
The man Brithney threatened called her and told her he was interested.

They assigned him to keep on with the deal he does with Mr. Leonel while working with him.

So, he'd be playing two roles.

"Listen very carefully. Anything he askes of you, make sure you get us informed. If we find out you're playing games, you know what is going to happen" Katty says

"Who do you take me for? A kid?"

She rolls her eyes.

"Enough. We're a team. Because we have a single goal. We need him to suffer for what he made every one of us goes through."

They nod and he exists in their midst.


As days went by, he made sure he came back with essential news. Things were getting better and better. Leonel was losing a lot of money just as they planned.

"Fuck!! What is going on?" Leonel flings files all over his office.

He picks his phone and rings

"Yes, Sir"

"Meeting tomorrow at 7:30 Am"

"But Sir, we're on holidays"

"I'm gonna kill you if I don't see you here tomorrow"

"Sorry, Sir. I will"

"Make sure you inform everyone," he says and ends the call.


The following day he walks into the meeting room and sees Brithney sitted.

He drops dead in his tracks while she smiles innocently.

He strolls past her in front of the extended table.

He didn't invite her or inform her about this meeting. How did she know there was going to be a meeting.

"I don't tell you about our meeting this morning. Sorry I just had a lot of things to do. However, who notified you though?"

"I've never really been on holidays, Sir. And to add to that I still did some work at home and noticed the drastic change in income. So I was here this morning to meet you and found out there was an urgent."

Everyone stares at them blankly

"What's going on?" A member of the board meeting askes

His face changes into a serious one as he begins the meeting.

"Nothing to worry about Mr. Sergei"

"I'm sorry Sir but she just pointed something very disturbing. Aren't you going to look into it?"

They all stare at him expectantly and Brithney smirks. He looks at her and she changes her expression.

At the end of their conference, Leonel was more frustrated than how he was at the beginning.

"If this goes on, I'm sorry we'd have to vote you out for the next-"

"You won't dare! This is my father's business" Leonel cuts him at once

"Yes. But not anymore. And If I can recall, he didn't give you any of his properties. You stole them. Your dad will never do what you do to this company. You're not fit to be here."

Leonel grits his teeth "I will be very vigilant from here on if I were you"

Mr. Sergei chuckles "I'm not scared of you Leonel. And I won't let you toast me like everybody else. You should be saving those words for yourself"

They stare at one another woundedly and Mr. Sergei leaves.

Brithney who was somewhere listening to everything comes out of her hole and gently parades his midst.

He squints his eyes behind her and she stops as though she felt his intense gaze then faced him.

"I forgot something"

She walks back and takes a file from their desk then said "Have a wonderful day Mr. Leonel"

He scratches his chin and settles on an empty chair once she is gone.


Brithney faces her girls "Ok we got this. Everything is intact. Donald took videos and has so much evidence against Leonel. There's no way he's gonna escape this"

"Absolutely. The case will be judged tomorrow. And Jake said Leonel's last Secretary will be there to testify against him" Ciara adds

"What about the will? No one has said anything concerning that." Katty says

"No worries. I was informed by Donald that Mr. Jay Cutler ran away. No one knows his whereabouts. That's why Leonel has not been able to see him for a long time now" Brithney utters.

"I think we're forgetting something. Don't you think, we need to get your parents out of that place? What if he harms them?" Katty mentions

"I will get them out of there the right way. For now, we can't do anything." Brithney walks over a seat and starts.

"Have any of you heard from Apriva? She's not been responding to my messages since she left to see Jeol" Ciara says

"Me too" Katty confirms

Brithney looks at them blankly "She-actually, she messaged me saying..."

"Saying what?" Katty yells nervously

"He accepted! He won't get married to that bitch anymore"

"What?! Why didn't she tell us?" Katty yells again

"That's because she wanted to surprise both of you"

"Oh gosh! That broke my heart. I thought you wanted to say something scary" Ciara mutters resting on the couch next to her.

Brithney laughs and stands "I think we should celebrate this"

"Perfect!" Ciara and Katty say in unison.


"It's time"

Jake wakes up and follows the two policemen as they drive towards the courtroom.

He walks in and sees his wife and kid, and the lady who knows everything about Mr. Leonel and Mr. James sitted right next to them.

"Brithney where are you?" Katty grumbles trying to get her through.

"She's not picking my call"

"Keep trying," Ciara says and meets Jake's gaze.

He gives her a soft gaze and she returns smiles.


Brithney is caught up in heavy traffic. She sighs peeking ahead each time to see if it gets better.

However, once the traffic spaces out, the taxi takes her somewhere else.

She blinks her eyes in confusion "What are you doing?"

Suddenly, everywhere is toxic and the driver put on a mask to keep himself from inhaling the scent.

She coughs and passes out afterward.


"Shit!" Katty curses "I feel something is wrong"

"What do we do?" Ciara questions.

"I'd call Donald."

"Sure. Do that"

Katty moves out and makes a call. After two rings, he picks.

"Donald? It's me Katty"

"Thank goodness you called. Leonel sent someone to kidnap Brithney. I tried informing her but she wasn't answering calls"

"Omg! She's not here"

"Shit! He must have taken her already"

"What do we do?"

"Calm down. I know just what to do. This is the perfect time to trap him"

"Are you certain about this? Shouldn't we call the police?" She questions breathing heavily.

"Very very certain. And no. We shouldn't call the police. I know where they brought her. I'd call you later"


She cuts the call and looks over at Ciara from a distance then dials another number.

"Please pick up" she mumbles to herself



"Are you ok?"

"No, I'm not. My friend has been kidnapped"

"Calm down. Which friend of yours?"


"Did you call the police?"

"No, I didn't. I'm scared"

"Just stay put. I'd try to call a friend to track. Can you please send me her number?"



Romaine's phone alarms with a message. He takes time to look through the message and his eyes lit up at the sight of Brithney's number.

*Hey Romaine. Can you please meet me at thethe GGrand Tour?*

He frowns at her text. She has never messaged him this way.

*Why Grand Tour? Is everything ok?*

*Just come quick. I'd tell you once you're here*

He faces twist intensively and he types a respond

*Ok. I'm on my way*

He stands and fetches for his jacket then moves out and towards the crane. He informs his secretary to cancel every meeting he has.

*Some minutes later*

He arrives at his destination and parks uptown front before jotting out. He studies the environment and messages her.

*Where are you?*

*Come right in. The building opposite the road*

He looks across and sees a building. He traverses and walks in as ordered.

Once he was in, someone came from behind and knocked him down. Befell and went off instantly.

Donald sneaked into the building and found some men untying Brithney who was kept unconscious over a chair.

He took pics of her and the men and sent them to Katty at once. Just then, somebody came at the back and saw Donald.

He tried to escape after noticing the individual but got shot. He fell to the grown and was carried by this stranger towards Romaine who was helpless on the ground.

Soon after, the police started coming from a distance and Brithney was recovering from her sleep.

Leonel and his men flew away and left her there in pain. Once she had a clear view, she saw two men on the ground.

She screams in recognition at their faces. She rushed towards Romaine and shook him to wake up. But he didn't. She saw a gun on the ground and uncertainly held it.

Just at the moment the police came in and saw her holding the gun and Romaine and Donald who seems almost dead on the ground.

They held her up and handcuffed her hands. Tears were not enough to prove her innocence. She became speechless and shock about the trauma was evident over her.

To be continued...