Training! An Upcoming Super Battle!

After I finished with my internships, I got a call from someone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Alyx. This is Tomikoa Muteki, from Shiketsu High? You know, the whole tournament and stuff?" She wondered.

"Oh! Hey! Long time no hear, how's it going?" I replied.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to spar with me. I know we talked about it during that tournament, but I guess I never got around to asking." Tomikoa told me.

Training with Tomikoa?! That's a dream come true for me!

"Really?! Awesome! I'd love to!" I exclaimed.

"Alright! I'll send you my location." Tomikoa responded.

We hung up and she sent me her location, it wasn't too far from Mt. Lady's agency. I flew over to her, it only took me about 5 minutes or so. I landed in front of a huge house. It kind of looked like Momo's! I walked up and rang the doorbell. I stood there for a bit, and then Tomikoa answered.

"Hey!" I greeted.

"Any reason you're in your hero costume?" She asked.

I scratched the back of my head, "I just got out of my Work Studies, I would be in regular clothes but, you know."

She let me in and threw a change of clothes at me.

"Let me know if those fit, I figured you'd be out doing something." Tomikoa muttered.

Tomikoa left the room and I put those clothes on. These were some odd clothes; it definitely felt a lot better than my hero suit though! I kinda looked like Ojiro, except this didn't really have a high collar. I walked towards where Tomikoa was, I opened a door and inside was a huge training room!

"So, what exactly am I wearing?" I asked her.

"It's just some Gi I picked up today. All they had was that teal color and that orange Obi." Tomikoa informed me.

I nodded at her, "Alright, I see. I'm ready when you are!"

I stood in my fighting stance and Tomikoa activated her Quirk. That familiar red and green aura surrounded her. She rushed towards me and hit off rapid fire strikes. I blocked and dodged each of them, she's definitely improved since we last met, that's for sure!

"What are you doing? Use that damn Quirk of yours already!" Tomikoa shouted.

"You know... I think... I'm managing pretty... Well!" I responded while dodging her attacks.

I knocked one of her fists back and spin kicked her away from me. I held my leg out and dropped it down a bit.

"You've definitely improved! But don't think I've been sitting on my thumbs either!" I yelled to her.

I activated Mode One, "Alright, let's go a round!"

I zoomed towards her, I hit her with my own rapid-fire strikes, then we took into the air! Our fists connected with each other and shook the room. The pressure from our attack nearly brought the house down! We landed back down on the ground.

"Yeah... Maaaaybe we should call it good." Tomikoa laughed as she looked up at the ceiling.

"Yeah, I think so too. Geez, we really did a number to your ceiling!" I noted.

I flew up to her ceiling and reconstructed it. I landed back down on the ground in front of her.

I stretched and looked at my Gi, "This isn't too bad, I can see why Ojiro likes wearing this stuff. Thank you, Tomi!"

"O-Oh, no problem!" Tomikoa smiled.

I grabbed my phone and checked the time, "I should get going now, thank you for letting me spar with you. I really appreciate it!"

"Are you sure you don't want to stay? I've got something cooking on the stove." She asked.

"Hmm... Well, I guess it would be rude to just leave if you're making lunch," I sat there in thought for a bit, "Sure!"

We walked upstairs and into her kitchen. I looked at the various pictures lining the walls of her and her parents. Something was off about them though, I'm not sure what...

"So, is it just you and your parents here?" I wondered.

She stirred the contents that where in the pot, "Well, it's just my Mother and I now. My Father's been on a business trip for quite some time now. We're worried since he hasn't sent us any letters like he normally does."

Tomikoa put a bowl down in front of me and then one for herself.

"Where'd he go? I'm sure he's alright." I reassured.

"He's in Hosu City. I know that might not seem like a long way, but he's been gone for two months now." Tomikoa explained.

I looked down at my bowl of food, then up at her, "I'll find him, I promise. He couldn't have gotten far."

"Really? You'd do that?" Tomikoa looked shocked.

I smiled and nodded, "Of course! If there's anything I can do to help you, I'll do it!"

