WebNovelOur Love33.33%

1- Shy then fearless

I woke up this morning like no other with the worst luck. Like every morning for whatever reason my hair is a mess, all my clothes are everywhere( Like there is anything nice to wear anyways.) Was I somehow cursed as a baby to have bad luck or something. I don't know but it seems that it's like that. I decided that I'd take a quick shower (of course the water was cold cause all my brothers wake up at the crack of dawn and use the hot water).

Let me tell you about my family... I have 4 brothers of course they are all older than me typical right . My mom and dad are lawyers and are always out of town so I barely ever see them so it's just me and the bro's. The oldest is named Sam. He's the no harm no fowl type of guy. The second oldest is Romeo which by the name you could tell he was a player. Most girls fall for him. He is currently dating my bully April who if there was a competition for the world's best whore she would win. She's like a bobble head with crotch less panties. I know that it may seem heartless for me to say that but it's true. In sixth grade she tried to push me off the bus through a window. My second oldest brother is Landon he's on the soccer team and is well gay everyone except for my dad knows I accepted it easily but my other brothers well it took a while but they came around. At last my older brother Ashley I don know why but he was supposed to be a girl and so my parents just kind of kept the name I mean he's cool and all but he's trying to ¨FIND OUT WHO HE IS".

I got out of the shower and ran to my room before my brothers tried to play a prank on me. That is one thing they all have in common. I slammed my door closed and locked it. I put on a pair of black leggings and a camouflage crop top with a black sweater. I was clueless about what hairstyle to put my hair in so I just put it in a ponytail. I looked at the clock on my phone and I had to rush to get to school. I ran down my long stairs and grabbed an apple as fast as I could cause an apple a day keeps the doctor away.I could see that my brothers have already left so I grabbed the keys to my car which my parents thought would be a nice present so if. I didn't want to ride to school with the boys so I could go on my own. I got to school 5 minutes before i would be late and i ran to my locker and grabbed everything I'll need then ran to class.

I was almost late but luckily was on time. Of course my seat was always in the back and there were two open so I just sat in the corner of the back just the way I liked it. Ever since freshman year . I'm more of an anti-social person. I have friends but we're more distant. I don't mind though cause I like being a loner. I focused myself into the lesson when I heard the bell ring for lunch. OMG I was spending the whole time in my head. Well I guess that's too bad. As normal I get my food and sit at a table that no one sits at but me I got my phone out a play clash of clans. I look up and see all my brothers sitting together.

It was weird cause they never sit together not that I know cause none of them. Ever want to sit with me. I wasn't that hungry so I threw my food away. I walked by the table they were sitting at and thought out loud "oh what kind brothers do I have that don't invite their sister to eat with them" then walked away.

I decided that I was just going to skip the rest of the day and do whatever. I got in my car and drove to the movies and watched a movie. I got bored so I got up and walked out of the movies. I got through the movie and was now walking out of the theater. I looked at my phone and it was getting late. I was walking past building after building going to the car complex where I parked my car. I passed a convenience store when there was a loud scream. It sounded like it was coming from the ally way. The scream sounded like a girl's scream. I looked around me to see if there was anyone nearby but there wasn't anyone. I was worried that someone was going to get hurt so I reached in my bag and grabbed a butterfly knife that I keep in there in case of something like this ever happens.

As I walked deeper into the alley there I heard the whimpers of a girl. I hide in the shadows so no one would see me. I saw two guys well over 5'6. Taller than me. One was holding a baseball bat and the other holding a knife. The girl was on the ground sobbing her clothes looked like they had been roughed up. She had a bloodied arm. The men had Black Jackets. One of the men started walking closer to the girl. I didn't intend on letting the girl get hurt even more. I quietly stepped out of the shadows.

Since I was little I loved boxing and spent most of my time. At a gym though I had to stop when I got in high school cause my parents wanted me to focus more on my academic skills more than boxing boxing skills.

I charged at the man with a bat who was about to take a swing at the girl. I ended up dropping my knife so. I gave him a bolo punch and hit him strait in the chest. He stumbled back startled seeing me. The other man saw and tried to take a swing at me. I saw it in the corner of my eye and docked. He ended up punching his buddy. I threw the bat out of the one mans hand and pushed them both landing them on there ass's. I turned to look at the girl to see she was gone.

I was glad to see that she had made an escape. I looked down at my feet to see old rope and saw my chance to tie up the two guys before they could get up and go for a second round.

Good thing I'm a quick thinker. I said to the two men who looked at each other. I crossed my arms looking at them. What were you planing to do with that poor girl ? I asked. The tall man looked at me with an evil grin "what do you think we were going to do little girl". I scoffed by the looks of it it looked like you were going to kill her. The man who was slightly short chuckled. "If we wanted to kill her we would already have".

"Okay?" I looked at them "then what?". They both looked at each other. The tall one grinned at me "and why should we tell you." I gave a light chuckle with a more serious tone. " Well for starters I could knock you both out and hand you over to the cops or.." I then picked up my butterfly knife and twirled it around a little. The two men looked at each other. They we're convinced I wasn't going to do anything. I walked over at the tall man and held the knife there. Are you gonna tell me now.

We were going to take her to our boss after roughing her up. The tall man said I stood up and clapped now we are getting some where. I took out my phone looked at the men What your bosses phone number. The short guy shook his head. We can't say anymore. I looked at them with a grim expression on my face " What... Is ...The ..Number.." . The tall man said told the number. I dialed it and let it ring. When it answered I herd a middle age man talk through. "Hello". " Hi I have your two goons here tied up. in the ally behind a corner store come and get them if you want them." I hung up the call before anything else could be said. I grabbed my stuff and turned to the two men." I wouldn't say anything about me if I were you." I walked out of the ally and went home...