
Inside of it, there were documents of various kinds, contained in paper document holders, each of which had writing on the front cover.

"K. Jeys, C. Mcmoore, J. Sivert... they look like the names of patients" Layton whispered, who implicitly was asking Faith for her opinion.

The girl said nothing and continued to watch Layon open one of the folders.

"Yes, Lay... are normal medical records... there doesn't seem to be anything strange in here" she replied, inviting him to store the objects, despite him touching them with the cloth that was used to wash on the ground wrapped around his hand, to minimize fingerprints.

Layton closed the drawer and opened the second one, the contents of which were similar to the first, with the addition of some stationery, such as scissors, a stapler, and spare pencils and pens.

Without wasting any more time, he also closed the second and pulled the third, which remained still in its position.

"Fuck, this is closed!" he said, trying once again to pull avoid making too much noise.

"Never mind, Lay! If something breaks, they'll find us in a second! The key could be here somewhere..."

"You're kidding, aren't you? Did you see how many junks and drawers there are in this place? It wouldn't take a whole day to find the key... it's definitely not in here... if Dr. Klein decided to leave it closed, there must be a reason... the key could be in his room as far as I know" Layton explained, trying to understand why the third drawer was the only one impossible to open.

"Why keep it closed? What's the doctor hiding from us? I doubt the security men hold the key, which means no one but Klein knows its contents... right?" Faith continued, asking for confirmation from Layton, who nodded affirmatively with his head, agreeing with his opinion.


"Uff! How hot in there!"

"Dr. Tyler! You're finally out! It took you more time than expected!"


Indistinct voices came from the corridor beyond the porthole and the two young janitors could not help but approach the circular window of the office.

After getting close enough, Layton got up slightly, standing with his legs bent so as to peek at what was going on outside.

"Lay! What are you doing?! Are you mad?!" Faith asked, pulling on his work jacket and trying to take him back and squat him to the ground.

"Shh! Be quiet! I want to find out what's going on! That's why we came, didn't we? If you're so scared, go away or go back and hide under that desk!" Layton replied, grabbing the girl's wrist and ripping it off his arm, nervous.

"Umpf... dammit!" Faith answered, who instead of walking away, stood up and positioned herself next to him, trying to find some space to be able to see from the porthole.

As Layton had guessed with his innate insight, someone had left Dr. Klein's room, whose door remained open for only a few seconds.

Four men, three of them in security uniforms, wore gas masks and hurriedly untied them, revealing their faces.

The three guards had their faces completely sweaty and red as if they had been inside a microwave until then.

The fourth man, on the other hand, wore a white lab coat and when he took off his mask revealed his face with severe features: hair long up to the neck wet due to sweat that made his forehead glossy hung from his head and dark eyes, black as obsidian gave him a particularly dark appearance.

His chin was tight and pointed and his kite nose almost looked like the beak of a bird of prey, made more evident by his advanced age, which surely exceeded 65 years.

Dr. Tyler touched his jaw, covered in a thin layer of grayish patchy beard, and wiped the sweat on his face after taking off his large gas mask, without saying a word.


"So? Dr. Tyler, what have you been doing in there all this time? How's the first doctor on board?" Colonel Lucius asked, who despite having the usual bully-like air, seemed to fear that strange, chilling-looking man.

"I swear, sir! I would never exaggerate on something so important! The body was so torn that we were forced to pick up pieces scattered around the lab! And it is precisely to his body that this trail of blood connects!" the guard said, turning to Dr. Tyler and asking him to believe his story.

"Grr... fuck it! I'm not understanding anything anymore! Why didn't you point out these bloodstains on the floor before?! With all this dirt I can barely see them! Who knows how long janitors haven't entered Sector C..." Lucius complained, getting angry once more with his men and lagging behind in the conversation.

"I don't care what you say. I just believe what I can see with my own eyes. Where's Dr. Hudson's body now?" Tyler asked, totally ignoring Lucius' words and acting as if he wasn't there, taking control of the security men.

"It's in the 'deceases' room, Dr. Tyler, next to the infirmary that's beyond Sector A, toward the cockpit..."

"I know where the recess room is, you idiot! Uhmpf... your stupidity even overcomes your incompetence! Get out of here now! I need to examine Hudson's body... we will continue our investigation in the morning" Tyler said, taking off his gloves wore so as not to be contaminated with the strange disease and beginning to walk to the main entrance to Sector C.


"Lay, they're going away! What happens if they notice the cameras are off? They'll go into the security room and reactivate them! If they do that, we'll be fucked up! What do we do now?" Faith asked, lowering herself and expressing her fears to her friend, unable to find a positive side to what was happening.

"If they find out, they will send some of their men to solve the problem... but it may also be that none of them can use that computer... usually men who do computer work can't handle guns with so much handling... don't you think?" Layton answered, who once again stunned Faith with a brilliant observation, trying to keep a cool head and not to be afraid.