[10 Minutes Later...]

I left Tomikoa's house after we ate, I made my way back to the dorms. I entered the dorms at the wrong time...

"I'm telling you, I'd have a bigger ass than you if I was a girl!" Kaminari argued.

"Ha! No way! In your dreams, dude!" Sero responded.

Momo walked over to me, "Welcome to Class 2-A, where the boys argue about who's ass is bigger and the girls can actually communicate with proper words."

"Funny... But I guess you aren't wrong!" I laughed.

Momo looked at my Gi, "Where'd you get this at?"

"Oh, Tomikoa gave to me! Pretty neat, huh? I went to her house because she asked if we could train together." I beamed.

Momo gave me a look, "THAT girl?"

"Yeah, you know, Tomikoa Muteki? The girl I fought during that tournament we had against Shiketsu? Blonde hair, purple eyes, an extremely crazy strong woman that's for some reason an odd turn on for me?" I reminded her.

Did she forget or something? Momo looked me up and down with her arms crossed as she sort of looked at the Gi in disgust.

"Oh, I know who she is, it's just that we had a... Run in... with each other. Let's just say some words were exchanged and we disagreed on something." Momo hinted.

A run in? Like, a fight? I never heard about that before, I'm surprised nobody ever told me about it.

"Woah, did you two fight?" I asked.

Momo shook her head, "No, fortunately we didn't, I would've had her crying for her Mother."

Geez, I didn't know that Momo and Tomikoa didn't like each other! That's kind of odd to me being that Tomikoa's only cocky during battle at times.

"Well, look on the brightside, at least you have two girls that can moan your name now!" Kaminari piped in.

Let's just say that Kaminari didn't exactly understand what was happening as Momo walked towards him, lifted him up, and then threw him out of the one of the dorm windows, all in one consecutive motion! Bakugo came stomping down the stairs.

"WHAT IN THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" Bakugo shouted.

He hurried over to the broken window and looked out of it, "DUNCEFACE, GET IN HERE."

I walked over to Bakugo and looked out of the window, Kaminari was face down on the ground.

"Yeah... I don't think he can hear you, if he's dead, I'm not paying the funeral costs. Hold on." I told him.

I hopped through the window and made my way towards Kaminari. I flipped him over and I tried not to laugh. I don't think I've ever seen such an offended yet mortified look on someone's face before!

"She... She threw me... HOW?!" Kaminari yelled.

I healed up Kaminari, "Well, I honestly have no idea. Just between you and me..."

"She even scares me, a lot." I whispered.

We walked back inside after I repaired the window. I was stopped by Ojiro, who looked at my Gi.

"Hey, not so bad. Personally, I would've chosen white with a black belt." Ojiro joked.

I laughed with him, "Well, I figured this would be fine enough. Besides, it's really comfortable!"

Kirishima ran up to me and was jumping for joy. He grabbed my shoulders as he stared into my eyes.

"Dude! Did ya hear?!" Kirishima asked.

"Oh? What's up?" I replied.

"Apparently, we're having a huge tournament with the other hero schools across Japan!" Kirishima exclaimed.

My eyes lit up with excitement, "What?! Really?! That's awesome!"

"I know right! It's just not us, it's our ENTIRE school, too!" Kirishima mentioned.

If this was true, this has got me excited! There're quite a few hero schools here in Japan, not to mention all of the cool Quirks we'll get to see as well!

"Our whole school? Huh, this is gonna be one long tournament..." I said to myself.

[The Next Day...]

Mr. Aizawa led us all outside where the rest of the school was standing in front of Principal Nezu.

"Good Afternoon, everyone!" Principle Nezu greeted us.

"I know you're all wondering what we've called you out here for, it's because we're holding a country wide tournament with the other hero schools here in Japan! This tournament won't be like the traditional ones we've held in the past, instead, all of you will be participating at once! It will still maintain the elimination style system, but on a much greater scale! This tournament is much like a "Last Person Standing" style!" Principal Nezu explained.

