"Pass the ball Carlos...!!" my sister Leilani shrieked and I smiled throwing the ball back at her.

It being a Sunday, we were at the park and to my surprise, my mother was with us.

I was more than shocked when she suggested we should come over and I didn't bother ask what exactly was going on.

We weren't on good terms already so I thought we might both need a breather.

We arrived at the park in the afternoon and I found myself thinking about Jenny.

After our movie date, I didn't talk to her.

Not because I didn't want to but because she told me she'll talk to me.

It's been two days and I see no call or text from her.

I was getting worried.

I stood up to her father and I know he had it in him to have me eradicated in less than a finger's snap.

Although, I was flabbergasted when his very own daughter was able to turn the tables on him and have his very own security against him.

In that moment, I was more than nervous.

Not even an injection has ever given me such fright.

I thought in a bit of a second, Richie and his team would go busting me and Jenny, dragging her away from the movie theatre.

And yet, the opposite happened.

Her dad was the one busted.

I was impressed.

Very impressed.

"Juan Carlos!!!!" a feminine voice echoed from behind me and my eyebrows furrow into a frown, wrinkling my forehead.

I knew exactly who it was as she was the only one in this world that called me Juan Carlos.

I pursed my lips and rubbed my eyes, sitting up with my other hand leaning on my elbow and my leg bent as though I wanted to stand up and leave.

She approached me and I could feel my blood boiling in my veins.

"Uh-Hello!! I think I called you!!" she yelled and I turned around to look at her.

"I heard you" I replied avoiding an eye contact.

" need to do something about that attitude of yours....." she swore and I groaned wishing I'd never come.

For my mother, she had become so distant and I was beginning to feel we weren't that close anymore.

She shuts me out a lot and forgets am her son.

I know she's had a very tough life but I can't be excused for it.

Am a person too and she just has to be at terms with it.

"I went through your school's website and found your mid semester grades. You have a GPA of 3 and it gives you a better shot at getting into college. Although, am not happy with math....intact am very disappointed!!"

Hearing her voice echo all over the place, I decided to sit upright and move close to her.

I didn't want her displaying my dirty laundry all over the park. I mean really?? privacy.

I watched as she opened her purse and takes out an envelope from which she drew a folded paper and unwraps it.

My heart folded each time she opened it.

I was more than shocked, not because of the results but because of the fact that she was going through my school's website.

What kind of parent does that?

"You've been too focused on yourself other than your schoolwork. Your math grade is literally dropping and so bad!!!" she yells in my face and throws the report at me.


"I don't think you should disrespect me over it...." I protested and she growled at me.

She got up and fetched the picnic basket. She opened it and unfortunately broke the cover which went flying all over the place and almost hit another kid.

I brushed it off and decided not to talk about it.

I watched sternly as she brought out a math text book.


"What--whats that??"

"A math text book...."

"Excuse you???" I moved back and looked at her.

"You're going to study Juan mathematics, here in the park and I'll be supervising you!!!" she spelled out every word and I couldn't help it.

I looked at her and her eyes pierced back into mine.

She couldn't take them off of me and I started feeling defeated.

I wasn't to blame. I've always been bad at math but she was taking it way too far.

Studying at a park?? She could not be serious.

Just as I was about to walk away, she grabbed my hand and pinned me to the chair.

She threw the book on my lap and I have her a warning her, to pray my knee was okay.

She left a bag containing my stationery right next to me.

"Deal with it!!" she shot me a look and left.

Leilani was running towards me and unfortunately, mom grabbed her hand, dragging her along as she left.

This could not be happening.

I rolled my eyes and ran my hand across my face, hoping to wake up from this horrible nightmare.

I start d thinking about Jenny and coming here to study wasn't really helping me.

I was supposed to forget her but she was on my mind the entire time.

I checked my phone and saw no text, no call, no nothing.

I got worried.

What had happened to her?

Startled, I looked for my phone but in vain.

Then my eyes landed on my mother's and my heart aches as she showed me my phone in her hands.

I gritted my teeth and felt my eyes get wet.

What was wrong with her??

I couldn't handle this anymore....

She had gone too far. I braced myself and walked towards her hoping to have a fair talk.

Two steps into the plan, I decided to back down and let it go.

I wasn't sure if she would understand or yell at me like she usually does.

Disappointed painted my face and made fun of me. Angry, I threw myself on the bench and took out a math book.

She wanted me to study, I'd give her study....

I carefully opened chapter five and looked at the various pictures on the page.

A few minutes later, I felt a warm breeze pass by. The twinkling of stars and sparkles seemed to have been obvious despite it being during day.

Again, just like magic, I felt free and belonging. I felt understood and alright to carry through it all.

I flipped the page to the next chapter with a smile on my face when I heard that voice....

"I totally envy that book...." she said and pecked my check. Her hands went around my neck stretched all the way to my face. I saw her slim soft fingers, white skin and knew who it was. I dropped my book and gave her my hand to lace her fingers with....and it was done.....

"Jenny...." I whispered.

She walked around and sat next to me.

She looked different...

Very different.....

"Oh wow..." was the only thing I'd manage to say in that moment.

"What???" she asked wiggling her eyebrows motioning me to comment on her new look.

"You look ... different..... beautiful different.....I mean you looked hot before but this is just perfect....." I smiled and she smiled back.

She was wearing a Jean button up skirt and a long sleeved white blouse with strawberries. Who would've known.

Instead of high boots, she had long pairs of socks and sneakers on her feet.

She was wearing a beanie and was her hair dyed?? Her tips weren't ombre anymore but something like reddish brown.....Auburn???

