Aizawa Returns?! Training for the Sports Festival!

"Alright everyone, sit down and be quiet." He demanded.

All of us immediately turned our attention to Mr. Aizawa, who somehow was standing in front of us.

"I know that you still might be shaken up about the villain invasion that occurred last week, and we all here at U.A. understand completely. However, we have come to the decision to still hold the Sports Festival in a couple of weeks." Mr. Aizawa told us.

Sports Festival? Does he mean actual sports or something completely different?

"Uhm, what's the Sports Festival?" I asked.

"The U.A. Sports Festival is an annual event where all the pro hero agencies from all over Japan seek to recruit those who stand out to them. I'd recommend you all be at your best." Mr. Aizawa explained.

[The Next Day...]

The U.A. Sports Festival was approaching, the only thing I could really do was train for it. We weren't told what exactly the Sports Festival holds for us, so we had to be prepared for anything. I asked Mr. Aizawa if I could use one of the gym facilities to train in, he agreed and let me come in everyday until the week of the festival. As long as I made sure to. I needed to improve my skills with my Quirk, I have time, but I'm not sure how. I felt someone else was in the room and I looked around and saw Mineta. Honestly, I hate to say it, but it's kind of odd he's in the hero course. I would've thought he'd be in the support course or 1-B.

"Hey Leonidus-kun, you here to watch the girls train too?" He questioned.

"What? They train here as well? Awesome!" I replied.

"I know right! I didn't think that we'd agree on-" Mineta tried to say.

I cut him off before he could say anything else.

"They can definitely help me improve my Quirk!" I interrupted.

Mineta looked at me with a disappointed look.

"You, my good friend, are blind and innocent..." He frowned.

I looked at the entrance and saw not only the girls, but everyone else! Even Bakugo, I guess since Deku was coming along, he wanted to train with him as well?

"Hey everyone! I didn't think Mr. Aizawa would let us all train in here!" I exclaimed.

Everyone begun their training routines, I looked over to Kirishima, "Hey Kiri! Wanna spar with me?!"

"Alright! Now we're talking!" Kirishima responded.

I charged towards him as his hardened himself, we were going all out, rattling the facility each time I connected against his fists!

"HURRAH!" He shouted.

Kirishima blasted me back with his fist. He landed a punch on me, and it really, really hurt!

"Geez! You aren't holding back either, huh?" I asked.

"Well, you wanted to spar with me, I'm gonna give you everything I've got!" He exclaimed.

[A Couple Hours Later...]

My U.A. gear that I got was trashed by the end of training today. Kirishima is the perfect sparring partner for me, albeit we kind of got a little too out of control and knocked into Mineta and Tokoyami. Luckily, I have some spare uniforms though, so all in all, today was great! We're only one day into training and I already feel ready for the Sports Festival! I walked home with Kirishima and he stopped me right before we crossed the street to his house.

"I gotta ask you something," Kirishima said, "Are you and Yaoyorozu-san a thing?"

I looked at him confused, "What? What are you talking about?"

"You don't see how she looks at you? I always thought you two were a thing! At lunch tomorrow, I'll show you!" Kirishima said.

"Well, alright. See you tomorrow, Kiri!" I waved goodbye at him.

He waved back and crossed the street to his house.

[The Next Day...]

I sat down with Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina, and Jiro at lunch. A few feet away from us was where Momo sat.

"See! Look!" Kirishima whispered.

I couldn't exactly make it obvious that I was looking at her, so I stretched my arms upward and yawned. Kirishima was right, it was almost as if she was in some sort of trance! I stopped stretching and actually made eye contact with her. I smiled and waved and she quickly waved back and looked away.

"Well?" Kirishima wondered.

"I guess you're right! I never noticed until now." I told him.

"Just ask her about it already! Come on, I know you want to!" Mina was giddy with excitement.

"Well, I'm not really sure. Wouldn't that make things weird between us?" I asked.

"Of course not! Trust us dude, we know what we're talking about!" Kaminari smirked.

Jiro sighed and shook her head, "Why don't you guys just let him do whatever? If he doesn't want to do anything, then let him."

I'm honestly really glad that Jiro was kind of the voice of sense here.

I nodded my head, "Then that's what I'll do! I'll wait!"

[Two Days Later...]

I was alone in Gym Gamma, I've been training by myself for a couple days now, not to mention everything Annie's been teaching me at home. I threw my gym uniform top off, training with my Quirk kind of gets me hot! I guess it's because of how fast I'm going maybe?


"Yeah, like I was saying-" Mina stopped herself.

A loud boom sound was heard nearby, Mina, Yaoyorozu, Uraraka, Kaminari, and Jiro all looked towards where it came from.

"Holy hell, what was that? Did something explode?" Kaminari wondered.

"I'm not sure, you wanna go check it out?" Jiro replied.

They all made their way towards Gym Gamma, the area that they heard the sound come from. As they got there, they heard loud bangs and crashes coming from inside of the gym.

"W-What's going on in there... Wait! You don't think it's a villain, do you?" Mina fretted.

"Unlikely, security here would've spotted a villain coming into the gym from a mile away. Although that could possibly be the reason if they have some sort of warping Quirk." Momo theorized.

They quietly and carefully entered the gym. All of them peeked their heads into the gym by slightly opening the doors. Mina's eyes widened, the same with her smile.

"Holy... Look at him! Well toned, cute... I don't mean to sound like Mineta but Leonidus-kun is a total hottie! He definitely just took 1st place for Class 1-A's Pretty Boy award!" Mina whispered.

