It was already Spring Break before we knew it! I could imagine all the fun we would have, until we got the news that we were all interning again. But this time, ALL of us were interning at the same agency. That's strange, why would we be doing that? There were... A lot of us interning at the same place, in fact, every school was! Something was going on! We were told that we were helping evacuate people located in a city called "Jaku" behind the mountains in Kyoto by Burnin, Endeavor's sidekick.
What exactly we were evacuating them from, I'm not sure. A possible earthquake maybe? We stood there and waited, Deku looked over and noticed the earring I was wearing.
"Hey, Leonidus-san, why are you wearing those earrings? Those look like something someone at least over 100 years ago would wear." Deku wondered.
"Well, I've always thought about wearing them to honor a someone. I figured now was the right time. I'm not sure why though, I guess a gut feeling." I replied.
"Alright, let's move! We've got no time to waste!" Burnin shouted.
We all rushed in towards the city. In no time, we got to work evacuating as many people as we could. This shouldn't be too hard, it's not that big of a city. I looked over and noticed a hospital, it didn't look like it was being used, but it was decent looking for its condition. I got some people out of the city, as I was going to help a child, I heard something. I looked behind me, and the entire city was... turning to ash?!
"O-OH MY GOD!!" I shouted.
I picked the kid up and activated Mode Two. As I was running away, I heard on Endeavor on my communicator.
"Everyone! Get as far as possible away from the hospital! He's awake!" Endeavor ordered.
"He?" Who was awake? Who was he talking about? Whatever the hell it was, they must've been powerful! I jumped into the air and got away from the area. I landed back down in front of Burnin.
"Hopefully that's everyone." I told her.
I brushed myself off and looked back towards Jaku City.
"What in the hell is going on? The entire place seemingly's been reduced to ash!" I asked.
"Shigaraki, that's what." She responded.
I saw Deku use his St. Louis Smash Air Force at the Decay! This felt unreal! How did Shigaraki get this much power added to his Quirk?! We all had to fall back, there was nothing any of us could to do try and stop his Decay! Once it had stopped, nothing of the surrounding area was left, luckily, during this, we brought as many more citizens as we possibly could. What do we even do now? I saw Deku and Bakugo head towards Shigaraki, he said something about him being after One for All! I was just about to go with them, until I heard a rumble.
I looked over and saw a huge behemoth! It looked almost like a mountain! Was that Mt. Lady? Wait... That's where Momo and the others are! If I'm not going to be of use here, then maybe I can be useful against that giant! Without a word, I flew over to where that giant was! I just couldn't sit here and do nothing! I flew behind it and created a whip from my Overdrive. I wrapped it around its waist and went into Mode Two. I was trying to pull the thing back, but it wasn't working! Albeit I was helping Mt. Lady out, it felt like we both were doing nothing to stop this thing! It just kept pushing on through! I looked at the back of this thing and... The League! They were on its back! I knew it, this was almost like a war!
"C-Come... O-ON!!" I yelled at myself.
Pulling the Overdrive whip back harder than before! I felt like I was playing some kind of tug of war with this thing, it just wouldn't stop pushing forward!
"BOOST FIRE!!!" I roared.
I went all out, we couldn't let this thing get into Kyoto! It sure was persistent!
My Overdrive whip... I-It snapped! That damn thing flung Mt. Lady like some sort of paper airplane! Luckily, Kamui Woods came in just in time, and Mt. Lady was still hanging onto its legs! "Gigantomachia..." Something told me that, I'm not sure what. But is that what that is? I didn't hesitate to get in front of its face, this new move I made should do the trick!
"Heaven's Gates: Repel!!" I shouted.
Using my Quirk, I created a gate-like construct that blocked Gigantomachia's path! I clasped my hands together to keep the construct up, but it was difficult to do it when you've got a behemoth knocking on it! We were keeping it held back!
"Keep it up! We can sto-" Before I could give anymore encouragement, he broke through my Heaven's Gate!
I flew backwards from the force. I regained my bearings, I didn't even notice, but everyone somehow made a trap and Gigantomachia sunk into the ground! Whatever they were doing, it was working. I felt Momo's heat energy, thankfully she was alright, but then, I saw those blue flames! It surrounded the area around Gigantomachia! I darted down to the ground towards the rest of the League. I landed on that giant's back.
"Hey, I didn't think there'd be a party up here, too!" They looked back at me, and I was more than ready to kick ass!
"You guys go, I can handle this kid." Dabi told them.
