I watched the fight escalate even further from a distance. I decided to make my presence known!
"Hey! You there!" I shouted.
The fighting stopped for a brief second and everyone looked over at me.
"Who in the hell is this clown?" Toga yelled.
I did the poses that I practiced for 2 weeks straight, "Evil Doers beware! I... Am the Knight of Justice... The Great Saiyaman!"
"Now, villains! Prepare to be defeated!" I exclaimed.
"Woah, alright! I didn't know that another Pro Hero would be joining us!" I heard Kaminari shout.
Phew, at least they didn't remember my old Halloween costume! I rushed into action.
"Don't worry, I'll handle him!" Toga smiled.
Toga swiped at me with her knife but I ducked and swung my left arm at her. She grabbed my arm and smiled at me.
"Ooo... You're young AND have muscle! I'd love to see what your blood would taste like!" Toga giggled.
"You already know, Toga!" I replied.
I caught her off guard with that and I punched her in the face! Toga stumbled back, Uraraka smacked her in the face and made her float! It was kind of hard not using my Quirk, but I wanted to help out without distracting the others! I stood back to back with Mirko.
"Hey, not bad! You've got skills. How come I've never seen you?" She questioned.
"I'm... Actually a newer Pro! I was in the area and thought I should help out!" I lied in my generic hero voice.
We locked arms and Ms. Mirko threw me at Dabi! I hit him in the stomach with a huge kick and bounced off of him. I landed on back the ground.
"You're no match for me, villain! Give up while you still can!" I pointed at him.
"You're starting to annoy me..." Dabi mumbled.
I smirked; this was actually kind of fun!
"Hey! Saiyadude! Heads up!" I heard Mina shout.
I looked overhead and saw Mina flying over me using that Acidman move! She crashed down onto Kiko & Dabi, trapping both of them inside the Acidman! She tried using her Quirk, but the acid immediately dissolved Kiko's ice! I looked back and noticed that the League was captured! I couldn't be any more satisfied! The police took the League from us, and they were escorted by Endeavor, Ms. Mirko, and Burnin. Everyone gathered around me and looked astonished.
"Wow, that's a pretty cool hero suit! What's your Quirk?" Deku questioned.
Oh shit, I didn't think of a fake Quirk to use!
"It's... Um... Analysis! It allows me to predict my opponent's movements!" I told them.
Everyone kept asking me questions but I assured them I'd answer them once I saw them again. I jumped onto a car, then onto a rooftop. I made sure the coast was clear before I activated my Quirk and flew back towards U.A. I landed on my balcony and quickly entered my room. I closed my blinds and locked my door. I took off my helmet and heard a voice from behind me.
"You know, it's not exactly a good idea to be calling yourself a Pro Hero." Mr. Aizawa announced.
I tensed up and yelped. He startled me! How'd he know I left anyway?
"O-Oh! Mr. Aizawa! I-I was just..." I tried to explain.
Mr. Aizawa glared at me, there wasn't any use in lying, he already knew.
"Yeah... I know. I just didn't want to distract them. If I went in my hero suit, they would've been worried about if I was able to fight or not." I admitted.
"Well, that was smart of you to do. Although, you shouldn't do that again, you could get in serious trouble with the Hero Association." Mr. Aizawa lectured.
I nodded my head, "Yes sir, I'm sorry."
Mr. Aizawa left my room and I put away my Halloween costume. I made sure to put it back into the box and hide it in the back corner of my closet's shelf. I went downstairs and there was everyone else!
"Hey, guys! What happened?" I asked.
"Dude! Some guy calling himself, 'The Great Saiyaman', came and kicked the League of Villains asses!" Kaminari beamed.
"Really? That sounds interesting! I wish I could've helped you guys out." I responded.
[1 Week Later...]
I visited Momo almost every single day since we caught the League. But today, the doctors wouldn't let me see her. I got extremely worried, was she alright? As I left the hospital, my phone rang. I pulled out my phone and Annie was calling me.
"Where are you?" She asked.
"Well, hello to you too! I'm at the hospital, they wouldn't let me in to see Momo. Is she alright?" I replied.
"I'm not sure. I haven't been up there in a while. But I need you to come back to the dorms. It's important." Annie urgently said.
"Oh, okay! I'm on my way!" I told her.
I hung up the phone and flew back towards U.A. I wonder what's so important that Annie wants to show me? Why is she even at the dorms in the first place? I finally got to the dorms where Annie and everyone else was outside.
"Sooo, what's the occasion?" I wondered.
I was curious, what exactly was going on? Annie stepped to the side and standing there was a girl with long black hair and a mask that covered her entire face. I tilted my head with confusion, who exactly was this girl?
"Go on, take the mask off, Alyx." Annie instructed.
"Ooookay?" I responded.
I walked towards the girl and slowly lifted off her mask. I looked down at the mask.
"Wow, this is actually a really cool looking ma-" I stopped.
I looked up at the girl, and I immediately recognized who it was. I was dumbfounded, I didn't know what to say. I put my hand on her cheek.
"I-Is it really you?" I asked.
Momo smiled and said one word, "Sienna."
My eyes widened and I hugged Momo, I lifted her up off the ground as I hugged her. I felt tears of joy stream down my face.
"Y-You're okay! You're okay!" I shouted.
I looked over at Annie, who was grinning, I already knew what she did.
