Chapter 3

Whimpering, I cowered in the corner of my bathroom shaking, crying, head pounding, blood dripping off me, and screaming while these voices were just screaming at me.

'how dare you kill someone'

'they know it was you'

'they're coming to look for you'

'they're going to find you and take you away'

'how stupid of you'

'you should just kill yourself before they find you'

'you killed him Jimin'

'you killed Felix'

'you killed someone you loved Jimin'

'you're not safe to be around'

'you're parents will be so disappointed'

'no one will look at you the same'

"SHUTUP SHUTUP SHUTUP PLEASE S-STOP, YOU MADE M-ME DO T-THIS" I screamed at them. I'm such a monster...

'we didn't make you do anything'

'we suggested a solution to your problems'

"YOU GAVE ME M-MORE PROBLEMS YOU ASSHOLES". Anger, fear, regret, and so many other conflicting emotions. At one point I had a glimpse of happiness at what I did. God I wish this pain could just stop.

I slowly looked down at the blood on my hands and screamed again. "WHY DID YOU MAKE ME KILL HIM"

Throughout the whole screaming and my voices giving me a hell of time, I failed to hear that there were sirens outside. People were barging through doors with guns and trying to find where the screaming was coming from but I failed to hear them.

As I was lost in the shock and screaming, someone burst through the door and saw me cowered on the floor blood dripping off my clothes and skin.

'they're here Jimin'

'they found you dumbass'

'you killed Felix'

'they know what you did'

'they're gonna take you away'

'they're gonna hurt you'

I looked up in fear and saw the person pointing the gun straight at me, yelling something I couldn't hear. The only thing I could hear was the voices. I saw more people rushing in... they're gonna hurt me. I tried cowering more in the corner which was impossible and squeezed my eyes shut and pinching myself, hoping this was all a nightmare. "LEAVE ME ALONE, DON'T HURT ME". I felt hands on me trying to get me up and I knew that, shit... this wasn't a horrible nightmare, this was fucking reality. My eyes opened wide and I screamed, wriggling around to try and get out of their grasp.


'don't blame us Jimin'

'this isn't our fault, all yours'

"SHUTUP, ITS ALL YOUR FAULT". As they were struggling to hold me back, someone came in with a long fricking needle. "NO NO NO NO NO P-PLEASE L-LEAVE ME ALONE" I sobbed. It was no use cause I eventually felt it prick into my skin and felt whatever substance it was ooze into me. I squeezed my eyes shut again from the pain. Goodness when will this pain stop. The needle left my arm as I opened my eyes staring at the person with fear. I started feeling weaker and weaker, more and more tired, until finally everything turned black...


Wassup my beautiful/ handsome/ amazing people (Apple don't you dare say I'm more beautiful than you because I will fight you, you are the most beautiful and amazing sister ever -3- 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜)

Oki, ANYWAYS, hello boiyos (I was about to put bitches (not in a mean way) but ya know, I don't want someone to get offended over me being stupid lol). I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING LAST FRIDAY. I ended up having a lot to do last weekend. Plez forgive meh T^T <3.

This is not the only thing I am going to be posting today though... I want you guys to know your author and I want to know more about the people reading this (no one ever comments (except Apple) tis' sad). So later today I am going to be posting a Q/A section ig.

I hope you all liked this chapter, I promise I am trying my hardest to involve this into my life. I am so happy with how many people have read this so far, I thought I wasn't going to get anywhere! Please share to your friends (or don't if your like me and have no friends lol 😁🤧🥴✌)

PLEASE comment if you like this story, if you have any criticism or suggestions, I am open to anything. Please don't be afraid too (Secretly but not secretly, almost every author absolutely loves when they get comments, it seriously makes their day).

I am currently writing Chapter 4 so ig I'll see y'all next Friday! Love y'all and thank you for supporting this story!!!!!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