"Jenny!" Aurelia shrieked as soon as she saw me walk out of my car. She literally raced down the stairs and hugged me, making me double think it as this was usually Isha's gesture.

"Aurelia...." I smiled as I took her hands off of me.

"What's with this happy-as-a-pig-in-shit attitude?? Aren't you more of the black swan???" I asked only to pull her leg.

"Excuse me?? I should be asking you that. You're the one who literally resembles a black swan..." She poked my cheeks and I gave her a death glare.

"Keeps your hands off of me..." I warned and she only lifted her hands in surrender.

She moved away from me to a distance of five feet and I grinned.

"That's even perfect..." I wiggled my eyebrows and she laughed walking back to me.

"Isha....were is she???" I asked as we got into the building which I realised to be anything but the Ceramic Bear's arcade. "..and where are we going???"

"Isha's already here....she came early to redo her registration. You do know she's just an exchange student right?? Just like me.... we'll live in a months time...." Aurelia explained and I think I felt my heart sink.

Exchange students at the beginning of the semester?

They'll be leaving soon??

But why?

"Don't be such a bummer we know you're better off without us....", She joked and I didn't laugh.

She was right.

I was better off without them because only then I'd be safe but having to experience having friends was really amazing.

I envied Kris because every new I was having was already an old for her and she really had a great time living her life. If only...

"Jenny...lighten up I was only joking..." Aurelia jerked my arm and I smiled at the restoration, back to reality.

"So...what are we doing here again?" I asked as the sight of a full auditorium reminded me of my first day of school calamity.

"Uumm...the school shares a science class among all the clans so we're here to be divided into groups for our science projects..."

"What for??"

"To earn us a chance to get into our preferred colleges...impressive right??" She asked as she offered me a seat at the back of the hall.

I immediately loved her for it. Not so long after we sat, a bubbly Isha immerged from the crowd shrieking and screaming towards us.

The entire auditorium turned to look at us and fortunately for me I had my hat on.

"I didn't see you guys there..." She began and I eyed her heavily followed by Aurelia.

"Yeah right..." She snapped at Isha who quietly sat down.

"So how's this thing work?" I asked totally ignorant to what we were going to do in here.

"Ummm....sort of like a lotto draw but with computers. They'll randomly select the names and we'll be divided into groups of five..." Isha explained as she placed her books on the table.

"It's pretty interesting and in no time... we'll know our groups for sure...."

"So this whole drama isn't going to last longer than thirty minutes???" I smiled.

"Thirty?? Sis...not even fifteen...." Aurelia jumped in and I gave her a high five.

This was impressive. Coming to this place was already torture for me as I didn't like open spaces and to make it worst, I was afraid of a claustrophobic attack and wasn't ready for such an entity to take place in public.

Suddenly, I felt a masculine musk overshadow me and I must say, I took a minute to take it in. My body twitched with electricity -- something that has never happened before.

Then, I felt a head rest on my shoulder and my body stroked. I swallowed the bit of saliva that crept into my mouth immediately causing my lips to go dry. My stomach flipped and I....loved the feeling...

I managed to spin my head around to look at the face of this fair man who...charmed me...

My eyes landed on a familiar set of blue ones and immediately the love I thought I had, was filled with rage.

Him on the other hand wasn't helping me either.

He had a grin on his face but he still assessed me like I was the rat stealing his cheese.

"Good news angelface....we are in the same science class....I guess you'll be seeing more of me hence forth..." He said maintaining his stand behind me and driving his arms on my shoulders and showing me the released grouping. My heart raced as I'd never had my body so close to another make other than my own father Idris Gonzalez.

"You know what Carlos Jeffrey, I'd rather die than be in the same room with you!" I threw his arms apart and stood off my seat for the better reason yet, I would explode if I didn't.

"Reality check princess....we are not only in the science class.. we're literally in the SAME science group",he kept on emphasizing on the same.

"Oh well lucky me...",

"Don't wish for it cupcake....with that attitude of yours no fairy would be willing..."

"Well...that's a relief..."

God. I hated this guy. I rolled my eyes and decided to act like he's not here and forget him. Fortunately, Kris came running to me and I was proud she did. I quickly spread my arms and gave her a warm welcome hug which she returned.

"Girlll....the Ceramic Bears have hosted a reopening party this weekend....!!" She screamed as she flashed a poster in my face.

"Oh my gosh really???" Isha smiled and snatched the poster from Kris. She showed it to Aurelia and they both shriked like two kids on a Christmas morning.