Mr. Aizawa spoke, "And with that being said, we've handpicked a team captain for the entire school. It took a bit of decision and looking through, but we've come to a conclusion."

Ms. Midnight gave him an envelope and he opened it, "And your team captain is..."

We all held our breaths and waited in anticipation. There were so many of us here, how exactly could they decide just one team captain for such a large school?

Mr. Aizawa looked up from the paper, "... Class 2-A Student, Alyx Leonidus."

"Thank you all for attending this quick meeting! We shall dismiss you to lunch shortly!" Principal Nezu exclaimed.

After that, everyone started talking and whispering. It felt like the whole world was watching me! I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around.

"Hey! I figured I should meet our team captain. I'm Shona Meshinzou!" She cheerfully greeted.

I smiled and nodded, "Hey! Nice to meet you!"

"I can tell you're nervous... Geez, you're really nervous!" Shona observed.

Even though I wasn't showing it, she could tell that I was kind of freaking out, but how?

"What? No, I'm fine! It's just a little scary to know that I've gotta be this school's team captain." I reassured her.

"Oh, it'll be fine. Leading people is a hard thing to do, but I'm sure you'll be perfect for the job!" Shona exclaimed.

Her eyes lit up and I felt 100 times better!

"T-Thank you! One more thing, did you just use your Quirk?" I asked.

Shona giggled at me, "Yep! You're pretty observant! My Quirk is called, "Super Empathy", which allows me to read the emotions of anyone within a 30-foot radius! It's a bit hard on my eyes, though, so I can only do it for a short amount of time."

That's quite an interesting Quirk! She seems to have a handle on her Quirk pretty well. She told me that she was from Class 2-C, which was the other hero course, I wonder what other Quirks that class had? They dismissed us to lunch, I still couldn't shake that feeling of nervousness. I felt like telling Mr. Aizawa to give it to someone else besides me. I was sitting with Momo, Kirishima, Shoto, Kendo, and Mina at lunch. As hungry as I was, I guess this whole thing made me lose my appetite.

"Are you okay, hun?" Momo asked.

I looked up from my food, "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that I'm not sure if I can actually lead everyone."

"Alyx, if anyone's more capable of being a leader for this school, it's you. You've got the perfect mindset for a leader." Shoto told me.

"He's right, you've gotten a lot of us out of some sticky situations, not to mention your prowess in battle. You're like a fighting machine or something!" Kendo added.

Kirishima nodded in agreement, "Yeah! You're amazing at fighting! You're practically pro hero level!"

"And, not to mention, you do possess quite a wonderful knowledge of strategies to use against any opponent. It's often hard for us to go up against you since you can adapt to almost anything." Momo responded.

Those words of encouragement filled my heart, I smiled before sighing.

"What did I ever do to deserve you guys?" I said to myself.

Mina piped in with a shoulder to my arm, "Well, you've 'died' once, so I guess that's why?"

"Once?" I laughed.

"Wait, you've been dead more than once?!" Momo shouted.

I rubbed the back of my head, "It's a bit of a long story! I'll tell you about it later!"

[3 Hours Later...]

"Holy... Shit...!" I panted.

"What's wrong... S-Slowing down?" Momo replied.

I scoffed at her, "As if! Get ready, I'm almost there!"

"Alright, give it to me!" Momo yelled.

Bakugo burst through the door, "Amnesia, why are you-"

Momo and I stood still, looking at Bakugo. Bakugo planted his face in his hand, then took a deep breath in and out.

"Amnesia... Ponytail... Why in the FUCK are you two fighting in your underwear?" Bakugo asked.

"Oh! Momo calls this, 'Special Training: Lite Edition!' I'm not so sure why she calls it that though, it kinda feels like regular training. I can't use my Quirk in the dorms so it's basically like combat training but a lot harder!" I explained.

Bakugo shook his head, "Whatever tickles your guy's fancy, I guess. Fuckin' weirdos..."

He closed my door and I turned back towards Momo.

"Well, that wasn't awkward in the slightest." Momo muttered.

I agreed with her, "Yeah, totally, he should've knocked."