
"The date of the document is the 175th day after departure... the experiment lasted 7 days... that means the missing day is 182°!" Faith added, waiting for her colleague to help her reason.

"Now we are in the night between the 185th and 186th, it is 4 days ago, which should correspond to the day Klein began to get sick!" Layton immediately replied, looking for more information in the remaining documents, which were only empty pages.

"Oh fuck... fuuuck! It was they who fed that being and allowed it to grow and increase its strength! The note of the last recorded day clearly says that the alien had developed a tendency to aggression, I am sure that that being managed to break the glass case in which it was locked! Damn it!" Faith continued, panicked, realizing that what was happening had a logical explanation and that the two culprits had now died.