Security Camera Footage

"Lay..." Faith whispered, who did not want to disturb him, but could no longer restrain her curiosity.

"What is it..."

"How come you know all these things about computers? I don't think anyone who works in this office can't do what you do either."

Layton snorted and without looking away from the monitor, continuing to press several keyboard keys incessantly, he replied: "let's say I've always been a tech lover, I didn't just read... in other words… a nerd."

"Do you like video games?"

"Um... yes, but... what does that have to do with now?! This is not the time to ask me certain questions, you are not helping me at all!" he exclaimed in his usual lamenting tone.

"Excuse me, I didn't mean to bother you! Uff... how bitter you are..." she mumbled, complaining of his character hard and always on the defensive.

The two janitors continued to look at the guards in the monitor, trying to figure out more about what was going on, remaining silent like two thieves.

Layton changed his sight again, moving from the cameras down the hall to those above the big door of Sector C and after verifying that there was no one in front of them, he left his mouse and began walking back and forth around the room.

"Uhm... what are you doing now? I don't think this is the best time to take a walk... why did you check if there were guards in front of the main door?" Faith inquired, who couldn't figure out what her partner had in mind.

"By staying in here we won't understand anything. The cameras can't even frame the inside of the room and both their resolution and microphones are just… rubbish. We have to approach Klein's room" Layton said with confidence, after thinking silently for a handful of seconds.

"What?! Lay, don't say bullshit... even if the guards are busy with the case, we can't get out in the open! They'd definitely find out!"

"I'm sure that if security men will understand more about this virus, they will not tell anyone anything and keep the information secret. That's why I'm going to get as close as possible to the place where the infection started... I don't trust them... by the way... what's Dr. Klein like? You've worked here for many months, have you ever know him in person?" Layton continued, whose mind kept on thinking nonstop about a new action plan.

Faith, not expecting that question, chose to calm down and took a deep breath before answering.

"Mmmh... no, I've never really met him, but... every time we crossed our paths in the corridors, he greeted me as if I was a dear friend of his. He seemed like a very kind man, I am very sorry that all this happened to him..."

"Faith, don't get lost in useless details! Think about our mission! What do you know about Klein?!" he repeated as if he had the urgency to have answers.

"I don't know anything, okay?! All I know is that his office is at the end of the hallway and... oh, now I remember! Dr. Klein was an old-fashioned man and one day commissioned one of the maintenance men to make him replace the door lock!" Faith replied, recovering fragmented memories in her mind one at a time.

"Eh?! You're still way off! How can such a thing help us?"

"As I was telling you... he had the lock changed and the sensor to open each door was switched with a normal lock, equipped with a key and knob, as if it was one of the doors of his house on Earth! I remember this detail because that day it was up to me to clean the curve of the corridor, in front of the research laboratory and the doctor's room ..." Faith continued, hoping that with his insight, Layton could figure out what she had in mind.

"So what? It will be even harder to access the room with a real key! With old Sam's pass, we can open almost all the doors, but of course it doesn't work on private offices, let alone if they have a traditional lock!" Layton replied, who still believed that Faith's memory wasn't that important.

"What if it's open instead?"

"What? Why should it be open yet?"

"Think about it, Lay... Dr. Klein is the infected subject and apparently, he can't get out of his room, otherwise, they wouldn't all be gathered out there. I'm 90% sure the guards looked for clues in his office and, being convinced that no one but them can access Sector C, they haven't locked it! If the key owner is only one and most importantly, if there is only one copy of this key... closing the lock would mean that only one person can access the room! It seems too stupid to me, even for the security guys!" Faith continued, who explained her thesis to Layton, using some practical examples.

"Mh... this might make sense" he answered, who did not immediately want to give her the satisfaction of being right, despite being amazed by her sharp observation.

Faith approached the central monitor, on which there were still surveillance camera images pointed at Dr. Klein's room.

"Look, they're all still out there! Even their boss stood still in front of the door, it seems that they are waiting for someone, but from the microphones of the cameras we can not understand anything, nor from the images, which are of very bad quality!" the girl replied, who suddenly decided to stop complaining and prove to Layton that she too could help.

"Okay, all right! We'll hope that your hypothesis is true, otherwise, we will risk being discovered! If Klein's office is open, we could sneak into it and look for some clues... something that can help us solve this mystery. We just have to hope that, in the meantime, Lucius' men don't have the same idea" Layton commented, approving Faith's plan and approaching the monitors, next to her.