Clean Shot

"What nonsense... imagine if Klein's patients had continued to meet him regularly... he could have done a massacre with the powers of his parasite! The situation is getting worse and worse, Lay..." Faith confessed, that after that speech had completely changed her point of view on that matter. 

"As I explained to you, that nightmare I made about the parasite in the air duct... well, it's all true. The purple-eyed Koinobiont confessed to me that on board Voyager, besides it, there could be dozens more infected people, if not hundreds... if we accidentally told any of them what we know, they could join forces and devour us mercilessly. From now on we will have to keep our eyes open even more and we will have to continue to move with circumspection" Layton continued, making Faith understand that despite having managed to defeat one of those monsters with his own strength, he was afraid.