Part 32

Frank and Steve take Chris to the best cemetery in London to bury him after his partners told him goodbye. In the same time, The Fighters arrive with Ilay and his men at the abode with the handcuffed well Cyrone. They get in the second floor where there is besides inventors' room the tech agents' room. When Ilay gets in, he gets surprised and shocked by the beauty and luxury of the abode and compares between it and the old wooden store. Hamilton puts the alien down next to the elevator and follows the others.

Black stands next to a young agent busy typing the keyboard rapidly and she asks him:

Mina: Did you finish?

Agent: Sorry ma'am. I couldn't find the solution and I couldn't access in the system.

And because Stewart is a professional hacker, the answer of the agent attracts him so he asks immediately:

Stewart: What system?

Mina: Our plan now is to access in the alien net in your planets to contact them and tell them about Cyrone and the untold truth. Not just the other planets, also the Earth, to tell them that aliens are innocent like us.

Panthera: A! A good idea!

Giant George: Can we kill him then?

Dina: Why are you slapdash?

Vector: Didn't you hear George? He spent 10 years in the Universal Jail! How old are you Giant?

Giant George: I'm 50 years old.

Clover: Really?! You look ten or twenty years younger!

Giant George: Thanks my friend.

Mina: Did you finish your idiot conversation?! The agent didn't find a solution for access and this urges the aliens to find their beloved hero! His absence for days surely will urge them!

Scarlett: Is there just one agent? What about the others?

Mina: This agent is the only one expert in these things.

Dina: What about Philip?

Mina: Philip is inventor not agent.

Stewart: What about me?

Everyone turns to him while Panthera announces:

Panthera: Stewart is right. He hacked the security system in Nirona. So, I'm sure he's able to access in the net system.

Mina: Ok then. (She screams on the agent) Get off the chair!! (Calmly she tells Stewart) Sit please.

McDora sits and begins reading the complicated and long program page then after few seconds he tells the agent without stopping reading:

Stewart: There is a big mistake here agent. And this fault didn't allow you to access.

Scarlett: Don't the alien agents track you?

Stewart: Even if they tracked us... they won't dare to get in the Earth.

Vector: Do you believe he's right?!

Dina: What an optimistic and hopeful man you are, Vector!

Stewart: I'll fix it rapidly. It's not very complicated.

While he is working hard and his colleagues are watching him, Cyrone gets up of his stupor and finds everybody focusing and no one knew about him. He stands up very slowly and hardly cause of being aggressively handcuffed and harmed. He gets in the elevator and he arrives at the store - he barely pushes the button -. He finds Terry sleeping; it's the evening, his usual slumber. He gets out after five minutes of jumping, too close to yell happily and to celebrate his "mastermind and strength". And! Dubois and Vederova enter the store and get surprised by seeing Cyrone. But Frank directly punches him in the bloody face then Steve carries him from his neck and "sticks' him into the wall outside the store. After that, he says smiling, hiding his anger and desire of killing him:

Steve: Well, well, well. What are you doing here, old man?

Frank: I think he wants to breathe some fresh air in London. But "Mr. Tourist", you should know that London's air is dirty. Because it's crowded of tourists like you!

The French man hits his slats that most of them are broken so he groans. But the Russian doesn't care and adds:

Steve: Do you want "Mr. Tourist" to faint by my fist on your broken head to break it more?

Cyrone: No! Please no! Mercy! Please!

Frank: Had you mercy a half century ago?! Ha?! Cause of you I was too close to get executed by the Queen with the wrinkled head like the frog's who spent three days without water!

He punches him again so the "poor" alien screams. The two fighters don't care about being in public but luckily no one passes there. Terry wakes up cause of Cyrone's screams. However, he prefers to stay and continue his slumber: he thinks that there are only kids playing and disputing.

Suddenly, Mina, Ralph and Panthera get out of the elevator and Terry wakes up again. They run scared but they find Frank overlooking the door:

Frank: Why did you let Cyrone goes?!

Ralph: He ran away without we knew.

Mina: We were focusing on a big problem. Where is he?

Steve overlooks also and yells happily:

Steve: He's here! My fingers are around his neck! If you don't take him now, I swear I'll strangle him!

Hamilton hurries up and catches him. Abruptly, Badoni joins them and screams gladly:

Dina: Stewart found the solution!

Frank: What solution?

Steve: And solution for what?

The others don't care about their questions. They get in the elevator speedily - and Ralph holds the alien on his shoulders again -.

When they get out of the elevator, Vector asks them nervously when he saw Cyrone:

Vector: How did you find him rapidly?

Panthera: Frank and Steve, if I mentioned them correctly, caught him runaway.

Frank: Approximately runaway; he was jumping as running away.

Mina: So, what did you do Stewart?

The last one types speedily then he raises his hands and turns the chair, whispering:

Stewart: I'm genius...

When the princess looks at the screen, she finds just few signs so she understands nothing, while Ralph is putting Cyrone on the chair and handcuffing him. And she asks the happy Nironian:

Mina: What's this?

Stewart: Don't worry. All of these signs mean; we succeed and we have now to choose any planet we want.

Mina: All of them.

Stewart: All of them?

Mina: Yes, and I want to make a video now that appears in every single screen; phones, televisions and computers of all the planets. This if you have televisions to watch something except movies that you don't know anything about it.

Giant George: We have televisions. But we watch just news live.

Ralph: Dear! You're living in a negative world!

Stewart: I'm ready to film, ma'am. What about you?

