
"Get ready. She's coming" the voice in his head snorted, which interpreted Jennifer's movements as those that preceded a sudden attack.

Before Layton could somehow respond, with a quick twist of the hips, Jennifer fired her tail at incredible speed toward him, trying to pierce his chest with its sharp toe.

Showing extraordinary reflexes, favoured by his new alien instincts, Layton threw himself to the ground and dodged the blow, rising to his feet soon after.

The tail moved once more as if it was a whip and hit on one side the janitor's bust, who was thrown back to the floor.

"Get up, quick! Or she could immobilize your limbs!" the voice promptly exclaimed, who, having no control of Layton's body, knew that their safety depended solely on his survival instinct.

"She didn't do anything to me again! Even if I get hit, I don't feel pain! And yet that big tail has..."
