"I should leave you all. There's something I need to collect"
"What's wrong?" Katty askes as they all stared at Brithney blankly "Nothing"
"What do you mean nothing? You just left our presence a while ago in such a haste, now you're leaving in the same manner without us knowing where you are heading to" Ciara mentions
"It's nothing to worry about" she added about to leave
"What do you mean it's nothing to worry about? Did you even listen to what she said? We don't want you coming here and crying like a puppy. We won't sympathize with you " Katty takes over and Brithney turns around "Seriously girls…it's nothing really…" her phone starts ringing cutting her words
She gestures with her hand towards the phone and mouthed "I need to pick this call"
They nodded and she went on "Hello,"
"Are you on your way? I'm about to go out"
" I'm so sorry. I just saw your message. Where are we meeting?"
"At my place"
"Your place!" she exclaims and they girls look at her
"yeah…any problem?"
"No…not at all"
"Who is that?" Priya mouths and Brithney walks away from them reciprocating she'll be back soon.
"Ok…I'll text you the location" Romaine replies and cuts the call.
Brithney picks up her bag from the room then leaves the house.
Sooner after she finds herself standing in front of his door. Landing at the address given by him. She rings the bell and in her second attempt he opens up flashing his accountancy before giving her way to walk in. She does it majestically and he locks the door behind her while she scans his apartment.
"You have a cool place here" she compliments as he walks ahead moving towards the center of his living and picking up her ID "Thanks…I just moved in a few days ago" he responds turning around to face her.
"It shows," she says still flashing her eyes at the untidiness of his house. Sacks, cloths, sealed boxes which look brand new, and, an almost void kitchen with a bottle of wine on the island.
"That looks expensive" she adds bringing her gaze to him and he looks at his wine then back to her with a smirk on his face, "You think?"
"I guess…"
They stare at each other as he nods "Here" he hands her ID
"Merci" she appreciates receiving it and he chuckles "Do you speak French?"
She gives him a pleasant look "No, not at all. I'm still an apprentice"
He shoves his hands in his jeans staring at her with amusement "I didn't expect that from you"
She folds her fonts "What do you mean?"
"I mean…you're an exceptional lady with a beautiful profile and I know most people don't care about studying someone's language. Except they plan on relocating to a different area where everyone speaks just his/her language and nothing else. But you did prove me wrong when mentioning your desire to speak French"
Brithney cockles "Well, you're right. Maybe people don't do that. But I guess not all minds are the same"
"Yeah…" he nods
"And I'm happy I proved you wrong" she adds and they laughed in unison.
"Hope you're not in a haste. I should make you taste my wine before living" he proposes and she shrugs "Uhh…I thought you had somewhere to go"
"Yeah I do but there's still time to sip with a gorgeous lady like you" she giggles contemplating if she should accept or not.
"Sincerely, I don't accept drinks from just anyone. No offense but I barely know you. What if you poison me or something?" he chuckles "I wouldn't do that to you even if I wanted to. I'm already hypnotized from staying back. Even with the appointment I have in less than 5minutes" he stares at his watch
"I thought you said there's still time for…"
"Yeah I, did. Does that explain everything now?" he walks towards the kitchen counter "Definitely. That's why I'll be calling my friends to tell them I was held hostage by a certain Romaine." She stressed his name continuing "And that if I don't return, they should call the police"
He laughs and she follows after words dialing Ciara's number. He hands the wine and walks towards his glass cupboard peeking at her with raised fonts "Were you serious?"
She stares at him "Are you scared you'll go to jail?"
He cockles taking up two glasses turning around and marching forward.
Brithney phones and Ciara picks instantly while Romaine pours wine in their glasses…
"Hope you get here soon," Ciara says on the other side of the phone
"I should hang up now" Brithney mentions
"Why are you so desperate to cut the call?"
"Because I have to get back soon and you're wasting my time"
"Oh yeah… make sure you keep your eyes focus and vigilant"
"I know. You said that already"
"Whatever! All is that it sticks in your brain" Brithney blows her cheeks out impatient already as she looks at Romaine who keeps waiting for her to end the call with his hand clamping two glasses of wine.
"Hello" Ciara calls after a long wait to hear Brithney's voice but she stays silent until Ciara had to hang up.
"Uhh…she's a friend. She can be a lot protective when it comes to us" Brithney speaks walking towards him and he does the same "Us?"
"I have three friends and we always stick together"
"I see…I was about asking if that was your mom" he lets out handing her a glass of wine which she takes with a faint smile. Thoughts of what happened yesterday still tormenting her mind causing her to daze at the glass, lost.
"Are you sound?" Romaine asked staring down at her pale face "Umm…yeah. Just nothing" he nods gently sipping his wine and she does the same with hers staring and grinding slightly at him.
"I haven't done a proper introduction. My apologies" Romaine mentioned placing down his glass extending his hand towards her.
"I'm called Romaine Jorge from Georgina but reside here due to work calls" she receives his warm hands gracefully "Nice to officially meet you" he adds and she smiles brightly gripping his hand with a slight firmness "I'm Brithney Wimpbell. Lived here for seven years now. And It's a pleasure meeting you too"
They giggle at each other's presentations, releasing their hands and continue sipping their drink.
"You know...I'm only having this moment with you as an appreciation for keeping my ID safe right?" she breaks the silence.
"Is that so?" he acts up innocently "I-I thought we could have more drinks here on"
She cockles bringing her glass to her head "Is this a direct proposal for a date?" she inquires licking stains of wine on her lips.
"Your words, not mine" he gives her a side look swirly the wine in his glass.