"Thank you, Annie! Thank you so much!" I exclaimed.
This truly was the best thing that could ever happen to me! I couldn't stop smiling!
"Looks like our other shining ray of light is back!" Mina commented.
[10 Minutes Later...]
"So, what all happened?" Momo asked me.
I sat up from my bed and looked at her. She was trying not to sink into that bean bag chair of mine.
"Well, do you want the full story or a bullshit, quick story?" I answered.
Momo lightly laughed, "The full story, of course!"
I told her about how I didn't sleep for 4 days straight and how I may have flipped out on everyone. She looked both shocked and concerned.
"Really? Why?" Momo questioned me with concern.
I crossed my arms, "I... I felt like it was my fault. I broke that promise I made to you and everyone else. I just couldn't sit around and do nothing! So, I found the League eventually."
"Then what happened?" Momo asked.
I pulled up my right sleeve and showed her the scar that Kiko's ice shard left.
"I fought 'em. All 5 of them, by myself." I responded
"WHAT?! What were you thinking? You could've gotten yourself killed!" Momo scolded.
"Honestly, I didn't care. If I died fighting them, I guess I figured that someone would've finished the job. I didn't know if you would've survived or not, so I guess I held onto that hope that you'd be awake and alive. " I admitted.
We sat there in silence for a bit, I laid back down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I heard Momo get up from the bean bag chair, she laid down next to me.
"So, I heard that 'The Great Saiyaman' was there. Have any idea who that could've been, Alyx?" Momo broke the silence.
"I have not one clue what you're talking about." I lied.
Momo pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of us at the Halloween dance.
"Really?" She wondered.
"Yes...?" I smiled.
Momo laughed, "You're something else, you know that?"
We sat there at laughed for a few seconds, then Momo quickly sat up.
"I've got an idea! Do you want to...?" She didn't finish her sentence.
"Do I wanna what?" I asked.
[One And A Half Hours Later...]
"HOLY SHIT!!!" I yelled as I looked at my broken bed.
"You just HAD to use your Quirk, didn't you?" Momo exclaimed.
"Well, it's not my fault! You were the one telling me to go faster! So that's what I did!" I replied.
There was a knock on my door. I quickly quieted down to hear who it was.
"AMNESIA! WHAT IN THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" Bakugo shouted from behind my door.
"O-Oh! I just... Uh... Fired off my Diamond Buster move while I was napping!" I told him.
"YOU BETTER NOT BE FUCKING LYING!!" Bakugo replied and he stomped away from my door.
I sighed with relief, "Okay... Wait, why are we freaking out about my bed? I can just reconstruct it!"
I activated my Quirk and placed my hands on my bed. My bed started to reform, and it looked as good as new! I stood back up and wiped off my hands.
"Dojyaaan! Nothing happened!" I grinned.
We got dressed yet again, and Momo left my room. Before she left, she told me something.
"Hey, that was fun. Maybe the 'Great Saiyaman' can show me what he can do, too." Momo winked and left my room.
I rolled my eyes and smiled, "Good grief..."
A few minutes after, Kaminari and Jiro came into my room to hang out.
"So, did you really stay up for four days?" Kaminari wondered.
I nodded my head, "Yep, 96 hours straight."
"Woah! That's how many hours are in four days? That's like..." Kaminari was counting his fingers, "Almost 100 episodes of All Might & Friends!"
Jiro laughed at him, "You still watch that? That show fell off after like, the third season."
"No! It's still good! You just don't understand the complexities of All Might & Friends" Kaminari argued.
Jiro and I laughed; I didn't think he'd be passionate about a show!
"Hey! What's that?" Kaminari said as he got up off of my bed.
I immediately tensed up, hundreds of thoughts came into my mind.
"My time has come, the day has arrived. My actions have finally caught up with m-" I thought to myself but Kaminari broke my train of thought.
"Are these romance novels? Dude, my mom reads these!" Kaminari commented.
I let out a sigh of relief again, "Momo must've left them in my room. She's been asking about where they were at for a while now. I guess I forgot to give them to her."
"Speaking of Yaoyorozu," Jiro added, "She's like, waaaay more upbeat than usual."
"Yeah! She was standing outside of your room for a little bit too! I guess she's happy to be back?" Kaminari guessed as he flipped through the pages of the novels.
Jiro glanced at me and I looked at her, she extended her hand out towards me. I already knew what she wanted me to do, my Overdrive filled my right hand and I tapped the top of her hand.
"Whatever you're thinking, yes. I did." I told Jiro telepathically.
Jiro smirked, "I already could tell by the way she looked. I don't understand how Kami can be so naïve."
[3 Hours Later...]
I looked out over my balcony and took in the city lights once again. I felt a presence to the right of me.
I looked over, "Oh, Grandfather Tanjiro!"
He looked out from the balcony with me, "I have some unsettling news, Alyx."
"What's wrong?" I questioned.
"It's your Father, he's seemingly disappeared. We're unsure why, but something may be wrong. If it's what I'm thinking, then we'll need to prepare." Great Grandpa told me.
I felt a confused look come across my face, "Oh? What do you mean by-"
In a flash, we were in that Wisteria forest.
"What I mean by 'prepare' is train. I'm going to show you everything I know!" He exclaimed.
Training? Did Tanjiro have a Quirk too? What kind of training would we even do? We stepped into the Seventh Plane and those familiar feelings came back to me.