His Heat Energy, it was very similar to Todoroki's and Endeavor's! I watched as the rest of the League ran away.
"So, I take it you're Dabi, right?" I asked.
"Yeah, and you're Alyx Leonidus, first year at U.A. Am I correct? It's been a while, hasn't it?" He replied.
I nodded. We stared down at each other before he spoke again.
"Listen, kid. I don't know why they decided to drag you all into this. If anything, they're the real villains for allowing themselves to risk the lives of children to stop a bunch of villains. I know you understand what I'm saying." Dabi broke the silence.
I went out of Mode Two. By his Heat Energy, I could tell he wasn't planning any attacks. He didn't want to fight me, and I really didn't want to fight him either.
"I see where you're coming from, Dabi. But we all agreed to do this, we all knew the risk. We never asked for any of this, but here we are. Who's to say if anyone's a hero or a villain in this situation?" I countered.
Dabi smiled at me, "You know, you remind me a lot of someone I knew when I was younger. Hey, kid, if you do become a Pro Hero, keep your loved ones close, don't you ever take anything you've got for granted. Whatever you decide to do next, keep them in mind."
Dabi lifted his hand up and created a wall of fire! I went through the fire using a barrier, but he was gone. I looked down at the ground, and back over to where that town was.
"Thank you... Dabi." I said to myself.
For the first time, I felt at ease, those words he told me... He wasn't just saying them as a distraction. It was almost as if he was telling me them from experience. I felt Gigantomachia get up, and I heard someone yell in the distance, "The sedatives didn't work?! Get back!" I jumped down to the ground as Gigantomachia slowly got back up.
"Alyx! Are you alright!?" Momo asked me.
I looked back up at Gigantomachia.
"Yeah, I'm alright, what about you guys?" I replied.
"Kirishima-kun's hurt! He stopped Gigantomachia from hurting Mina!" She responded.
"W-Who in the world... Is gonna stop... That thing...?" Mt. Lady managed to say.
We all looked on as that thing headed straight towards the now evacuated city. I stood there, blankly looking at the city.
(I.R.P.: Listen to "Might+U" from My Hero Academia)
Alyx looked towards Jaku City and Gigantomachia's path of destruction. Tears filled his eyes as he turned back and smiled at the others.
"I can stop him, I have the power to do it but..." Alyx stopped.
Momo walked forward, "But what? What are you...?"
"No, no... Y-You aren't saying that..." Momo continued.
Alyx grabbed her hand and smiled. He put one of his hanafuda earrings in her hand. Momo looked back up at Alyx, who was still smiling through his tears.
"I'm sorry, but it's the only way I'll know you guys will be safe. If I can take that thing out here, then I can change the tide of this fight!" Alyx replied.
Yaoyorozu hugged him tightly, tears stained his shoulder. Alyx hugged her tightly as well.
"P-Please... Don't go." Momo pleaded.
Mina ran over to him, Kirishima hobbled over and hugged him.
"Please, there has to be another way! There has to!" Kirishima cried.
"Alyx, you can't do this!" Mina begged.
Alyx backed away from Momo & the others and activated Mode Two, "Momo, I love you, all of you. This is goodbye, my friends."
He flew off towards Jaku City as the others watched helplessly. As he flew closer towards Gigantomachia and flew past buildings, Uraraka looked up at the sky, her eyebrows lowered with confusion.
"Alyx? What are you doing?" She wondered.
He landed on a nearby rooftop and stood in front of the hulking behemoth known as Gigantomachia. He stared it down as it wrecked through an overpass.
"Hey! Ugly! Look over here, you dumbass!" Alyx shouted.
Gigantomachia slowly turned around and saw Leonidus. He made his way over to him and grinned. Gigantomachia grabbed Alyx and held him up high. Alyx gave one last look back towards the others and closed his eyes.
"You must think I'm stupid coming here by myself. But mark my words, mark them well! This IS your end! I'll make sure of it, right now!" Alyx yelled.
Gigantomachia laughed as Alyx activated Mode Two.
"Mother, I'm sorry. I won't be making it to your birthday after all, but rest assured, you'll be okay! Tell Lizzie that I love her dearly and that I'll tell Dad she said that she loves him. This is goodbye, Mom, Liz, Annie, and Kariya!" Alyx thought.
Overdrive flared from his left eye scar and he looked at Gigantomachia, "Momo, Midoriya, everyone... This is for you... Keep fighting, don't stop until you win... Do it for the safety of the world! Become the heroes you want to be!"
