Solving a Mystery! Deku is... A Child?!

I was in utter disbelief! What happened?! I rushed over to him and hugged him.

"W-Who... Who are you?" He asked.

"It's me, Alyx Leonidus? Remember? Can you tell me how old you are?" I urgently questioned.

"I-I'm six." Deku responded.

He hugged me tightly and clenched my shirt. I picked him up and rushed downstairs.

"W-Where's Kacchan? Can we find him?" Deku fretted.

I nodded my head, "Yeah! It's gonna be okay!"

I got to the common room, Mina looked at me confused, and everyone noticed the green haired child I was holding.

"Dude, who's that? Did you kidnap a child or something?" Kirishima wondered.

Deku looked up, everyone tensed up, "M-MIDORIYA?!"

Bakugo walked in from outside. Deku looked towards the door and wiggled out of my arms. He ran towards Bakugo.

"Kacchan! Kacchan!" Deku yelled.

He practically jumped right on him!

"W-WHAT THE?! DEKU?!" Bakugo shouted.

Deku was practically bawling, he was telling Kacchan that he wanted to go home. I walked over to him and patted Deku on the back.

"Hey, it'll be alright! We're your friends!" I reassured him.

"F-Friends...?" Deku sniffled.

I smiled, "Uh huh! That's right!"

We all gathered around him and we reintroduced ourselves to him. He wiped his eyes and started smiling. I don't think I've ever seen a smile so pure in my entire life! It practically lit up the room! We set him down on the floor and let him roam around. He made his way over to Mina, they sat there and talked. He was rather cheerful!

"So, what happened?" Bakugo asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I dunno, I went to go hang out with him and there he was! His balcony door was shattered, so someone must've broken into his room on purpose."

I watched as Deku patted and touched Mina's horns. He really was quite the curious child.

"W-Woah! Are you guys like heroes?" He asked.

"Yeah! Pretty much, kiddo! We've got some pretty cool Quirks." Mina replied.

She showed him her Acid Quirk, Deku looked amazed!

"Can all of you show me your Quirks?!" Deku cheerfully exclaimed.

"Sure!" Mina smiled.

He came up to each of us, curious to see our Quirks. I activated Mode One and knelt down to him. He grabbed my hand and stared at my aura.

"My Quirk is called, 'Overdrive', it enhances my strength, speed, and basic senses! I can move pretty fast and I can fly!" I explained.

He looked over at the door and Uraraka walked in with clothes for Deku.

"Raka!" He smiled with glee as he ran towards her.

She knelt down and they hugged. I never thought I'd see anyone with this amount of positivity radiating from them, but Deku's proved me wrong! They were hugging for quite a long time! Like... They weren't moving at all?

"So, having trouble?" A voice wondered behind me.

I turned around; everyone was frozen in place!

"Oh, ho ho! This is quite amusing, you know?" He laughed.

A man with hair as long as Mr. Aizawa's stood in front of me. He wore a thick leopard print cloak, red pants, and was sporting a British accent.

"Who are you? How in the hell did you get in here?!" I demanded.

"Oh? I'm surprised you don't remember me, Leonidus. I, am Arlen Vibraine, Master of Illusion! I've heard about your Father, it's quite a shame, I just wish I was there to see it!" Arlen deviously chuckled.

I scowled, "Ex-fucking-scuse me? What in the fuck did you say about my Father?"

I felt my temper flare up, Arlen put his hand out in front of him and gave me a sly smile.

"Oh, my dear old friend, you don't need to take it personal! Besides, I believe we can... Help each other out." Arlen suggested.

I sat there in silence as he approached me, I kept a firm eye on him. He stood in front of me and peered over my shoulder.

"You have something I want, and I have something you want. Let's just make it easier on ourselves and agree to this, shall we?" Arlen proposed.

I scoffed, "We? Who in the hell do you think you are? What do you even want?"

He held out his hand and a cube appeared, "Here, are ALL of your residual memories from your past. I heard you lost your memory! That's quite a sad story, we had some incredible ventures, you and I! Oh, but that's in the past, BUT you could remember it all now! You just have to give me something in return." He explained.

"And what would that be?" I asked.

"That boy, Izuku Midoriya, right? As you can see, my... I mean OUR work went unfinished. If you could ever so kindly hand him over, it'll be like none of this ever happened! The world will go on, and you and your band of friends will be right as rain!" Arlen smirked.

"You're about 8 months too late. Now, get the hell out of here!" I shouted.

I rushed him and he disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Time resumed and I turned around and faced everyone. The smoke faded, luckily Deku was still hugging Uraraka.

"Goddamn it!" I shouted.

"Woah, what's wrong?" Shinso wondered.

I looked around frantically, trying to find Arlen. I felt a cold hand touch my shoulder, I quickly turned around, ready to strike.

"Alyx, are you okay? What's wrong?" Deku asked me.

He was... Back to normal size? I think I'm losing my mind!

"W-Wait, weren't you just a kid?" I questioned.

Deku laughed, "What are you talking about?"

Now that I'm taking everything in, they all were wearing different clothes! I shook my head and let off a fake smile.