"You know I can't go...." I said to Kris and got an apologetic look from her. I was sad that I wouldn't be making it but being in an open place with a lot of people was never an option in my life.

"Why not???" Isha asked worriedly..

"Oh...nothing really....just because --"

"Just because she's a coward!" Carlos Jeffrey replied and I turned my head to glare at him. I narrowed my eyebrows and wrinkled my forehead in disgust.

"Excuse me??"

" heard me. You're a coward!! You wear a hat and have bodyguards wherever you're too scared to even attend a high school welcome party...." The words hurt me more than I expected.

Not because of whom they were coming from but because they were the truth. He was telling the truth. I was scared. Exactly why I lived a conservative life. Wearing a hat and with plenty bodyguards wherever I went. I never enjoyed it but I knew it was important to cooperate.

"Cut it out's none of your business if she doesn't go or not. Who are you to judge her and how dare you taunt her with those harsh words?? Do not assume what you don't know!!!!" Kris yelled at him and he only grinned.

"Let her prove me wrong then...." He challenged me and I felt the blood in me boil.

"She already said what she had to say..." Kris closed the chapter and gripped on my hand about to drag me away.

"I'll come....." I managed to say and of all the eyes around, I looked at Carlos. Isha and Aurelia were shocked to what exactly was going on.

"Wh-what???" Kris asked no more shocked than I was.

"I said I will go Kris...." I emphasized on my words as I repeated them into her face.

" can't...too can't allow this...." she said under her breath as tears glistened in her beautiful eyes.

"Kris...settle for a me....I'll be---"

"Are we done with this drama?? Merely dramatic queens???" Carlos asked as he crossed his hands around our shoulders.

"God I can't believe this....what exactly is happening here??" Isha asked as she slapped her forehead and took a seat.

"Shush! Just watch the drama unfold..." Aurelia whispered and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Warriors even fail at the battlefield but only the people who learn are able to strive through. Seeing it from this perspective, I don't see why I shouldn't go to this party....", I walked over to Carlos and crossed my hands in front of my chest.

I looked at him and he looked back at me. He was smiling at me and I found his smile rather disturbing. Too many emotions and intentions in them. Despite me finding his smile cute, I wasn't falling for it.

No...not once...and most importantly, I wasn't going to let Carlos win. I will get the last laughter and I will do whatever it takes to do so, even if it means I'll put my secret at risk of being discovered...


It's finally Friday and I couldn't wait to get started with the weekend despite the fact that I do nothing worthwhile.

Feeling pleased with how the week has gone, I plan to rent some movies and do some binge watching tonight. I talked to Enrique and he said we had classes only until lunch today. Half the day off.... delicious....

Enrique was my substitute student. He was the one initially registered into the school and I wasn't. My attendance was only based on his free hours and I was happy that way. I'd leave this place whenever I wanted.

Being here was proving to be suffocating each minute. On-line schooling was so much better and in many ways amazing.

I finished my middleschool and high school online. I got good grades and got myself applied in the world's best college of journalism.

While some students were dreaming of being doctors and pilots, my desire was to be a journalist. Unfortunately, they couldn't accept my application because having done my entire school online proved that I didn't have any socialization skills despite my good grades. For that, I had to re-apply only with some certificate showing I was capable of socializing with everyone. I was angry when my father suggested I go back to high school but later on loved the idea.

It wasn't like I'd be doing school, just getting to know people that's all. The principal agreed to give me a certificate to validate my application and I was over joyed. My dream was finally going to come true.

Having learnt my lesson the hard way on Monday, I completely changed my case and I arrived at school thirty minutes early afraid of being twice shy. I was late for the semester briefing which had jeopardized my lovely goal entirely when my plan was to remain invisible.

Yeah right...

I got to class and surprisingly we were having math for the very first time this whole week. Interesting.

Being in highschool was really something so juvenile for a person like me but I was getting the hang of it. Making new friends, sassing naughty boys; it's a cool package.

I scribbled some notes from what I remember Enrique talk about last time. He went through the students handbook and briefly told me what I need to know.

After I was done, I spent the remaining twenty minutes talking to Richie, with him asking about my friends. It was supposed to be unusual but I found it relieving on my fifth day of school even though the reasons behind his curiosity were nothing like pleasure. He was doing his job. Getting to know those around me to get a glimpse of them and see if they are displaying any shades of grey. Asides from interrogating me, he was conducting a constant background check on them which was routine for everyone I knew. So far, I have two more people added to my circle with whom I gladly call friends. Aurelia and Isha.