Mina: Look, for the new members, call me Mina. Because all of us are similar, we are siblings, even we are humans or aliens. We participate in the same mission and we get paid the same salary. But you have to call "her highness the Princess" when you're with my mother in order not to get her on nerves... And about her, where is she? I haven't seen her since we started the fight.

Frank: Don't worry, she perhaps ran to the castle. I know her, she's foxy.

Ralph: Since when she's foxy?

Frank: Since Mina left the Earth. I discovered that.

Mina: Ok, ok, one moment.

The princess walks and stands next to another agent and she asks him:

Mina: Are the two video records ready?

Agent 2: Yes ma'am. You can take the CD. It contains the two videos.

She gets the CD carefully then she gives it to Stewart. After that, she pulls a chair and sits next to him then she announces:

Mina: I'm ready.

The Nironian types "Enter" so Mina's face appears in the screen as a mirror. But she appears in every screen in all the planets even in the Earth. She starts speaking while her team is watching her away from her:

Mina: Dear our alien neighbours and the humans too, my name is Mina Black. I'm the princess of Earth. And I'm talking to you from my planet. Don't get afraid or angry and don't run away. I won't harm you and no human will. At the contrary, I'll announce the two most dangerous lies in the history. The first one: the humans are unjust and dangerous and they steal your wealth. However, we are the wronged not the unjust. I'll tell you how, because you forgot that humans are one of weakest populations in the galaxy because they don't have super powers. Besides, we don't have spaceships like you. The second one: that man called Cyrone is your beloved wonderful kind hero. It's true that Cyrone is responsible for supervising the Earth, but he doesn't do it well. The dear UPO, you have to know that this man since even before my born has kidnapped humans from the planet by his black and green circle scary spaceship. He takes the kidnapped to the planets and lies to you, saying that this group of humans is who tried to get out of Earth to attack you. Finally, he travels to Mokera and sells them to giants for money and you know that giants' favourite dish is humans because we can't harm them as aliens. The worst, we, the humans, think that all of you like Cyrone and that all of you are kidnapping us and we didn't know that only Cyrone does and you are innocent. I destroyed the Universal Jail and I hope all the prisoners have survived. Do you know why I destroyed it? Because he killed my father when I was born, and his guards kidnapped my twin and my uncle when I was six. So it calls revenge, not just avenging my family, but also avenging my planet to Cyrone. If you don't believe me, these two videos will prove that. The first one will prove that Cyrone is the biggest liar. And the second one proves that he takes also money from us.

She nods to McDora so he inserts the CD and we watch the first video; it shows Cyrone and his guards kidnapping humans near river Thames and the last ones are running and screaming like teenagers in fun fair. The human Fighters get touched although they are accustomed while the aliens Fighters get surprised although they knew it when they met the princess.

After the end of the first video, the second one starts; it shows how Cyrone checks the fake billion dollars. In fact, he didn't realize that it's fake. However, he orders guards to kidnap the Queen.

We see in all the planets how the aliens are shocked by the untold big truth. The humans scream happily and in the same time they forgive the aliens and hate Cyrone. And the humans who lost their families' members cry because in final they know what was waiting for them. We see also Schwartz and Middy yelling, jumping and hugging each other. And moreover the old Veranian who owns the store, he remembers his sentence: "I swear, daughter, once I met you, I felt that you'll change the history of the galaxy and it will be a good change! Maybe you'll be the next example after Cyrone. Who knows? Even if you're a journalist, but the greatest people start from scratch!" so he gets happy.

Black didn't finish yet; after the second video ends, she pulls Cyrone's chair that he appears in the screen, and she continues:

Mina: I have another proof that I discovered few hours ago and no one knows it; I'm alien.

All the team gets shocked except Ralph and George. They look at each other, confused while Mina continues:

Mina: That's right. When I was fighting with Cyrone, (she shakes him) this animal, I discovered my super power which is moving things by brain. My mum didn't tell me about that. So, I'm an alien who spent her entire life in the Earth. This is as far as I'm concerned a proof "stronger" than the two videos you've watched. Now, this is your liar hero. Sorry for his huge fans for the torture my team and I did. Do you want to mention one of your great things you have done in your life Mr. Cyrone?

Despite his tiredness, his disappears. Thus, Ralph brings a bucket of water and pours it out over him then Frank comes with other bucket and pours sand out so we can see him moving at least. The princess threatens him:

Mina: Even if you are silent now, all your actions are clear and everybody knows them. So it's better to talk now.

Cyrone: Ok! Ok! Fine! I quit! You're torturing me enough! I wish to die and never get tortured from you! They are cruel! If they hadn't the two videos, I'll tell you they are lying. That's right! I was kidnapping humans in all my life!

Mina: I swear Cyrone, my great enemy and the killer of best twin and the most tender uncle and the bravest father, I haven't seen a man more "chicken" than you. That makes me sometimes unable to believe that it's you who made all this pain in a half century. (She speaks to the planets) Now all what I'm asking the planets is two things: First, it's to regard the Earth as a planet like you and to make it part of you. So come here and watch our movies that no one knows and discover Chris Pedro! Come and visit us and forget the bad reputation we had. And we'll visit you also. Second, please send your men to catch Cyrone and take him with you. I know you'll imprison him that's why I didn't kill him; because he's not from us, so I don't have the right to kill him. I hope you just hang him or torture him or kill him or shoot him and I'll even give you free bullets. I'll supervise this dog until you arrive. If you didn't come after five hours from now, my team which contains 10 members and I will shoot until all our millions of bullets get over. Then we'll hang him and make him a box bag and we'll hit him like boxers! That if you know what means boxing...

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