and paste my chapters that I've already published on the other platforms so you can catch up with the others! Love Y'all!!!