
"Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck, fuck! I ingested alien eggs, and that shit parasite lives in my body! Holy bitch, I'm fucked up!" Layton said in a low voice, thinking aloud and unable to hold back the panic he was feeling, standing up and walking back and forth inside the small locked bathroom.

"Hey! Watch how you talk! I can hear everything, remember?!" 

"Shut up! Keep quiet, son of a bitch! Who permitted you to enter my body?! And where are you?! I want to know where you are so that I can take you out of it by force!" Layton repeated, aloud, despite being alone throughout the room.

"Ehehe... poor, little human. I know you'd like it, but by now you're screwed, your fate depends on me... haven't you figured out where I am yet? I'm right here, behind your back, right where those weird chills you've been feeling came from... did you understand what I'm talking about?" the alien voice replied, as if it wanted to explain to its host body what was going on in detail.