"Alright everyone, Christmas Break is here, I hope you all are taking into consideration who you will be with on your Hero Work Studies. I expect you all to make considerable progress the next time we meet." Mr. Aizawa said.
The bell rang and we walked out of class.
"Hey! I have an idea!" Hagakure exclaimed.
"Oh? Let's hear it." Momo replied.
"How about we do a Secret Santa for Christmas! It'd be fun!" Hagakure suggested.
I looked over after I shut my locker, "A Secret Santa? What's that?"
"It's where you draw a person's name from a hat or something, then you get that person a gift! BUT you don't tell that person that it's you!" Hagakure explained.
"That sounds interesting, I don't see why not!" I agreed.
As we got back to the dorms, Hagakure told everyone about the Secret Santa thing. Everyone was up for it, Bakugo took a bit of convincing, but he finally gave in. We all put our names in a slip of paper and dumped them into a bowl.
"Alright! Let's do this!" Kaminari shouted with glee as he held a hand mixer.
"NO! DON'T DO THAT!" Iida yelled to him.
Jiro smacked him in the face with an earphone jack and grabbed the hand mixer from him. She then stirred the papers around with her hand.
"You do it like this. Why don't you do it the smart way?" Jiro sighed.
We all pulled a piece of paper out of the bowl, I took a look at mine, I already know who it was from the star on the paper.
"Who'd you get, darling?" Momo asked me.
"Aoyama-san." I telepathically told her.
"Oh my, that'll be interesting!" She responded.
What exactly would I buy for Aoyama? I mean, it should be easy, right? After the drawings, I went up to my room to figure out a gift for him. I sat on my bed to think. Try as I might, I just couldn't think of something that Aoyama would want. I laid back on my bed and stared at the ceiling.
"Momo," I used my telepathy, "You're good friends with Aoyama-san, right?"
"You can't think of a gift for him, can you?" She responded.
"No..." I muttered.
"Well, if you're wanting to figure out a gift, the best thing you can do is talk to him." Momo advised.
"Hmm... You're right. Is he still downstairs or is he in his room?" I asked.
"He's downstairs." Momo told me.
I got up from my bed and walked back downstairs. Aoyama was in his usual state, staring at himself in the reflection of his mirror.
"Hey, Aoyama-san! How's it going?" I smiled.
"Ah! There you are! I knew my dazzling light would meet your eyes! ☆" Aoyama exclaimed.
I laughed, "Yeah, I guess so! Speaking of dazzling lights, have you thought about doing anything with your hero costume? Not saying that it already isn't dazzling enough, of course."
"Yes, I've always wanted a small model of myself wearing it. But to my dismay, I've never found a soul that could recreate my radiance..." Aoyama sighed.
Bingo! Kind of egotistical, but that's what I could give him! I wonder if Hatsume could help me out?
"That's a shame. Hey, maybe one of these days you'll find someone! I'm sure there's plenty of great artists out there." I reassured him.
After my talk with Aoyama, I decided to head to Hatsume, which I picked something up for us to eat as a thank you for the improvements she's made on my hero suit. I knocked on the workshop door before I slid it open.
"Hey, hey! How's it going, buddy?" Hatsume asked.
"Well, I have another favor to ask. It's something important." I said as I set the food down on a table.
"Ooo... You know you don't have to pay me back for the improvements, right?" She told me.
"I know, but I'd figured since you did a lot for me, I could at least to something for you!" I responded.
She grinned, "Alright, what's this important thingy?"
I told her about the whole Secret Santa stuff and how I had to give a gift to Aoyama.
"Sooo... You're wanting a life-like model of Aoyama-kun in his hero costume scaled down to figure size?" Hatsume questioned.
I nodded, "Yep! That's the gist. I know it's a bit of an awkward request but that's what he's been wanting for quite some time now."
"Okay! I'll get on it once I finish up another one of my babies!" Hatsume exclaimed with excitement.
[The Next Day...]
I woke up around 11 since I barely get any sleep anymore. I walked downstairs and noticed that we now had a huge Christmas tree in the common room! It had a slew of lights and ornaments.
"Good morning, love. Did you have a hard time sleeping again?" Momo wondered as she handed me my usual morning coffee.
"Morning! And yeah, like usual. I'm surprised I'm not tired right now." I responded.
I heard the door open and Bakugo walked in with a bag, it was huge! I wonder what was in it? Speaking of presents, I wonder how Hatsume is doing with that model of Aoyama?
"So, what'd you figure out?" Momo whispered.
"Well, he wanted a life-like model of himself, and that's what I'm getting him. Of course, it won't be his height, that'd be a bit too hard to hide." I whispered back.
She nodded, "That's quite odd, but I guess I can understand."
