"What??? TwIcE???" Alex asked and from his tone I could tell he was shocked.

I told him about my progressing relationship with Jenny and he seemed somewhat disturbed and rather than happy for me.

I wasn't mad because at this point I wasn't expecting anything from anyone.

When I told him about our kiss in the laboratory, he was shocked to death.

I even asked if everything was okay with him and he said yes.

When I told him about what happened at her place in her room, he almost made me feel like he will smash the phone against the ground.

"Yes...twice" I confirmed with a smile on my face.

I recalled it all happen and having had happened a week ago, it still felt fresh as though it were only yesterday.

Till this day I couldn't bring myself to believe the truth that I had really made out with her.

There was just something about the way she demanded me to kiss her that got me to obey everytime.

One look at her and my while world falls in line. I just wouldn't say no even if I wanted to...

It was as though I was charmed.

"Carlose....are you there???" Alex's heavy deep voice called and I coughed.

"Uh...yeah....I was...having some water...." I lied knowing I was undone.

This girl was making me get mad.

Being on a phonecall with Alex and thinking about her at the same time wasn't working. I had to pick one thing and I chose the latter.

A loud thud echoed on my door and I turned back to take a look.


"I'll call you back.....Alex...." I said putting the phone down rushing to the door.

I slowly opened it and peeked to see who it was.

"Gosh!" she snapped and pushed through, snaking my forehead against the door.

"Ouch!!" I screeched and closed the door not forgetting to lock us in.

Paying me a visit was something hard to convince Jenny to do. She refused many times and said she doesn't visit people. She did not tell me why despite my attempts of trying to get the truth from her.

"Sorry...." she smiled and rubbed my forehead, walking back to my bed. "Am only going to stay here for five minutes so whatever you want to say, say it now..."

She sat back with her hands on the bed supporting her trunk.

She was wearing a white blouse and a black mini skirt not forgetting boots in her feet, as usual.

"You look good in white..." I complimented while sitting next to her.

She sat up and looked at me. "It's not for me...." she said standing up but I pulled her back and almost gave her a hug.


"...demon heart...." she continued and pushed her hair back. I gave her a quizzical look to how she managed to complete my own made line I had for her.

"My dad always calls me that....." she half smiled and sighed. She looked at me and I saw that taint of blue in her eyes again.

I didn't look away and held her face between my hands so that she doesn't look away too.

I kept us in that position until I felt her hands caress my forearms and her eyes studying every feature on my face.

I did the same and before we'd do anything she blushed and got up to stand a few steps away from me.

"We both know where that ends...." she scaled her fingers through her hair and looked out the window.

I smiled knowing exactly what she meant.

"Why did you want me here???" she asked and I turned my bed lamp on. I walked to my dressing table and gave her the tiny envelope I already had prepared for this.

I handed it to her and she opened it with a neutral expression.

The moment she read the note inside, I saw a smile bloom on her face but eventually faded.

I walked towards her and placed my hands on the wall, locking her in-between.

"Carlos....I don't think a series of intense make out sessions are enough for you to want to date me...." she placed the note down and I was surprised to why exactly she had her hands around my neck.

"Why exactly??? what else will be enough for you???" I asked lowering my head to kiss her exposed skin right on her neck. I knew I got her when I felt her move uncomfortably and tightened the grip around me, bringing us into a hug.

"Well.....", she swallowed and ran her fingers in my hair.

"Well what???" I asked again, now pacing my kids game and kissing her chin then her left cheek. She moaned and held onto me tight like she was going to fall. I held her back and helped her sit on the table while standing in between her legs.

I made her lean against the wall and pulled away from her.

I looked into her eyes and she stared back at me.

"What excuse did you give this time??"

She smiled and I did too. Knowing that I managed to make her smile amidst such a moment of panic for her,

"I said I had to go to the mall ...." she whispered and we laughed together in the next second.

Since I went to her house two weeks ago, our friendship had become so new and the best I've had.

We made out a lot and I wasn't sure if we were even dating or not. I knew we weren't just friends and weren't into the dating phase yet. I didn't know what we were but I knew I had to clear things up.

She visited me on a couple of occasions with the excuse of going to the mall.

She said it was difficult to leave home and I totally understood her.

I tried not to impose but after the first time she came, I got excited and convinced her to come again. It worked and here we were having our third meeting in my house.

