Part 24

The spaceship lands on the runway of London airport, almost broken. And its smoke is spreading and polluting the air. Millions of people assemble there, waiting for the princess of the heroes. The fighters get out of the ship with their leader who is breathing finally the air of her planet. The public, once they see her, starts screaming, greeting and cheering her after they heard about her trip outside the Earth to discover the untold truth.

Abruptly, Black sees the Queen running toward her between the public and her guards and she hugs her strongly. The daughter gets surprised of her reaction while the aliens get sure that their leader is truly the princess of Earth. The latter mumbles:

Mina: I missed you mum. Sorry I disobeyed you. But it deserved that and even needed.

Suddenly, without further ado, Masha slaps her daughter while her team and the public and even the guards get shocked. And everyone stops making noise while she screams:

The Queen: I knew you'll try! What if you died and failed there?! What if one of these raffish aliens cheated you?! Or maybe they have spies to destroy the Earth!

Mina: They are not raffish, mum!

The Queen: Yes they are! They are aliens!! Don't you see?!

Mina: Being aliens doesn't mean being dirties like Cyrone!

The Queen: So... I have a final decision. As a punishment for your audacious behavior, and for disobeying my orders, I'll imprison you in the dark cells under the castle! And I'll execute your team!! The humans and the aliens!!

When the aliens hear that, they look at Mina while Panthera asks her, afraid and worried:

Panthera: Mina, what's going on?

Giant George: I didn't run away from the Universal Jail to die!

Frank: I didn't participate in this damn mission to be executed. I have a fiancee people!

Steve: I knew we'll fail!

Mina: Please guys! I didn't expect that! Mum! What are you saying? I promised them!

The Queen: It doesn't matter! You will be the cause of your team's death! Besides, aliens in our planet is a very risky thing!!

Mina: But Cyrone will come!! And if we didn't take care of that, it will be the end of Earth!

The Queen: I'll make a deal with him.

Mina: But my father tired to make a deal and Cyrone killed him! On my birthday!

The Queen: I'll be careful! And now because you are in my planet, you'll be my prisoner forever to not lose you again! And to not let you commit other dangerous galaxy problems next time!

The princess looks at the aliens. She finds them angry, disappointed and sad. And suddenly, Panthera and Stewart turn into two horses and Fifter and George get on them and they run away, while the guards hurry up, obliged, to catch the princess and her human team. They take them away while Black is screaming hardly, asking her mother to listen to her and to have mercy. But Masha's heart never trembles...

* * *

A guard throws Mina inside a cell under the castle and gets out. It's worse than the cell in the Universal Jail; dark and narrow, there is little sunshine getting through the little window with the old bars. The guard closes the door behind him aggressively, disregarding the screams and warnings of the princess about Cyrone.

The latter "sticks herself" by the door, screaming and looking through the tiny window. Then she stops yelling and breathes slowly and hopelessly. She sits in front of the door and starts crying...

Abruptly, she remembers something and so she gets up rapidly and comes back screaming this time:

Mina: Philip!! Philip!! I know you hear me!! Or at least one of agents!! Please for who heard me, call Schwartz!! Call him to rescue me before the death of my team and the coming of Cyrone!! Hurry up!! Philip!!

After that, she stops sadly and starts crying again:

Mina: Please... come... my team will die and we'll die soon also...

Brusquely, she hears punching sound very away from her then someone's opening her cell's door. She gets away to see who'll open the door to discover finally that the rescuer is Ilay. She gets very happy and hugs warmly her cousin who says:

Ilay: What a mess you did, sis!

Mina: How did you know I'm here?

Ilay: Is there any human now who doesn't know about you and the mission? When I heard that you're close to Earth and you'll come soon, I tried to arrive at London airport in the perfect time. But the forest was too away and the streets were too crowded. And when I got in, I saw the guards taking you and your team away. That moment, I got sure that my aunt ordered that and so no need to interfere in that time.

Mina: I think I underestimated myself and lost my prestige.

Ilay: What?! Are you kidding me?! Girl, you are the first human who gets out of Earth after a half century and comes back alive! My aunt never appreciates that because she cares about your and my safety.

Mina: Your safety?

Ilay, Yeah, my safety. Don't you know that she sent 100 guards with me to the camp? Just to protect me? You won't realize how much I got shy when my men saw the guards.

Mina: You didn't tell me that when we eat pies together?

Ilay: Anyway, guess who came with me.

Mina: Don't tell me the Colonel?!

Ilay: No, relax; it's Schwartz and Middy.

Suddenly both of them appear and get in the cell. Robin Schwartz is wheat-skinned, hairy with a hairy beard and almost white haired and bearded. Tiny- eyed, muscular despite his old age. The second one, Carl Middy, is white haired, big black eyed and curly faced. He's a bit shorter than Schwartz. Ilay continues, explaining:

Ilay: When you were screaming and calling Philip, the latter heard you. And so he called Schwartz as you asked while Robin also called Middy.

Mina: Thanks guys... In fact I don't know how I would do you this favour.

Schwartz: Don't worry; you'll do the favour and you'll know exactly when and where and how.

Middy: You are the Fighters, and we are the Fighters' friends; and friends help each other.

Mina: Ok but, how will you help me?

Middy: Oh don't worry darling. Cyrone is in his way and we knew that thanks to satellites. He'll destroy us after one hour. (He looks at his watch) Oh sorry, a half hour. So, we prepared everything.

Schwartz: I brought the planes. Middy brought the weapons. Ilay brought his men. And now you have to rescue your team which is now too close to die and our old Ralph will be the first executed Fighter in the history.

Middy: I haven't seen the aliens. Where are they?

Ilay: They got afraid and ran away when they heard my aunt's decision.

Middy: Damn, I really wanted to meet them.

Everyone stops chatting then while Black looks at them, completely surprised by the three men's conversation, then she yells:

Mina: I don't believe I'm talking to three crazy old men like you!

Schwartz: If you're not our friend, we would kill you once you swore at us for the first time.

Mina: My team will be executed and you just mention that carelessly!