"Don't try to turn this around because I know what that is. Well, my dearest and most honest response are, I'm not ready to be in any sort of relationship with the opposite sex. But the fact that you are so reasonable and truthful to yourself, we can be partners in... drinking delicious wine like this one. Sometime. While we move on with our separate lives"
"I don't know how possible that would be but something is better than nothing. You make me wanna turn into a female so we could get this over with" she laughs at his sarcasm
"If that's your decision, who I'm I to oppose" he mutters forwarding his glass "Toast to 'partners in drinking wine. Yet, without a connection'" she laughs accepting his toast, and they clinch their glasses smiling into each other's face.
"I guess we finished our wine before toasting" she announces
"We should add up and make a proper toast then," Romaine says looking at Brithney's almost empty glass. She follows his gaze to hers then his which isn't any different from what she's holding.
He reaches out for the bottle and pours the rest of the liquid into their respective glasses. "You do have good taste I must say" Brithney compliments as he rests the empty bottle on the counter.
"I'm glad you love it. I normally don't get this brand but I was leaked to retrieve a collection. I guess this moment was meant for you to enjoy."
"You have it all right. I do love it" she gulps a quantity of it and Romaine stares at her pleasantly "You know what?"
She raises a brow bringing down her glass "What?"
"I just tainted your drink" he teased and she froze blinking her eyes at him trying to digest what she just heard. Then burst into sarcastic laughter "Common, we all know we drank from the same bottle so if I'm to die, you will too"
"I don't think you get it. Why would I poison myself? Isn't it obvious that your glass was polluted before I poured wine into it?"
"So why am I fine even after taking more?"
"Because it was meant for you to feel ok. Not dizzy." He continues looking at her with all seriousness and she nods her head placing the glass in front of her. She looks through it as though she would see a strange particle. He explodes into laughter bringing her attention to him. She squints her eyes.
"Don't you think you would be dead by now if I did?"
She shakes her head with an insignificant smile. Pulling a strand of her average hair behind her pinnae.
"That's not funny" she reports "If you don't mind me asking, what would you have done if you saw anything strange in it?"
"I don't know…maybe just searched for anything my hand could reach for and aimed at you"
He bits his lip staring at her who has her eyes fixed on her watch
"Time to go I guess" she drifts her expressionless eyes at him with his hand jamming into his jeans and staring back waiting for her response.
"Uh- True. You guessed right" she rounds up with the red liquid in her glass.
"So, I'll be left alone," he says looking at his feet then back to her "You will be left heading for your appointment remember" she motions resting her glass on his counter
"I almost forgot" he mentions causing her to chuckle with a questioning look "Did you have an appointment at all?"
"I sure did have an appointment which took place just now" she freezes trying to download what he just said while he looks at her blanc face.
"…" she goes shut of words starting at him unbelievably
"I can't believe you just tricked me! That's the more reason I need to live now" she gestures to go then stops and says "That was smart of you by the way"
"Your welcome" he responds and she giggles heading out while he leads from behind.
"This is a fair well then" he lets out at the door
She turns around facing him with a suppressing grin "I wished. But after this moment, I can't thank you more for being right about everything. Including playing tricks."
"Your welcome once again"
"Still, I'll suggest you don't get used to it"
He chuckles opening the door for her and she smiles stepping down into the streets.
He glares at the back of her for a while before closing his door afterward.
The evening came and they had a girl's night at a bar. They talked nonstop. Even with the noise from the music booming throughout.
Apriva didn't stop drinking the whole time and the girls noticed. She drops her last glass down with a sullen face and watery lips which she wipes off with her forearm. The girls just fix their gazes on her. Expecting her to mouth something as a habit whenever she drinks a lot.
She notices every body's eyes and twits face "Is the something on my face?"
"You should be asking if there's something in your head," Ciara says
"You only act like this when you're not ok" Brithney adds
She gives them a sore expression. Then ropes her fonts with her palm and neck facing down.
"I-I need advice" she lets out still not encountering them.
Brithney pulls closer to her and holds her cheeks.
"Face us" she orders in a calm tone and Apriva does gently.
"Good. Now speak"
She gives them a pale face but they nod to calm her "I've been meeting with…this guy lately and they are so adorable-"
"Wait-they?" Katrina questions
"Yeah…it happened so fast that-that I didn't notice he was-"
"A Twin!?" Ciara completes her statement and she nods
"That was a surprisingly short and sad story" Katrina mentions
"We know right. The feeling of being with your other half who has his half is very heartbreaking" Brithney adds
"I wish I could take myself out of this mess but I can't" she gestures to drink another liquor but Brithney stops her
"You've had enough for today"
"I stand with Brithney. You shouldn't kill yourself because of some twin. What if he's a triplet. Will you commit suicide?" she says completely taking the liquor away from her reach.
"Katty!" Brithney calls and she gives everyone an innocent look "What?"
"I think I'm falling for them"
"Them!? That's a lot you have in hand."
"Girl, you are on dangerous ground" Ciara speaks
"I know that but what can I do now? They will find out about this soon and I'll be in big trouble. I'm so scared of an outcome I'm not ready to face"
"Yeah…you should be scared. Very scared" Katty utters bringing her drink towards her head.
"Let's quit all the horror and try to sort this out for her. What is done is done and can't be undone" Brithney cuts in "I suggest you tell them the truth. Before they find out for themselves. I know this will hard but you have to save your heart from drowning"
"I'm with her on this...one" Ciara mentions and Brithney gives her a side look as well as Katty who looks between both of them.
Katty coughs breaking the silence "I guess what is said is said. Don't think a lot. Brithney has just saved the day"
"Thanks so much, girls. I won't take any of your words for granted" Apriva mutters and they all smile sweetly while Brithney paths her "Now let's end the whole story. The night was meant for us to chill. Not otherwise"
They bring their glasses up "To telling the truth and moving on" Brithney announces and they stare at her in amusement before clinking their glasses with laughter.
To be continued…