"Thank you...." she smiled and folded her hands on her chest.

"Where's Richie??" I asked. I was surprised that she was wearing an outfit with mostly pink and not black but knowing that her bodyguard wasn't with her was even much more surprising.

"Uhh....home. Am not a baby Carlos....." she sighed and I lifted my hands in surrender.

We weren't talking about this now.

"How was your math grade??" she asked looking at my text book. I noticed and closed it, putting it back in the stationery bag as if everything was okay.

"Ooh...I...I...uh... I--I killed it!" I grinned and I was happy to see the expression on her face. She was bright and smiling and her eyes narrowed puffing her cheeks.

"Really??" she smiled leaning in for a hug.

"Yeah....." I replied hugging her back, feeling nervous about this whole thing. She broke the hug and looked at me.

"You really aced it?" she asked again and I doubted my intentions immediately.

She gave me that curious look and I let out a soft chuckle, looking the other way.

"Yeah...yeah..." I rubbed my thy and tucked her hair in behind her ear, hoping it'd divert her attention away from my math.



"'re lying to me...."

"Am not....."

"Yes you are.....tsk. Come clean with me Carlos Jeffrey...."

"Don't call me that!!!!"

"I won't if you just come clean and be honest with me....did you pass the math test??"

"Okay....I was close enough.....not so really wasn't that bad...."

"How close??"

"Jenny....come you want some cotton candy or something??"

"Or something....which is...TELL ME YOUR MATH GRADE!"

"Shut up....." I laughed with my hands on my ears.

I was feeling really embarrassed.

Playing my love interest was some teenage genius who was not only younger than me but also made it into college. What the hell would she think of me if I go around failing my tests?

"I got a 38.... percent..." I broke it out and looked at her. Just as I expected, her eyes widened and her hands went to her lips.

"Perce-- gosh that's horrible!" she shrieks and I immediately feel demeaned.

"I know but....a square plus b square equals c square right????" I asked and she grinned in a very uncertain way.

"You don't even know when to apply that equation, do you??"

"Well I know 1+1 equals 2. ..."

"Yeah...we all do but that's grade 1 mathematics! You're in Grade ten for Christ's sake!! Algebra.... Trigonometry....Calculus....that's what you're doing.... not 1+1=2...." she laid it on me and I felt somewhat terrible.

She was right about everything. I had to step up my game.

"Now you just sound like a nagging wife...."I joked trying to make her realise I didn't need this.

My mom was here a few minutes ago with the same talk and I wasn't up for round two.

"No I don't..." she said it in her usual Jenifer Gonzalez defensive way.

"You just did it again...." I joked again and her frowning face made me laugh. She turned around about to leave but I pulled her hand and forcefully brought her to me.

Light as a feather, she flew in the air and landed on my lap with her face almost an inch from mine.

She looked at me nice and I completely got it.

I might have been bad at math but I'd totally get a distinction in reading her!

She blushed when I pushed her face towards mine and perfectly placed my lips on hers.

She received the invitation and in no time we were two steps ahead of the game.

My fingers ran in her hair and my other hand was holding her waist supporting her on my lap.

From last time, she had quiet gained some weight.

Not significant but I could feel it.

She hadn't sat on my lap for so long but she was already feeling somewhat heavy.

I was proud.

She was probably underweight and this would be a great improvement to her health.

As though reading my thoughts, she pushed her body towards mine steadying herself on my lap. I felt happy knowing that despite not discovering it, our souls would still connect.

I've had a couple of scenarios where she would exactly do or ask me just what I thought she would.

She was incredible.

Then, my hand landed on a soft, warm, silk feeling.

I glimmered when I realised what it was.

When she moved earlier, my hand flipped and landed just on her waist.

I was literally touching her skin!

I froze when I realised it.

I opted to withdraw my hand but I felt hers on mine as if asking me not to.

I really didn't want to but I opted for it. I didn't want her to think I was some pervert or something.

Up her blouse and around her abdomen, I ran my fingers, exploring all turns on her skin. It felt like caressing a snake. Perfectly smooth.

She felt warm in my arms and I could feel her heart beating against her chest.

My finger felt the edge of her bra and from the feel of the fabric it felt lace.

To this point, I realised she loved wearing lace cloths but I didn't know it'd go as far as her underwear.

My brain became confused and I was suddenly anxious. I didn't trust myself anymore and this had to stop. I knew she had no clue to what was happening but I had to do this.

I drew away from her but like before, she pulled me back. I took a deep breath and decided to let her be the boss and lead.

Running her fingers through my hair, I loved every bit of it and had I known, I wouldn't have had it in a ponytail.

Then, my fingers went up high passing the edge of her bra. I ran my hand over her breast and felt her smile into my mouth as she took a very deep breath.

Her breathing increased, she was almost panting.

I didn't stop.

I slowly ran my thumb across the lace, managing to touch her seemingly delicate nipple and she immediately grabbed my hand off.

"Carlos...." she whispered or...begged??

I looked at her and she looked very desperate. With her eyes lowered, her eyelashes looked longer than usual and her eyelids seemed a bit glittered.

Her eyeliner was perfectly done and then she looked at me.

She was suddenly scared and nervous. Exactly what I had imagined this while thing ending as..... she misunderstood me.

" so's not what you---"

"Carlos..... it's okay....." she smiled and got off my lap sitting next to me. "Just make sure you up your math grade...." she pointed at me and I laughed.

"That's a very terrible way of changing the topic...." I sighed and we shared a few looks before bursting into a very loud laugh.