Chapter 1

*Jimins POV*

The voices were saying things in my head softly as I stared in space. Until, boom, I finally heard the bell ring for the end of the day. I smiled as I got my things together knowing that I have no homework or tests to study for. Which meanssss... that's right... I HAVE TIME TO WATCH NETFLIX!!!! WOOOOOOOO!!! After my internal party, I started my trek down the hallway. I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up too much that the day would end well for once because, next thing you know someone decided to trip me on my way to my locker causing me to land straight on my face with my stuff scattering everywhere. "Oops sorry I didn't see you there... freak". I knew that voice like the back of my hand. I got up sighing only to be faced with the group that picks on me the most... Stray Kids (I'm sorry to put them as the bad guys, I love them I promise, I just couldn't think of anyone at the moment and their aesthetic fits it perfectly T^T <3). The head of the group and all the bullying is Felix. We used to be close friends but the high school cliques got ahold of him and turned him against me. He was the one who told the whole school about my voices and my sexuality, that's where I lost all my "friends" and the bullying started. I stared at him emotionless then gave a small smile, "it's okay, just please look where you're going next time though". I hate being rude to people, no matter what, to anyone, so I gave the comment as nicely as I could, hoping that I could get away easy. That was a mistake apparently and his eyes darkened as he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and slammed me against the locker. "Listen here you little shit, you should just go fucking kill yourself, no one wants you here... get him boys".

*authors POV*

He spat in Jimins face before backing up and letting the rest of Stray Kids have their fun. They beat the shit out of him as he clutched himself, coughing up blood, voices only getting louder. He didn't know what took over him, but he had enough of this, voices taking over his conscious. "Look at you just lying there and taking it.... pathetic, why don't you listen to them and kill yourself, or you could kill them,yes, kill them Jimin and they wont hurt you ever again, your knife is in backpack, crawl over there and grab it then end them for what they've done". That's exactly what he did too, he listened, the voices clouding his thoughts. He crawled over to it, the kicks and punches getting stronger. Felix smirked thinking he was trying to get away.

*Jimins POV*

I finally got to my bag and reached into it, feeling around, until I finally found it, grabbing the sharp object. I waited for a good time, keeping my hand in the bag, keeping my fingers secured around it. Felix came closer, crouching in front of my limp form smirking. "What ya got there freak?". 'This is your chance Jimin'. I slowly looked up at him, voices screaming at me to kill him... and that's exactly what I did.