Alyx stopped training and stood still, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, he then stood in a charge up position.

(I.R.P.: Listen to "M-1703" from Dragon Ball Z by Shunsuke Kikuchi)

"Haaaaaaaaaahhhhh..." Alyx muttered.

Dust began to pick up and circle around Leonidus as he charged up. Sparks of blue energy surrounded him. Alyx's hair began to flow with the wind as his Overdrive began to creep up his arms and legs. The lights in the gym began to flicker rapidly as his aura intensified. He grit his teeth and clenched his fists tighter than before. Then, the gym began to shake, almost as if an earthquake had stuck the area! Blue sparks flashed around Alyx even quicker than before!

"HRRRRAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Alyx thundered.

For a brief moment, Leonidus' Overdrive aura surrounded his entire body! Glowing blue lines flickered in and out around his arms, chest and back! He collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily, Mina and the others kept quiet as they watched.

"Should we help him?" Jiro asked.

Mina looked over at Momo, "He's your boo thing, go help him!"

"W-What? 'Boo thing'? I'm unsure what you mean, but if it's anything like a crush..." Momo whispered.

"Yaomomo, he's all you talk about in the girls groupchat sometimes, I don't mean to sound rude." Uraraka added.

Mina pressed her hands against Momo's cheeks, "Girl, you gotta get in there and embrace your feelings! Now, go on and help him!"

Mina pushed Yaoyorozu inside of the gym and gave her a thumbs up.


Damn... I thought for sure that it would work this time! I guess I still have quite a ways to go before I reach Mode One again.

"H-Hey, are you alright?" I heard Momo ask me.

I turned my head as I stood back up to my feet. I smiled at her and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm all good. Pretty hot, but that's normal, my Quirk heats me up sometimes." I reassured her.

"You can say that again." Momo muttered aside.

"Hm? I didn't catch that." I replied.

"O-Oh! I said I'm glad you're doing good!" She quickly restated.

I looked over towards my gym uniform top, I guess the pressure I put out sent it flying clear up to the roof of the gym!

"I don't think I'm getting that down anytime soon!" I laughed.

I looked back at Momo, "Soo, was there something you needed or were you just coming to check on me?"

"Well... There was something that I did have in mind." She told me.

I nodded at her to let her continue. She looked to the side and held her hands in front of her.

"Would you like to... I don't know... Perhaps read encyclopedias together? If you aren't still training of course, you don't have to if I've interrupted one of your sessions." Momo wondered.

Reading encyclopedias? That was definitely a new activity that I've never thought someone would ask me to do with them. But it definitely isn't something I'll pass up on!

"Sure! I'd love to, I can stop training for today, the Sports Festival is still a while away." I agreed.

"Okay, one more thing, I'm fairly certain people wouldn't want you wondering around campus without a shirt. Would you like me to make you one?" She offered.

"If you want to, go ahead. I don't really care about being shirtless or not, I guess it doesn't bother me at all. I could probably go without pants! But that would be weird!" I chuckled.

She unbuttoned her school uniform completely and started making a shirt for me. I stared at her chest as it was glowing a rather bright white. It was actually really awesome to witness firsthand!

"Woah, I've never seen this up close before! It's almost as if I'm looking into like, a void or something! Cool!" I remarked.

She finished creating the shirt and handed it to me, "Here, you can keep it if you want."

I put it on, it was just a plain blue t-shirt, it actually fit perfectly! We walked out of the gym and towards the school. I would think that this place had a library? We tried to enter the school but the doors were locked.

"Hmm... How about my home instead? I've got dozens of encyclopedias!" Momo suggested.

I nodded in agreement, I wonder how big her house was? She did tell me she lived in a rather wealthy neighborhood.

[45 Minutes Later...]

Her house... Was HUGE! It was like a mansion! I didn't get to see everything on the inside, but I'd imagine it was nice! Her room was large as well, when she said dozens of encyclopedias, that was an obvious understatement... We were reading one together, although it was mainly just me reading definition, it started to get rather tiring. I rested my head on the palm of my left hand as we kept reading, I was trying not to fall asleep, but it was kind of hard not to with the smell of her room. It smelled of lavender and the room itself was rather quiet. I felt my right arm grow heavy, I looked to my right and saw that Momo was passed out. I guess she was as tired as I was reading this!

"Good grief..." I yawned.

I closed the encyclopedia and rested my head next to hers. As soon as my head hit my arm, I fell asleep. I opened my eyes after a few seconds and saw that there was a blanket around the both of us. Her eyes opened as well, her face turned red as I felt my face heat up as well. We both immediately sat up and looked at the encyclopedias in front of us.

"Well, that was quite the nap, let's get back to reading!" Momo nervously laughed.

"O-Of course!" I nervously laughed back.

We managed to get back to what we were doing before we fell asleep. Momo's finger landed on a word that I was about to look at in my book.

"That word right there, 'extraordinary', it means a lot to me now. I guess I have you to thank for it, Alyx." She smiled.

"In that case, I can say the same about you as well." I replied.

Momo tensed up, her face turned red yet again, but she punched me in the stomach! I fell off the chair I was in as she rushed over to me.

"Oh my goodness! I am so sorry, I'm unsure why I did that!" She quickly apologized.

"I-It's... Fine... Geez, I didn't think you could punch that hard!" I chuckled.

Well, one thing was for certain, my heart was definitely set!