

"Oh my goodness... that sucks!" 

Some of the soldiers behind them were unable to hold back their disgust and were forced to walk a few feet away from the door, which remained open.

Tyler, Lucius and the other two stood still on the side, figuring out what their eyes were seeing.

"Dr Tyler, it seems that the stench has become even stronger than yesterday! How is that possible?! Maybe we were wrong to leave Dr Klein unguarded all night!" Lucius said, resting a hand on his gun and proceeding forward to the doctor to protect him from potentially dangerous situations.

"You just said another obviousness! Keep silent, Lucius, I'm sick of your useless comments!" 

"Uhm... sir... look over there..." one of the two men who entered with them commented, pointing a finger forward and trembling with fear.

The other soldier turned on the room's light, and that night's macabre spectacle was revealed in all its horror.