Part 4

In Kazakhstan, a famous businessman is kidnapped and imprisoned in a place far away from populated areas in an abandoned house. A place seems as a desert without sand dunes but full of tiny rocks. So, this man is approximately the mission of the fighters; you'll see later on how.

The house is dark and almost broken. There are two men, with two long beards, white cowls and rifles, standing outside in front of it, while their five colleagues are inside the house with the kidnapped, who's sitting on a chair, tied with ropes, and his head is hid by a potato sac. Suddenly, an old man wearing a black robe, tiny glasses and a big black cowl, appears and stands in front of the poor man. He punches him strongly and cruelly then he screams incomprehensible words while the other is just begging him to let him go. But this cruel old man orders one of the standing black beardy men something which made that man leaves and comes back after a while with a little camera. The old man takes it and starts videoing him.

Out the house, Scarlett and Frank come slowly from its two sides toward the two guards. The woman throws a knife at the closest guard's neck while the other man turns toward his dead friend and he sees Scarlett. When he's too close to shoot her, Frank comes and catches his head and khk! He broke his neck and he's dead. When the two fighters get sure they're safe, Scarlett says through the tiny phone in her ear: "It's clear"

Abruptly, two Jeep cars appear and get closer toward the house and when they arrive, all the team steps out the car but Ralph, Clover and Vector are absent. All of them are armed and dressed in black like every time they fight in mission. They stand in front of the door and Dina takes its key from one of dead bodies - if they break the door like every action movie, they'll make a lot of noise -. When she gets the key into the door's hole, the door falls down; it's broken, wow! By the falling of the door, the guards get angry, surprised and ready to shoot, but Dina and Scarlett get in and shoot all of them except the old man. After that, Frank and Mina get in. And Steve, he stayed in front of the house supervising it.

The princess smiles, stands in front of the black robe man whom Dina was catching and she says:

Mina: Buddy, you are always losing your chance in living in peace. If you always succeed in running away from police and us, live calmly and without killing anybody.

The old man: (angry) Go to the hell, Americans!

Mina: First, I'm not American; I'm British. Second, @!/* you!

She shuts up for a while then she continues:

Mina: Please tell me what the wrong with you and businessmen is?! Ha? What huge mistakes they've committed to punish them hardly? You kill them because they just help countries to kill you and your bugs' team? They deserve thanks and some Nobel awards, isn't?

Suddenly, our leader hears a voice in her tiny phone; it's Ralph:

Ralph: Mina, hurry up! I see three huge cars coming rapidly and toward you. They surely heard about our visit! Take the victim and the old guy with you and leave, now!!

Mina punches the man which made him fall. Then she turns a full "circle" and takes a gun was behind her back and shoots him two bullets. After that, she takes the sac off from the face of the victim to make sure he's that businessman and he's safe and alive though the bruises and she puts it back. And she gets out, ordering her team to take the dead and the victim. She gets in one of two cars with Dina and Scarlett and the dead body while Frank is driving the second car with the businessman and Steve. And without delay they drive behind the house.

The three cars that Ralph announced about appear behind the Fighters, and who are inside the cars - the beardy guys again - start shooting our friends. Steve appears outside the Jeep car with a big shooter and starts shoot them, and Dina is doing the same.

Luckily, the driver of one of "beardy" cars is shot and killed and so that car moves away rapidly and starts turning far away until it tumbles. Steve, after his bullets are over, takes a missiles gun and he shoots one of two cars and so that car explodes and tumbles away with new dead bodies. Now there is just one car that shoots very hardly as those people want the Fighters really to die hard. Fortunately, a red long helicopter appears with many missiles, Clover drives it while Ralph is sitting next to her and between his legs and hands a button to shoot those missiles. Hamilton pushes the button and one of those missiles shoots the last car and bouf baf tish! Anyway, the Jeeps stop in front of the helicopter which lands. The heroes get out of the cars. Frank and Steve are helping the kidnapped to walk, and all of them get in the helicopter with the dead body which Scarlett takes the potato sac and hides its head. Mina takes the place of Clover and she turns on the helicopter. That injured man lies on one of two longs chairs with the help of Frank and Steve while he's groaning. Vector sits next to him with the EMT bag and starts checking him up. Dina stands next to him and says:

- He has a deep injury in his neck and you have to stitch the wound.

- (nervous and afraid of losing the injured) What the hell I'm doing now?!

When Mina pushes a red button on a little black cylinder, the two Jeeps cars explode suddenly; the princess exploded them to "erase" their traces. And when the helicopter is flying, Ralph fires another missile at the house, and it's completely destroyed. Finally, the helicopter continues its road to London...

