We finally got settled in after a few days, and we were back to our studies. Our next big test was our Provisional License Exam! I was super excited for it! But, before that, Mr. Aizawa and the other teachers tasked us with creating an ultimate move. Since usually every Pro Hero had one, it was obvious that we should create one as well. We were in one of gyms that we used to train in a while back for the Sports Festival. I stood in front of a stone pillar; I wonder what all I could do? I first started by lifting one hand into the air, just like what All For One did. There's no way I'll be able to make an energy ball that big. I put everything into it, I looked up and noticed that it was the size of a baseball. Was this even powerful enough? I decided to test it out on the stone pillar.
"HURAAHH!" I shouted.
I threw the bright Overdrive ball at the stone pillar. It hit it, but it didn't explode or do anything, it just stayed there.
"Damn it! It didn't work?" I thought to myself.
I opened my hand, and it exploded! So, it was some type of detonation move? What should I call it? Maybe I should refine it a bit more before I call it an ultimate move.
[1 Week Later...]
I went to the school's workshop room to improve my costume a few days before the Exam. I also managed to perfect that detonation move, I'm calling it "Flash Cannon." So, I was told that the girl that worked on the costumes here was really, REALLY smart. I knocked on the door and was greeted with a pink haired, steam punk looking girl.
"Hey! Are you here to get your costume redone? Fixed? Improved?!? My name's Mei Hatsume! What's yours? Wait, aren't you-" She kept going on and on and on! It was like this girl was in hyper speed mode!
"Uh, yeah, I'm Alyx Leonidus. Could you improve my costume? I was looking mostly for something that could protect my legs since kicking things takes a toll on them." I asked.
I didn't know that I'd be in for a treat, and it was a crazy one!
"Oh boy, can I!?!" She yelled.
She pulled me into the room and took my measurements in what felt like a nanosecond.
"Alrighty! Which one of my babies do you wanna try out?!" She exclaimed.
B-Babies? Did she mean her inventions?
"Uh...Which one would you want me to try?" I asked reluctantly.
"Well, silly," She grinned, "Why not all of 'em!"
All... of them? They all look cool, but I don't think I need something like them.
"Well, I was hoping you could maybe make one instead?" I wondered.
"You mean something like this?" Hatsume replied.
She showed me a drawing she made of a new version of my costume.
"W-Woah... That's perfect! How'd you know I wanted that?" I beamed.
"Trust me, I can read anyone like a book! It should be ready the day of the Exam, just see me before and I can give it to you!" She giggled.
You know, Hatsume is a really cool person!
"Thanks a bunch, Hatsume-san!" I smiled.
She smiled and waved at me, she got right to work on my costume. I can't wait to see what it looks like! Hopefully it'll look way better than my original!
[The Next Day...]
I was made the designated "Grocery Bringer of Justice" by legitimately everyone.
"Leonidus-kun, you are the only student that can hold more than one object using your Quirk without becoming nauseated, correct?" Iida asked me.
I looked down at the ground, "Well... I guess so. I'm not sure if my Quirk would exactly be useful for stuff like this."
"Dude, we literally were t-posing in the air all while you made the speaker I have fly with us. Don't you remember that?" He asked me.
"Oh yeah, wasn't that when we were out there for like, 3 hours straight or somethin'?" I recalled.
Kaminari nodded with me, "Yep, good times. Good times."
"That was yesterday, you two." Jiro noted.
"Oh, right! I guess I forgot!" I laughed.
Luckily for me, today was the day that I started grocery duty, forever. As I headed down to the city, I pulled out a list that Iida gave me. It wasn't as long of a list as I thought it was going to be. I finally found a grocery store and went into a shop. The list lied; my entire cart was full of stuff! I guess I should've known since there's like 21 of us in one place. I finally got to the register after what felt like hours of shopping.
"Good evening!" The cashier greeted.
It took about a couple of minutes before all of our groceries were rung up, "That'll be ¥13,745.29, sir!"
I still couldn't wrap my head around how much money that is! That's $130 dollars in America! Which I figured out thanks to Momo and Iida, since they taught me about Yen. I pulled out my wallet, Luckily, I had way more than enough Yen to pay for the stuff!
"Do you need help carrying this out, sir?" The cashier asked me.
I shook my head, "No, I've got it. Thank you though!"
I went into Mode One and touched the groceries. The bags started to float as my Overdrive surrounded them. I left the store and decided to fly back to the dorms. My phone started to ring and I answered it.
"Hey, Shoto, what's up? I'm on my way back now." I told him.
"Please hurry." Shoto whispered.
"What? What's going on, are you okay?" I asked him.
I was getting worried, what was going on?
"Kaminari-kun, he's doing that one thing, the intimidation pose on top of the table. Iida's told him to get down from the table, but I think that pose is making him too powerful." Shoto explained.
I sighed and felt that familiar "what the hell" look come across my face.
"Good grief... Alright, I'll be back in a few." I responded.
I hung up the phone and zoomed on back to the dorms. It didn't take me long to get back, maybe about 3 minutes or so? I opened the door, and there he was, still standing on the table. I walked over to the counter and set the groceries down. Kaminari jumped down from the table, pulled a bag of chips out from one of the bags, and ran upstairs to his room.
"Well... Alright?" I said to myself.
I opened one of the cabinets and Shoto was in there! He startled me!
"G-GEEZ! Shoto, what are you doing?!" I shouted.
"Is he gone?" Shoto asked.
I nodded my head, "Yeah, he's gone. You know that pose isn't actually intimidating, right?"
Shoto climbed out of the cabinet and helped me put the groceries away.