"So your dad's not around?" he asked as I felt him splash some water onto me.

We were sitting in my dad's king-size bathtub with my back facing him, almost touching his chest.

I filled the water with rose petals and had some of them planted around the tub.

I placed candles in glass jars and scattered them across the room.

With the lights dimmed, I knew I'd totally get him.

"Uh...yeah....he isn't" I replied squeezing myself in the space between his legs.

I felt his boxers crush against my skin and it initially came as a tingling sensation making me think it was his hand.

I laughed at my corny thoughts and tried to maintain my stand so that he doesn't suspect anything.

"What's funny??" he asked.

"Oh...uh...nothing....", I replied and tilted my head his direction to get a sneak peek. He looked at me and I looked at him for a moment before looking back around.

I blushed and knowing that I was here with him was an absolute feeling.

He splashed some water on me again and we ended up in a wave of water splash.

The tiles on the floor got covered in foam and so did the walls around.

I shift d to the other side and rested my back on the ceramic tub while looking adjacent to him.

My breathing paced and I was almost hyper venting.

I rinsed my hands and ran them over my face removing some foam.

I looked at him and found him staring at me. From the look on his face, you could easily notice he was deep into what he was doing and which was staring at me.

His forehead had vertical lines and his eyes narrowed. His shoulders were broadened and looked more muscular now that they were bare. His lips formed a single line and while looking at him, I felt my heart skip many times.

I definitely had to see a cardiologist after this.

I looked back at him and swallowed the tiny bit of saliva in my throat. Having him stare at me like that caused me to sink in the tub and hide my body under the foam. I felt uncomfortable with his eyes lasering mine like that. His looks made it seem like he was an x-ray seeing through me.

I'd be embarrassing if he noticed my heart beating for him. I'd feel humiliated.

Being here and wearing a bikini was making me regret all this.

"This was some place you wanted to show me...." he finally said something and I felt my body relax from beneath the water. I popped my head and saw a self-satisfying smirk on his face.

I popped my lips in a smirk too and rolled my eyes while settling in the tub.

"I love coming here and just relax in the water...." I replied and gave him a satisfied look. He nodded agreeably as he looked around.

"How much money does your dad have?" he asked.

"I don't know....about.....fifteen billion dollars maybe....I really don't know...."

"Wow....." he sighed and motioned for me to go close to where he sat

I did as her requested and when I got to where he was, he brushed his nose against mine and as he turned me around to have my back facing him, his hands felt soft as he supported me by holding my waist.

I yelped and he winked at me noticing the effect of his touch.

I swatted his arm and got him laughing. He had us sitting in the very first position and crossed his arms around my neck planting a kiss on my cheek.

"If you were to write a book about your life, what would the title be?" he asked his lips barely and almost touching my ear. I let out a soft groan and fetched for his arms which I cling to tightly.

"Finished. I'd title it finished...." I replied and fixed my self between him. His two legs went to either side of my body and had me supported and shielded from the ceramic material.

"If you were to draw something, what'd you draw right now???"

"Well.....a snake... probably a cobra...." I shook my head still unsure causing him to laugh.

"What kind of a girl would draw a snake???"

"...and it'd be in the colour magenta..." I added as I danced with my shoulders shaking side to side.

He burst into a fierce laughter and I joined in.

I fell back resting my head on his shoulder and laughing my guts out. I had my hands on my sides and eyes closed as the laughter echoed in my ears. I stretched my legs to outside the tub and almost stepped on the wall.

I had been running away from myself and hiding in my hurting but now, I found myself in Carlos.

I stopped laughing and decided to take rest and breath.

My head was on his shoulder with my eyes still closed. I had a smile on my face feeling every inch of ecstasy being created in the room.

I was in a tub with a guy and half our body was naked. He was in his black boxers with tiny pink hearts when I was a black bikini.

My dad would totally kill me if he found out. On the other hand, I couldn't wait for Kailani to come do we'd have some gossip.