They're really beautiful people.

"Ma' may proceed to the classroom", Richie beckoned me and Anila carried my back. We walked into the classroom and I found it empty.


I get to pick a spot. The room was designed in a slanting manner as though a stadium with a podium at the centre. A projector was hanging in the middle and a huge white board was right in front of it. This is gonna be a hot day and I could already feel it.

I sighed as I looked around in the class. The first ten rows, were definitely not in my list of options. Eleventh to thirteen, even worst. Fourteen, somewhat fair. Fifteen it is...the very last bench. I picked the seat at the corner, it was so me.

Five minutes before class and one by one the room began to fill up. I didn't find it strange that no one wanted to seat next to me. My style was obviously scaring everyone and I liked it all just like that.

"Heeyyyy", I turned to a familiar voice and saw Isha run toward me. She hang her hand over my shoulder and pulled me close. Oooh...

"Hie Isha...", I smiled earnestly as I took her hand off. She shook her head and stood back up on her feet.

"Why are you sitting at the very back ??? Front rolls are totally my thing....come on and sit next to me...",

"Oh no no...backseats are my thing...", I grinned back and she didn't protest.

She stared at the almost empty front roll, with only three occupants and back at me and the back bench. She kept doing that for a minute and I jerked her out of it. She was straining my way neck...

"Go pick a seat before someone hijacks it. ....", I smiled in what I think was an assuring manner hoping I was doing a good job. All this was new to me and I was beginning to rethink it. I honestly didn't mind if Isha would sit next to me or not but now that the topic was brought up, I knew I'd rather sit alone.

"Okay....I'll sit with you today and if I don't like it, I'll sit back on the front roll. I just have to go and secure a seat....", She grinned and walked down the stairs securing the very first seat from the foot of the staircase.

I looked around and the classroom was almost full heating up my nerves. I was nervous. Am sure that most of the students were staring and talking and whispering. I didn't care, I was doing what I was doing for my security and nothing comes first.

I opened my notebook and sketched a huge letter J, in clip art. I added pink dots and dandelion petals all around it. I loved how it looked. Stress reliever...

"That's beautiful....",a voice sorta whispered from my back and I turned around to see who it was.

My vision immediately went straight to the door were I locked eyes with Richie and had him give me a thumbs up, indicating this was a go-ahead. My eyes travelled back and scanned this person's face. I was slightly nervous as I stated at him.

"Don't be nervous, it only raises the barner.....", He said sitting on the bench slightly away from me. "J for ....Jane, Jordan, Janette....Julia...Juliana...---",

"Jennifer...but I prefer Jenny", I half laughed at his tactic of trying to find out my name. He was too smart for his own good.

"Orlama....", He replied with an equal smile and points at himself and I nodd. We had three more minutes on our clock and we spent it talking about school. I looked at Isha from time to time and I could see she was busy talking to her new deskmate. It sure was a good gesture. The teacher walked in looking like some Cambridge professor and my eyes immediately widened.

"College in high school....", Orlama whispered as he jumped off the desk. He laughed and I instantly, liked him. I would've said those exact same words. For a moment I was worried that he will get up and leave and I'd be alone on the entire bench. As though he read my mind, he looked back at me and asked if anyone was sitting with me, I shook my head and he carefully took the seat just right next to mine. Perfect....

The class began with the teacher introducing himself and am glad she didn't expect us to do the same to the entire class. That was so kindergarten. She had printed sheets of paper which she had distributed to the entire class titled as the entire syllabus. I looked at Orlama and saw his mouth drop immediately his eyes landed on the sheet of paper. I giggled and looked back at mine. Too much work....

As the day progressed, we started on a lighter note we spent it talking about triangles, rhomboids and circles. They also talked about the Pythagorean theorem and we had a five minute pop quiz. Day well spent.

The lesson ended with the teacher assigning to us work to be handed in before working hours the next day.

Right in the middle of the teacher expanding our literature and explaining about reading lists, the door flips open and the entire class turns around to get a glimpse. Now it was my turn to have my mouth dropped. I thought I was going to have quiet a decent day but it all ended when in stumbled Carlos Jeffrey!!!

"Ugh", I say under my breath and Orlama laughs.

"You know Carlos Jeffrey???", He asked and it occured to me that Carlos already had quiet a reputation on the second day of school for someone as nice and delicate as Orlama to know him.

"Sort of, we have a clashing past....which revealed to me he's a total jerk", I whispered the last part.

