Chapter Four.

Zawadi looked outside her window and sighed heavily, leaning on the window panels. It has been a year since Ahana and Eugene's death.

A year of self discovery and growth. Both physical and mental.

She had visited them at the cemetery first thing today. She had also apologized to them for not having saved them. She still got nightmares about that day.

However life had to go on. She had gotten herself a job at a small dinner in town. It didn't pay that much but it was enough to cover her bills, and to her that was more than enough

So this was her new life, it revolved around the dinner and her apartment. She had no friends, even at the dinner where she worked, very few people talked to her, but she wasn't close to any of them.

It was for the best though. She ended up loosing everyone who was close to her, and every time it happened she ended up broken.

So she thought that maybe if she got close to no one then she would be safe from constant pain.

She picked up her coat from the bed and headed to the door. It was time to go to work.

She pulled herself earphones from pocket before putting them on.

She was deep into the music when she bumped into someone.

"sorry "she muttered under her breath before looking up. Immediately her eyes met brown orbs.

The man before her was a Greek god, but even saying so would be an understatement.

He was just as handsome as the heroes in her favorite novels, if not more.

He had a brown orbs, and a sharp jawline.

His chest was broad, and the muscles in his arms rippled as hell moved to steady himself.

His abdomen was tight. Hey probably had six packs, she thought, still studying his mid section.

A hand being waved in front of her eyes brought her back to reality.

"Miss, are you okay?" The handsome stranger asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm sorry " she said shyly.

"It's okay. Are you sure you are okay? "

"Yeah I'm okay. I have to go. " she suddenly said before turning on her heels and disappearing down the alley.

She couldn't quite comprehend what had happened. She had meet someone so..... so handsome and all she did was run away?

It didn't matter anyway, after all it was not like she would ever see him again, she thought.

She decided to go back to work. .

There were many customers in the dinner so she had to work twice as hard, especially since two of her coworkers had called in sick.

"Zawadi you are needed in table number 3" John, her coworker said.

"Can't you get Vannesa, I'm still a bit busy. "

"No can do sister, the man only wants to be served by you" John answered wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"But why? Who is here? " she asked getting irritated.

"He is the richest man in the country. Well actually help is the second richest. You know, after his father. "

"So here is a billionaire. What is her doing here then? "

" I really don't know, but her is so handsome I tell you" John sighed dreamily.

"John are you... " Zawadi started.

"Gay? Yes " He answered.

"Wow. You don't look like you are"

"Why because I am handsome and with six packs? "He laughed slightly.

"I'll go serve Mr billionaire, excuse me"

She adjusted her uniform before going towards table three.

"um, excuse me sir, you asked for me? " She said.

"Yes, " He answered turning to face her.

"You? "She gasped "What are you doing here? Are you following me? Is this because I bumped into you this morning? I apologized though didn't I? "she continued to rant on.

"Calm down I was in the area and decided to drop by for a quick bite" He answered with a smile on his face.

She scoffed before saying "You were in the area, Why did you choose this place there are better restaurant s around, and why did you insist that I serve you? Wait, how did you know I work here? "

"Oh Zawadi, I have my ways"he shrugged.

"How do you know my name? I'm sure I haven't told you my name yet, have I? she whispered the last part, almost to herself.

He smirked before saying " No you haven't told me your name yet, but like I said, I have my ways. "

"You are creepy "she retorted scrunching her face, making him let out a loud laugh. " Anyway, why are you here exactly "

"Well I came to get your number and ask you on a date "

" You really are straight forward. First, why do you need my number? And as for the date, I don't even know you. "

"Well I need you number to contact you of course and the date is for us to get to know each other "He said.

"Aren't you like a billionaire or something can't you ask those beautiful models out on a date? They are more suited for this than I am"

"I don't want a date with those beautiful models I want a date with you. So can I get your number? If you don't give it I'll just have to find it on my own, remember I have my ways"

"Okay, fine I'll give you my number but my answer about the date is still no" she said.

"That's okay, the number is enough for now. I will convince you to say yes soon"he said handing her his phone.

"There, happy now? "She asked giving him a fake smile.

"Very, " He said getting up giving her a kiss on the cheek, which made her turn beet red.

He chuckled before saying "I like your blush"

Then he turned on his heels and disappeared out the door, leaving behind a furiously blushing Zawadi.

That's when she realized that she didn't know his name. She had gotten caught up in the moment that she had forgotten to ask.

She made a mental note to ask him the next time she saw him.