I shifted my head towards him and felt wetness on my neck. From the warmth it came with, I knew it wasn't from the water. I slowly opened my eyes and before I knew it, he was losing me in a very deep kiss.

I kissed him back and with our wet bodies so intimate, I didn't want it to end.

He nibbled on my lips and my nerves completely went numb. I got paralysed and unsure of what to do next.

He clenched my neck drawing me close to him.

His possessive angry mode was activated and I didn't really appreciate how it went although it always ended up to being the best experience.

My hands traced his abdomen and followed the lines his muscles made. Unfortunately, losing my grip on the tub, I slid off of him and into the water.

"Oops..." I shrugged shyly and he smiled offering me his hand and pulling me. He had me sit on his lap with my legs on his sides.

He leaned back and I rested my hands on his shoulders, ready for round two.

"Are you okay? are you comfortable??" I asked and he nodded.

It felt painful to be resting upon the hard surface of the tub and adding my weight to his, I must've been weighing him down.

Then, I noticed his eyes study my face and then go all the way down my half exposed chest and to my waist which was the only part of me above the water.

"Carlos!!?", I quickly brought my hands to my chest and covered it, feeling embarrassed. "Don't look at me like that....!"

He laughed. Yeah, I think I heard him laugh. I was about to get off of his lab but he pressed his powerful hands on my thighs restricting my motion.

"Am sorry", he replied still laughing. " look sexy in that pose....I'd have loved to take a picture but your bodyguards will probably assassinate me in a breath" he joked and I laughed.

"It's good you know...." I laughed along and wiggled my eyebrows at him.

"Seriously very sorry...for spilling milkshake on you that day at the gym..."

"I thought you'd never say it....and also for the way you looked at me. I felt naked despite having cloths on...." I shrugged my eyes and looked away.

I hated it the moment it happened.

Despite it being almost two months ago, the memories were still fresh in my mind.

Every stare came like an insult and I could feel poisonous arrows being aimed at me.

It really was horrible.

"My head wasn't in the game that day. Alex dragged me there for a meet cute and I ended up being the victim. I don't even understand what happened to me that felt like....."

"Magic....I felt like magic, right??" I asked and he nodded.

"How'd you know??"

"I felt the same way too. In the lab....."

"...and in your room when you showed me your science project..."

"...and then again now, in your dad's huge bathtub...." he completed and I became speechless.

He was actually going through exactly what I went through and it felt sane.

I adored that he could relate.

We both didn't know what was going on and having it happening, it felt real.

I looked at him and he was staring back at me.

Then, it happened again. The magic romantic ambience filled the atmosphere and I felt pixie dust on my face.

I heard somebody say abracadabra and that moment, he became the most handsome man I'd ever seen.

"Whether you get mad or not, am gonna love you until you hate me!" his words came like spears hurting me.

I felt sad than happy.

He confessed his love for me and I could feel a heaviness in my throat.

I failed to speak and I thanked heavens for it.

Carlos was in the wrong path by loving me. It wouldn't end well for him and there wasn't anything I'd do about it than stay away from him.

Yes. I was going to do that.

Right now, I was going to use all the time we had.

I finally surrendered.

I'd rather have a short time of love with him and stay an entire life of grieving for him.

"You do remember you owe me a movie date right?" he reminded me. His head was stuck in my hair I don't know why, but it felt amazing.

His hands where all over my body and I didn't want him to stop.

I nodded in response to his question and he smiled whispering a thank you.

My mind got lost in my thoughts and came back the moment I felt him lick my skin, just behind my ear.

I shivered in fear. Since I was a little girl, I'd never experienced such intimacy with anyone before.

Trembling out of his hands, he wrapped his around me and pulled me close to himself.

I blushed and avoided his face but he drew me to face him and his smiling face got me feeling safe and I'd probably be walking side to side.

"Say it...!" he demanded and my fast beating heart calmed down.

"Kiss me!"