Chapter Nine.

By the time Zawadi and Lucas were done with their shopping it was already half past six. She couldn't go back to work since her shift ended at seven,not that he would let her.

Lucas had taken her back to her apartment to get ready, while he had gone back to his house.

The event was to start at 9pm, therefore Zawadi had more than enough time to get ready. Lucas had forcefully hired her a make up artist and a hairdresser, despite her protests.

She showered and went to where the two ladies were waiting for her.

She was nervous. About everything really. From the make up to going with Lucas to the charity event. This time it wasn't because of the media, but because she hated being the centre of attention.

Being that she was not a rich woman and she would be in the same room, she feared would be enough to put the attention on her. In a negative way. And just the thought of it made her insides turn.

But she wasn't going to back down. She was a woman of her words and she had told Lucas that she would accompany him, and that is exactly what she intended to do.

She pushed the negative thoughts about all that could go wrong at the back of her mind and relaxed.

Maybe she was just getting worried for no reason. Lucas would be with her every step of the way. Therefore, there was barely anything to worry about.

After an hour or so, the. make up artist and the hairdresser were done.

She was all ready. Looking at herself in the mirror, she couldn't believe how beautiful she looked.

The gown was even more beautiful than it was the first time she tried it on. And the make up artist had done a wonderful job. Her face was lively, her lips full and shiny, due to the nude lipstick.

And her hair? It was fully straightened, making it longer than it originally was. The front part was braided on one side to keep the long locks from her face.

She added a simple silver necklace that Lucas got her. Finally she put on her heels. They were not too tall, Just the perfect height to make them comfortable and increase her height, Just enough for her not to step on her gown while walking.

A smile crept on her face as she looked at herself in the mirror. She truly looked great.

She secretly hoped he would like it.

Lucas went back to his house to get ready after dropping off Zawadi. He was beyond happy that she had agreed to go with him to the charity event.

He had never taken a woman with him before to any event.

But Zawadi? She was different, an. exception, he told himself. She was the kind of woman he wanted to be seen with. Not the models and actresses she had mentioned.

She wanted a woman of good character with him. A woman with self respect and honor. Rich or not, she was all that and more.

And just the thought of her, filled him with some sense of pride.

He stripped out of his clothes before heading for the shower. But even then he didn't stop thinking about her.

After the shower, he dressed in a black tuxedo, before putting on his bow tie and perfume. He ran a comb through his hair, arranging the locks neatly.

After checking himself in the mirror for the last time, he left the house to go and pick up Zawadi.

He could almost imagine how beautiful she would look with her hair and make up done. He smiled as he remembered the little fight they had had earlier, when he had decided to hire a hairdresser and a makeup artist to get her ready.

She liked being independent, he had realised, but most importantly she didn't like being pampered. It was like no one had ever pampered her in her life, he thought with a frown.

But now he was here, to pamper her and treat her the way she deserved. Like a princess, scratch that, a queen. He would treat her like a queen.

"Queen" he whispered subconsciously." My queen"

He parked his car on the roadside near opposite Zawadi's apartment before walking towards the door.

That's when he realized that he was nervous. Why was he nervous though? he had been around many women, he never actually dated any of them but he had also never felt nervous about any of them.

Taking a deep breath, he let his knuckles meet with the cool wood of the door for a gentle knock.

One of the other ladies named Joan answered.

"Mr, Steele come in. Zawadi is waiting for you. " the woman said.

"Where is she Joan?" Lucas questioned looking all over the small apartment.

Joan grinned before saying " she will be here soon. Have some patience, sir "

Zawadi came out of her room a few minutes later. Her eyes fell on Lucas the moment she entered the room.

Her eyes scanned him from head to toes, he looked so handsome, she thought. Just like the male models she always saw on TV.

She lifted her eyes to his and realised he was also busy ogling her. She squirmed under his gaze, bringing her fingers to play with the soft silk of her dress.

"You look beautiful, magnificent, breathing... " he rambled on making giggle.

"Thank you, you also look beautiful " she saw his brow go up in amusement and realised what she had said" handsome, umm handsome.... not.... not beautiful. " she stuttered out.

He laughed wholeheartedly at her embarrassed state.

"Shall we, cupcake? " he offered her his arm.

"Yes, " she said enter twining their elbows.

"I'll have to keep you by my side at all times , tonight of all days. I don't want other men flirting with you. And don't say they won't, because I know they will"

"I won't flirt back, but since I know no one there, I think it would be a good idea if you stay by my side..... at all times"She said.

He went forward and opened the door to his car for her. Ushering her in and helping her with her gown, then he got onto his side and drove off.