Surprisingly, my mother wasn't aware of the fact that a girl had been coming over this entire time.

Jenny was secretive and I loved just that about her although I hated that I knew nothing about her.

"And your dad let you go out in the middle of the night with the idea of you going to a mall??" I asked resting my forehead on hers and running my thumb on her lower lip.

She looked at me smiling and took my finger off. Her face driven on my neck and I got a chance to sink her scent in.

She smelled lovely. Like roses and peonies.

I spread my arms around her and gave her another hug. She hugged me back and for once I felt good. I felt wanted by her and that's a feeling I wouldn't trade for anything else.

"Am waiting for my didn't say anything after reading that note...." I reminded her and felt her breath on my neck.

"If you kiss my neck I won't be responsible for what happens next" I warned and got her to laugh.

She turned my face to hers and after looking into my eyes for long enough, her eyes jumped to look at my lips and back to my eyes.

I raised my eyebrows questioningly and she nodded.

I stood away for a moment and kissed her Knuckles. I did the same to her arms and forearms and her nose.

"You're so beautiful. Am sure you know that...." I reminded her.

"I don't know that...." she said touching my collar. "It's different when you say it"

"Different?" I asked and she nodded. I could feel her body tingling from my nearness to her. The tension we once had was gone and it was all a comfortable zone.

She tried to move back a bit but my hand prevented her from doing it, holding her waist still.

I looked into her eyes and saw the intensity of her desire. She really wanted this just like I did.

We became two magnets unable to control the attraction between us and ignorant of who started it, I only realised we were deep in a smooch.

The first touch was so soft and gentle, as usual. The next was hot and exploratory. I literally felt her in me and I loved that I did.

She kissed me with fervour and the thought of her giving it her all became my only driving force.

We continued like that for the next few five minutes or so until...

"I have to go Carlos....", she jumped off the table and pushed me slightly. She turned around and headed for the window when I held her hand back.

I knew she was smiling even though I couldn't see her.

"Let go Carlos Jeffrey...." she said in a flirty manner and I rushed to hug her from the back.

"Carlos...." she cried. "I really have to's been over fifteen minutes...."

"You won't go without giving me an answer.....I won't let you go...."

"Oh no...."

"Oh yes....Jenny am okay with you being ---"

"No won't be okay with it. How are you supposed to date me when I can't date you??"

"What does that mean? you don't want to date me???"

"I didn't say that! Of course I want to date you but....don't you think it's too soon???"

"Too soon???"

"Yes...I mean....we've only been friends for two weeks after being major and this enemy game for a month. What makes you think just a kiss is enough to prove we have chemistry....???"

"That's the most obvious question anyone has ever asked...."

"It was just a kiss Carlos...nothing more. Besides, I can't go out on dates, I can't take pictures, I can't go to the movies!!! I literally can't do anything.....why would you date someone like that???"

"Because Jenny...I lov---"

"Don't say it!" she quickly covered my mouth and I became confused.

I tossed her hand off and looked at her, embracing her instead.

She placed a hand on my chest and I stopped, the breath in my throat stalling.

I felt like I had her and then she was drifting away again.

Did she like the fights better than this love that we had?

I knew she loved me just that I didn't know what was keeping her back. I lowered my face and looked into her eyes.

"You don't have to say those words to me Carlos Jeffrey...." she whispered and I felt stabbed.

Whenever she called me Carlos Jeffery, I'd get reminded of the bad Jenny that wouldn't spare a minute to harass me.

"If I am to give you an answer, I'd have said no but..." she paused and my heart sank. I dropped my head and ended up smashing my forehead against hers. It felt like we were breaking up and going back to our old selves and I wasn't ready to relieve such a reality again.

"I'm not yours to fight for....", she finished talking and I rubbed my chest. The pain became physical. She stepped back and a part of me dies. I couldn't understand how she could look into my eyes and break my heart like this.

She walked to my table and scribbled something on a paper which she folded and placed under my body spray.

"But what???" I bemoaned and walked towards her again. I just never learn...

"But I can't say no neither can I say Yes so I choose to be quiet and silent. And not give a reply...." she finished her words and slid my window open.

"Jenny...." I pulled her back in and slid the windows shut.


"Shhh...let me speak...." I cut her. "What is wrong exactly??"