Alyx's muscles tensed up, his eyes widened as his aura intensified, "OMEGAAA...!"
"...BUUUUUUUURST!!!" He roared.
Most of Jaku City was quickly engulfed by an explosion of golden light. Uraraka guarded herself only to realize that the blast wasn't affecting her!
"Alyx...!" Uraraka muttered.
Aizawa, Annie, and all of the Heroes looked on as Alyx unleashed his final move against Gigantomachia.
"ALYX!!" They all shouted.
Mina held Momo back as she cried hysterically, nobody could believe their eyes! Everyone's attention was on Alyx. Leonidus blasted the Omega Burst attack out towards the entirety of the battlefield, wiping out the army of Nomus, and even saving Midnight from death in the process!
"What the...?" Shigaraki muttered.
Midoriya looked over at Bakugo, a tear fell down his cheek. Dabi and the rest of the League were stunned! The Omega Burst didn't effect them, they were seemingly spared by Leonidus' kindness!
"Father... See you... Soon..." Alyx whispered as he began to fade away.
Alyx closed his eyes one last time and smiled as a wave of Overdrive washed over him gently. The Omega Burst explosion soon settled, and dispersed into a bright array of blue lights across the sky. Uraraka stood motionless, in front of her face, a piece of what looked like cloth fell to the ground. She looked down and picked it up, it was the front piece of Alyx's Hero Suit which read, "Leonidus." She held it close to her as she fell to the ground, her tears impacting against the pavement.
"Thank you, Alyx... Thank you for being a Hero, for being our Hero." Uraraka quietly wept.
The entire war seemingly halted for just this moment, as both sides didn't understand what just happened. Bakugo fell to his knees as tears dropped down his face.
"A-Amnesia, thank you..." Bakugo sniffled.
Izuku turned around and faced Shigaraki, rage and sorrow filled his eyes, he grit his teeth and tightened his fists as One For All sparked around him.
Annie stood atop one of the buildings in the now partially destroyed Jaku City, feeling both anger and sadness, she activated Gear Five.
"Shigaraki... You'll pay for this... You'll fucking pay!" She yelled as she tore off towards Tomura.
The Paranormal Liberation War was slowly coming to a close, and after Alyx's noble sacrifice against Gigantomachia, who would come out on top? Yaoyorozu slumped to the ground, looking at the hanafuda earring Alyx gave her. Tears slightly dampened the earring.
"Y-Yaomomo..." Jiro muttered.
She stood up slowly and put the hanafuda earring on her ear. Momo turned her head to look at the others, her eyes bore an anger nobody has ever seen before.
"We're ending this. Now." Momo sternly fumed.
Lizzie Leonidus left her mother's side and picked up a Violet-Blue flower off of the kitchen counter. The flower was going to be a gift to her brother when he came home for their mother's birthday. She left out of the back door and towards a small patch of dirt out in the yard. She planted the flower next to a larger flower, she looked down at the flowers.
"Aly, tell Daddy I said 'I love you', okay?" She quietly said.
She wiped the tears from her eyes and walked back inside.
Right before Momo Yaoyorozu fell victim to Shigaraki's unrelenting force, a voice was heard, and she felt a hand on her shoulder. "I'm always right next to you, Momo. Keep fighting! Don't give up, keep going until you can't move any longer!" That was the voice of her fallen beloved, Alyx Leonidus! A fire sparked inside of her, she let off one more desperate assault against the demon Shigaraki! She managed to wound Shigaraki, but in return, Tomura dishes out a violent assault that nearly kills her! All that were left standing were Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, and Shoto Todoroki.
In a shocking turn of events, Katsuki Bakugo protects Izuku Midoriya from getting impaled by Shigaraki.
"Stop trying... T-To win this... On your own!"
Izuku snaps and goes wild against Shigaraki, who just survived a fierce Prominence Burn attack from Endeavor moments prior. Right as Deku was about to make a move, Shigaraki darts towards him, "One For All... IS MINE!!!" He shouts. Deku, with no way to move fast enough out of the way, is left helpless. Shigaraki's hand was inches away from his face, but, a mysterious hero enters the battlefield in the blink of an eye! Punching Shigaraki in the face and sends him flying away from him!
"W-Who...?" Izuku muttered.
The mysterious stranger looks down at Deku and smiles, tears fill Deku's eyes as he realizes who this familiar savior was!