"I guess I just had some weird daydream or something." I nervously laughed.

Everyone went back to what they were doing and I went upstairs back to Momo's room. I knocked on her door and walked in. She was still in her bed and she was reading one of her romance novels.

"Oh? You look... Stressed." Momo observed.

I faceplanted into her bed, "I fucking hate villains."

"What? You're kind of muffled sounding." Momo responded.

I turned my head and looked at her, "I. Hate. Villains. Unless they're like, you know, good people on the inside."

"Good people on the inside? Usually, most villains don't exactly have good qualities." Momo replied.

I sat up and scooted towards her, "Well, besides the former League. Plus, Gentle Criminal from what Deku told me."

She put her head on my shoulder and continued reading her book.

"Whatcha reading? Looks like a pretty long read." I observed.

"It's about a young boy who thinks he's some kind of hero by protecting those he loves based upon faulty promises." She explained.

I looked back at her, then she looked at me, "A-ARLEN?!"

I jumped back onto Momo's floor as he cackled.

"Oh ho ho, my boy! You should've seen the look on your face! I've never seen anyone look so fearful in my life! You really have changed, you know?" Arlen exclaimed.

I grit my teeth, "Get out of my head damn it! You're starting to piss me off!"

I rushed towards him in Mode Three, I threw a punch and he blocked it with one finger!

He smiled at me, "You really HAVE changed! I think one thing's for certain, you most definitely remind me of myself, nowadays anyway."

"I'm not like you! We have nothing in common!" I yelled.

"My boy, you couldn't be more wrong! Look at yourself! Striking at random strangers who just so happen to 'insult' you, you've made friends with some well-known villains around here, and you even took on this place's Hero Public Safety Commission! You're telling me you aren't a villain?" Arlen explained.

I was going to speak, but he raised a finger, "Furthermore, a little birdy told me about how you even attacked your friends! Unbelievable! Hell, you might be more insane than I am! That's a feat I've yet to see, but you might have done it! Face it, Alyx, you've subconsciously become my protégé."

"N-No... You're fucking lying!" I shouted.

"Am I? How about we have our panel of judges decide!" Arlen stepped to the side.

The entire room went black, then spotlights shined down in a circle around me. What was this?

"You didn't save me." I heard Momo's voice.

I turned around, she was completely wrapped in bandages and was in a hospital gown. I stood there; I didn't know what to do.

"How can you call yourself a hero?" My Father wondered.

"You're only letting them down, Alyx." Mirko added.

"Do you really think we trust you, after what you did?" Bakugo piped in.

I heard one last spotlight turn on, "Liz...?"

She looked at me, "Why do I even call you my brother?"

Arlen approached me and he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Tsk, tsk. It seems as if the judges have cast a guilty verdict, my boy. Quite the shame, really, didn't you say you were some sort of protector? Seems as if all of that was a façade, a mask you've put up over the years. Doesn't that sound about right?" Arlen asked.

I didn't say anything. I simply sat down in a fetal position and held my head in my hands as those words repeated in my head. Arlen was cackling away.

"What's the matter, friend? Too much to take? Well, you might want to get used to it!" Arlen deviously laughed.

His laughter faded away and so did everything else. I heard someone faintly calling my name, then I felt arms around me, I finally snapped out of it.

"Mr. Leonidus! Are you okay? What's wrong?" Eri asked.

I turned around and looked at her, I quickly backed away.

"Get out of my head!" I repeated.

Eri stood there, "I'll go get help!"

Eri ran towards the dorms, or was this just an illusion? I couldn't tell anymore. I sat there repeating the same thing over and over again, rocking back and forth. I heard footsteps approaching me.

"What's going on?" Mr. Aizawa questioned.

I looked up at him, Arlen's face flashed in my mind. I stood up and activated Mode Three.

"GET OUT ARLEN!" I shouted as I threw a fist.

My Quirk deactivated and Mr. Aizawa caught my fist. I finally realized where I was, I was actually in the real world!

"Arlen? What are you talking about?" Mr. Aizawa questioned.

I fell into him and I went into a panic attack, I was shaking and I couldn't really breathe. Mr. Aizawa said something, but I was so zoned out, I couldn't hear anything. He and Eri guided me slowly back into the dorms, my mind was screaming for me to run, but I mustered the remaining mental strength to ignore it. We walked into the dorms, Mr. Aizawa said something again, and Momo rushed over to me. My heart was pounding like crazy, and she put her hand on my chest. She yelled something to the others. Bakugo rushed over to Momo and put my arm around his shoulder, he yelled something to me, then quickly walked upstairs. All I could hear was myself saying, "Get out of my head", quietly. Bakugo and I got to my room, he sat me down on my bed and I passed out.

[The Next Morning...]

I slowly opened my eyes, Momo was asleep on top of me, I looked to the side and noticed that Bakugo was asleep in my room as well. I let out a shaky breath, I honestly didn't even know if this was legitimate or not. Uraraka and Deku were in here as well. I felt Momo's hands run through my hair, which I hesitated to look at her. Luckily, Arlen wasn't staring back at me, so I felt relieved a bit.

One thing's for certain, I hate villains.