Carlos locks eyes with me and I quiver thinking he might have heard me. Intently, I get curious to what Orlama knew about Carlos.

"Do you know him?"

"Yea....sort of...", he turned to me and grinned. I noticed him using my same words and I sat up on my desk.

He stopped and looked back at Carlos who shamelessly walks right to the empty seat in front of me.

"That is all for today, I will see you on Friday afternoon...",she grinned as she packed her bag.

"Be sure to hand in your assignment tomorrow..." She reminded and made her way out.

Following her, one by one the entire class started to dismantle with everyone hunting and seeking to find their next class.

"Classical case of perfect timing Carlos....", A girl with crimson hair waved at Carlos as she approached him. I noticed a coil on her wrist and initially thought it was a snake tattoo. When she gripped her book, I was able to see a red rose on the back of her hand.

She had a rose tattoo. Cute...

My eyes shifted to her dressing which immediately put me off.

She was wearing a dress that seemed to be made of a fish next, with bigger holes, all the way from her clavicle to just below her bellybutton. The rest was solid and hit half way her thighs.

From the look of it, she definitely would've worn it even if it was the fishnet minus the solid edge. Her dark green bra was obviously showing and I don't think she even cared. She had her feet in block heels and combining the entire pieces, she looked like a gangster.

"Yeah....way to make it on time for class....", A friend of hers stood just next to her, leaving her hand on her shoulder. She had her hair dyed grey and and it was short, barely covering her scalp. She had her entire earlobe covered in earrings. Wow.... She was wearing a vest and an open button waist coat which really went well with what she wore. She had skinny jeans on and a checked shirt wrapped around her waist. Unlike her friend, she had black timberlands on and I think she even tattooed it. I remembered them from the other day at Westwood hallway.

Wow wow wow...high school is definitely gonna be a lot of fun... definitely definite...

"Someone forgot to remind me it's Halloween...", Orlama whispered and being a mistress is sarcasm, I immediately picked up his insult. I laughed under my breath and covered myself with my math notebook. He leaned on the desk and laughed with me.

"I think I missed the memo... it us or them?", He asked making me recover from my laughing session.

"Them. Definitely's them....",

"Now that just completes me...", He smiled and turned back to the girls who were now on the class exit door.

"I think this will be my favorite class", I tell Orlama who nods in agreement. His face drops and i turn to see Carlos walking toward us.

"What do you want Carlos?", I ask, giving him a hint of my Carolina reaper heat. To my frustration, it doesn't work as he seemed to be amused.

"Nothing at all, Draculaura, am just glad we are sharing a class....", he mocks and runs his hand in his long blonde hair, shaking it and pushing it up on his forehead. I saw Orlama raise his eyebrows in demure and I really supported that look.

"Draculaura??", He asked looking at Carlos before looking at me. I expected this. Totally.

"She looks like a vampire. Acquine skin, hat on, dark cloths and everything else....",Carlos sassed me and gave me just the look.

"I don't know about him but I think you've got a great style....", Orlama said getting up from the bench.

"See you later J. ",He waved and left. I had a feeling he was running away from Carlos but whatever...

"You sure did find the lamest kid in class to befriend...", He laughed and pointed at Orlama.

"Don't say that about him. He's like the sweetest guy on the scale unlike you who's top of the other end....", I responded and packed my bag.

I wasn't shocked by my words at him. He brings out the worst in me and it's something I was totally getting familiar with. I saw Isha walk towards us and I must say I was glad.

"You get feistier each time we talk, Draculaura...", He exposed his sharp canines making me wonder who exactly looks like a vampire between us.

"If you call me draculaura one more time....", I warn with my finger pointed at him and he laughs. losing my patience with this guy and one day, I'll strangle him or better yet bury him alive. I've tried to imagine him without his sassy attitude and awful personality but I can't. It's like mopping an ocean.


"Hey class...", Isha waved her hand in front of her, ignoring Carlos and walking right up to me.

"Ready???", I ask not sure of what I meant. She nodded and I jump off the desk and stand next to her. We are about to walk out when John Cena-wanna-be, Carlos, grabs my arm.

"See you later , Draculaura," he winks and disappears as he turns on the corner.

"Remind me to think of a comeback...", I frowned.

"Better yet, we have a master of comebacks as a friend in this iconic trio of ours...", Isha crossed her hand with mine as we made our way to outside the class.

I looked at her and she looked back at me, followed by a wink as if she read my mind and we both simultaneously snapped...