"Carlos please....not this know I can't tell you anything....."

"... exactly what am asking...why???" I helped and I knew she saw me.

I've never been extremely sad in my life before. She was torturing me and fixing me at the same time.

How could she do that?

I held her hands with my head lowered not knowing what to say.

"Do you know how dangerous for you it is for the world to know you're in links with me?? I am literally risking your life right now....I can't sorry...."

"Jenny look....maybe the police can help. I mean --"

"No...!!" she opposed me and took my hands away from hers, heading for the window again.

I didn't let her go. I wasn't ready to.

Then, a thud was loud on the window and we both turned simultaneously to find her bodyguard, Richie.

"We need to leave ma'am....." he called and when she obeyed, I held her even tighter.

She looked at me and tried to free herself from my grasp but I didn't let her do it.

"Please kind sir, just a few more minutes...."

"We don't have a few more minutes...."

"Oh come on...." I whined. "You're a man too, you've probably gone through what am going through right now....five minutes then..."

I begged and he agreed after Jenny have him a look.

"I don't have any more time with you but truth being....I can't do this anymore....." I poured out and before her and I felt her cry.

"Carlos...I want to date you but I can' sorry....", she took a deep breath and a year fell from her eye and down her cheek.

I wiped it off and decided to listen.

Maybe I was being unreasonable and selfish. I wasn't putting her thoughts into consideration and it couldn't be that this was something big for her.

"...I don't want to say no...because I'd break my heart along with yours.....but... just trust me when I say....let's just do what we do...that's all I can give right now...."

In the next breath, I found my lips crushing against hers pursuing her passionately.

She kissed me back like it was the one request she asked for before being hang alive.

I felt a whole rush of butterflies and finally decided to bet on the old girls norm. butterflies in the stomach.

She pulled my hair as much as I squeezed her tiny waist.

We were both heartbroken and at the same time healed. I couldn't take more of another second away from her.

I loved having her close to me and feeling her heart beat faster than mine.

I loved having her hands ruffling my hair and each time we met, I'd purposely remove my ponytail just for her.

I was angry and vented it all out of the kiss. She was depressed and let it all out on the kiss too.

It felt more of a fight unlike a romantic gesture.

No-one wanting to give up and all the way, busy throwing tantrums making sure the battle never comes to an end.

I enjoyed every bit of it until we slowed down to take in some air.

"Okay....I'll do that....I'll trust you.....", I took a very deep breath and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Really???" she grinned like a little girl on a Christmas afternoon.

"Yes...really....on one condition.....",

"What is that??" she asked without beating about the bush.

"I promise we don't have to meet anymore and only talk through the phone....if you'd like. I promise I won't try to come close to you or make every one think we're together....I promise I won't do anything to hint that I know you....I promise I'll do that...."

"You'll do that if I what???"

"If you go on a movie date with me....."

"Why can't we just watch a movie here in your house?? or at mine....why do we have to go to a cinema?? And what exactly am I supposed to tell my dad, you know he'll never allow...."

"Because normal people go to the cinema for dates...Jenny you need to experience these kind of things...."

"It's not up to me remember??"

"Well...your dad just has to fuck off...."

"You know he can't....and it's okay like this. Am fine wearing a hat and being the black widow in the fine not going to public restaurants and not taking pictures...."

"Where's the fun in that then?? You have life you have to live it...."

"I can't....." she repeated for the millionth time.

"Don't you think you're literally closing your doors to freedom right now???"

"Carlos Jeffrey am not in for another lecture....enough of these good more please...."

"Don't call me that! Just Carlos....please....and trying to help you....It's sad that you have to live your life in hiding....I just don't like it. You're your own person and you have to live your life...."

"I understand but...."

"No you don't understand....this isn't about us anymore it's about you...."

"You're not God don't get to decide on what I do and what I don't....." she raised an eyebrow at me and I smiled.

"Okay..." I lifted my hands in surrender.

"Everything okay???" Richie peeped in through the window and Jenny nodded.

She looked at me and I gave her one of my most confused looks.

"I'll be down in a sec...." she told him and turned around to hug me.

I hugged her back and after we parted, we stared for a moment not knowing what to do next.

She smiled and I smiled back.

When I saw her eyes studying my face, I just knew what she wanted and before she got deep with her art of studying, I pulled her face close to mine and gave her just what she wanted.