Whitish Eyes

About thirty seconds passed when the doctor's laments ceased and his body stopped moving again.

"Could you repeat the last thing you said, Faith?"

"Uh? What are you talking about? Why should I..."

"Just do it! Repeat the last thing you said, I have to check something..." Layton replied, keeping the flashlight pointed at the doctor.

Faith cleared her throat and said with conviction: "I said we should get out of this room and check the contents of the drawer in..."

"Naaargh... the drawer... the dr... the drawer..." Klein exclaimed, touching his head with both hands and bending his back, pressing his head onto the blood-stained pillow and pushing the blankets away with his feet.

"He spoke! I knew it! There must be something important in that drawer! Dr. Klein can hear us!" Layton said enthusiastically, managing to realize that there was a connection between the girl's words and the doctor's screams.

"How did you figure it out?! What can there be? Maybe an antidote or some medicine to make him feel better! Dr. Klein, what's in the drawer?!" Faith asked, moving away from the wall and approaching the bed.

Klein's head suddenly moved abnormally and his look turned towards the girl: one of the two pupils sprang from under his eyelid and pointed at Faith, who remained paralyzed.

The whitish doctor's eye, including the pupil, which was identical to that of a blind man, with a celestial-like color around the iris.

"Oh, shit! Is he blind, too? What's going on?! I don't understand anything anymore, Lay!" the girl exclaimed after her discovery, focusing on Klein's wheezing while his body was all twisted on the bed.

"It's as if his limbs and head are rebelling against his control, but his brain still seems lucid and capable of reasoning... how can we help him? And why didn't Tyler get to the bottom of it? What an idiot..." Layton continued to think aloud, as his colleague approached Klein to look closely at him as if he was an animal belonging to an unknown species.

Suddenly, taking advantage of Layton's moment of distraction, which did not take his eyes off Faith for a moment, ready to protect her in case of need, Dr. Klein quickly moved upwards, stretching his curved back and wriggling in mid-air as if it was a quadruped upside down.

In an incredibly quick gesture, the man with his mouth wide open and his frightening eyes grabbed the girl's jacket, violently pulling her towards him.

"Faith! Fuck! Leave her alone!" Layton yelled, panicking, resting one foot on the bed and immediately hitting Klein with the torch on his arm.


The girl could not hold back a scream and despite that old man at the end of his life seemed to have no more strength, he managed to pull her toward the bed, approaching his mouth to her face.

Faith closed her eyes and put both of her hands in the face, now believing she was doomed, unable to wriggle out of that grip.

Unable to believe what was going on in front of his eyes, Layton lowered himself to the ground and picked up the UV-A light flashlight, which unlike the normal one was made of metal.

Within seconds, the young janitor put the regular torch on the nightstand, grabbed a flap of Klein's torn t-shirt, and hit his face with the metal torch.

The doctor, who was on the bed on four legs and was curved back, as if it was some kind of reptile, issued a strange verse, similar to that of a crocodile or a fierce lizard.

After being violently struck by Layton, he turned his gaze towards him, showing him both of his white eyes, which were actually able to see him perfectly.

Layton, when he realized that he has managed to distract the doctor, again attempted to hit him in the face, allowing Faith to free herself from the grip.

The girl, after managing to open her eyes, with a quick hand gesture lowered the zipper of her janitor jacket, removing it and slipping away from Klein's grip, which barely noticed her movements, being busy watching Layton.

The second shot of the metal torch was fired, hitting the doctor's eye in full: Layton struck so hard that the metal body lodged in Klein's skull from its back, slightly pointed.

"Oh, fuck!" the young janitor exclaimed, not knowing what to do and figuring that the man in front of him had not moved an inch.

"Lay, get away from there, please!" Faith gasped, who had crawled to the ground until she reached the wall, trying to get away from that bed as quickly as possible.

Klein's hand firmly grabbed Layton's throat, who grabbed his wrist trying to free himself.

Slowly, the boy's body was lifted from the ground by a single arm of that slender man, who was behaving like a predator ready to devour his prey.

Layton moved his feet down and his hands clasped Klein's wrist and arm forcefully, sticking his nails in his flesh and trying to hurt him.

"He has superhuman strength, he lifted me using only one arm! Fuck, I can't breathe!" Layton thought, who could barely keep his eyes open and look around, noting that the black light torch was still caught in the doctor's eye, moving as if nothing had happened.

"F... Faith! Hel... help me...!" he whispered, desperately calling his friend and hoping she could help him in some way.

"Shit, how do I do it! Dr. Klein! We are not enemies, let him go!" the girl said aloud, standing up and looking for an object with which to strike the enemy.

"The... the drawer... grroargh... the draw..." Klein whispered, looking Layton in the eye and continuing to choke him as if something inside him had taken over his consciousness, but it remained in his head, making him perfectly aware of what he was doing.

"The drawer?! I'm going to die, and this asshole's still talking about this drawer! Holy slut, I can't die now! I have to witness the moment the Voyager will complete its journey, I can't die, I can't!" Layton continued to think, who, having lost hope in Faith, knowing that she would not be able to free him, struck Klein's stomach with a violent kick, but it remained motionless as if it was made of rubber.