* * *

In front of her mother's throne, the princess - she's still dressed the black fighting getup - throws the dead body. There are also Ralph and the "zombie" businessman who stands with the help of Hamilton. The queen becomes too old as much extent that her face wrinkled and her hair became white like snow and short like men's hairstyle but she kept her blue brilliant eyes, and even she's old, she's still zippy, nimble and svelte. She's dressed this time a golden crown full of gems and a big white dress from middle centuries and no one understood why does she loves this kind of dresses. Then she orders one of her guards to take off the potato sac, she gets surprised by seeing the old man and expresses it saying:

The queen: This is the head of "the revolution gang"! One of the most dangerous gangs on Earth!

Mina: I told you to trust me and here we've succeeded!

The queen: Ok, well done. (She looks at the businessman) And who is this man?

Mina: Colonel Charles told us about the place of the head in exchange for saving the businessman William Twister after we spent much time looking for this ugly beardy old man.

Suddenly, a guard gets in and says:

The guard: The colonel Charles asks the permission to get in.

The queen: I allow him to enter the throne room.

A man gets in the throne room, aged between 60th and 70th, hairless completely, long, popeyed, wrinkled face, wears the green suit of soldiers and on each shoulder three golden stars. He gets off his hat and puts it under his armpit and finally he salutes. Mina and Ralph - who hates him a lot - salute him too while the queen just nods. Then he stands next to Mina and in front of the queen and says to the last woman while he didn't even look at Ralph:

The colonel: Your majesty, I'm sorry for bothering you, but I came here to apologize and to take my man from the princess who helped me bringing him safe.

The queen: Here you are the man you're looking for.

The colonel: I hope I didn't bother you, your majesty.

The queen: You didn't, but I wish in the next time you never repeat this, I hate when someone gets in my business. Anyway, thanks for helping us finding the revolution gang head.

Mina: So colonel, here you are the man you're looking for.

The colonel: Thanks, your team and you did a wonderful job.

Mina: Thank you, I hope you give me the money now. You know, we can't trust people nowadays. And ... I need another million.

The colonel: Why?

Mina: To buy more weapons, the twenty millions are barely enough for us and the workers in the abode. And today, we're out of bullets; the revolution gang is very cruel.

The queen: But I always finance you?

Mina: I know mum, but I want to rely on myself. Moreover, you are financing us from the Earth's budget and it's not a good behaviour. That money is for the Earth, not for just eight people.

The colonel: Ok, I'll give you the million later on.

Mina: Thanks. Where is my money?

The colonel Charles snaps his fingers, and suddenly two men with three black valises get in, and stand next to their boss. Then, Charles continues, smiling:

The colonel: These are the twenty million dollars that we're dealt on.

Mina: Thank you very much, colonel.

The colonel: (talking to his guys) Take Mr. Twister with you please and put the valises down in front of the princess. (Speaking with Mina) I'll put the million dollars in your bank account. Do you accept?

Mina: I don't mind, Charles.

The colonel: Perfect.

The colonel turns his back and walks some steps toward the door. And suddenly the princess calls him:

Mina: Charles?

The colonel: Yes ma'am?

Mina: (pointing to Ralph) You forgot someone.

Ralph: Hi colonel, how are you? (they shake hands and Hamilton hides his huge hate).

The colonel: Hi Ralph, fine, and you?

Ralph: I could be fine if you shook my hand before you speak with the princess.

The colonel: I'm sorry Hamilton; I was busy like you noticed. And now, goodbye, pleasure to work with you, princess. (He nods to salute the queen) Goodbye, your majesty.

The queen: Goodbye.

After the colonel arrives at the door, he turns toward Mina and says:

The colonel: Did you destroy the traces of the mission?

Mina: Of course we did! Ralph took care of everything!

The colonel: Really? It seems I'm underestimating you Mr. Hamilton.

Ralph: A lot!

The colonel: Well done guys, goodbye again.

After Charles gets out and disappears, Mina says to Ralph:

Mina: Why are you reacting always cruelly with the colonel, Ralph?

Ralph: Because he's always insulting me, and I hate who insults me, actually I hate him since I met him for the first time, arrogant...

Mina: I think he's kind a bit.

Ralph: I do not think that.

The queen: Will you get out of here or not?

Mina: And will you keep the dead body with you or not?

The queen: Damn it! I forgot it! Guards! Take this dead body from here and burry it before its bad smell spreads in my castle!

Mina: It's better to throw the body in the ocean.

Ralph: Or in a big bowl full of piranha fish.

Mina: Yeah, that's better, bye mum!

The queen: Bye...

Ralph bows his head in front of Masha without saying a word and gets with his leader out of the throne room...

In the afternoon...

* * *