I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around and saw Iida.
"Good morning, Leonidus-kun! Or might I say, a 'Merry' morning?" Iida smiled.
"I-Iida-san, there's 5 more days until Christmas!" I laughed.
"That I know! I figured I should get in the festive spirit!" Iida replied.
I shook my head and smiled, "Good grief..."
"Speaking of Christmas," Iida said, "Would you like to assist me with Christmas shopping? I may need the extra set of hands."
"Oh, sure! Let me get ready!" I told him.
[30 Minutes Later...]
"Leonidus-kun, aren't you going to be cold? It is snowing outside." Iida questioned.
"Nope! I don't need to, thanks to my Quirk, I can regulate my body temperature." I told him.
"Ah, I see." Iida nodded and we left the dorms.
[10 Minutes Later...]
"So, where are we going?" I asked him.
"There's this local shop nearby that I believe holds the perfect items for my Secret Santa gift!" Iida told me.
We turned the corner down the street and arrived at the shop he was talking about. As we walked inside, I couldn't believe what I was seeing! There was manga, figures of Pro Heroes, posters, and so much more!
"Whoever you're here for... They. Are. Lucky!" I grinned.
Iida and I looked around the shop. I was so tempted to buy something, but I didn't want everyone to think that I bought something for someone and then tell them otherwise. I saw something that caught my eye and walked over to it.
I gasped, "Holy... No way! They have it?!"
I put my hands in my hoodie before touching the figure, I was nearly dumbfounded!
"T-This is..." I mumbled.
I was holding one of two created All-Star Series Endeavor figures! They were completely carved out of platinum, which made them extremely expensive.
"Oh my, that's quite a bit of money!" Iida exclaimed.
"Yeah, but it's so cool! I wish I could get it..." I sighed.
I set it back down and walked towards the rack of manga, they had quite a decent selection. There was a lot of things that I haven't read! At least I think? I was just about to read through one until I heard Iida call my name.
"Leonidus-kun, I have purchased my gift! Let's head back." He told me.
I nodded and followed him out of the shop.I looked down at the bag, it didn't look like there was a whole lot in there.
"Hey, Iida-san, whatcha get?" I asked.
"I bought a few articles of clothing and manga, nothing too fancy." He replied.
Once we got back to the dorms after 10 more minutes of walking. Momo called me from upstairs and I made my way there.
"Whatcha need, babe?" I shouted from the bottom of the stairs.
"I need you to help me wrap this present!" She shouted back.
Huh, usually I'm the one asking for help with wrapping presents! Whatever she got must've been a huge gift! I walked upstairs and met up with her. We got to her room and...
"Momo, that's just a box." I noted.
She smiled at me, "Uh huh, I know!"
She handed me some wrapping paper and we sat down on her bed. I stared at the box, this should be a cinch! I lifted the wrapping paper up and wrap it around the top and bottom of the box.
"Alright... Time to cut this shit out!" I exclaimed as I created an Overdrive Blade.
I was about to slice through the wrapping paper until Momo stopped me.
"No! I don't want you slicing through my bed as well. Here, use these." Momo handed me a pair of scissors.
I cut through the wrapping paper and then wrapped it around the sides of the box.
"Aaaaand done! What's in this box anyways?" I wondered.
"It's for Mineta-kun, just take a wild guess. You wouldn't believe where I had to go just to get his present." Momo responded.
Yikes, I really don't want to imagine what's in this box now. We walked back downstairs with Mineta's gift in hand and set it under the tree. I saw a whole bunch of gifts, one of which had my name on it. There was a knock on the dorm doors and Hatsume burst through, letting the cold air in.
"Heya!! I finished your little gift, Alyx! I hope ya like it!" Hatsume cheerfully shouted.
She quickly handed me my gift and nearly knocked me over!
"Shut the door! Tsu's going into hibernation again!" Uraraka yelled over to us.
Hatsume nodded and left the dorms. I stood there, holding this heavy box, thankfully it was already wrapped and had Aoyama's name on it. I set it under the tree, I think Aoyama's gonna like it, I hope!
"Uh oh... Look who's under the mistletoe!" Kaminari announced.
I looked up and then back at Kaminari who was approaching me.
"Kaminari-san, stay the FUCK away from me." I shouted.
"I didn't make the rules of Christmas, Leonidus-san! Those that shalt be under the mistletoe, shall be smooched!" Kaminari responded.
Momo kissed me and Kaminari narrowed his eyes, "Next time... Next time..."
"He's been on one all day ever since we put that thing up." Momo told me.
I walked out from underneath the mistletoe and Bakugo walked under it and stood looking at the Christmas tree.
"Oi, Kacchan! Looks like you're-" Kaminari shouted to him.
"Dunce Face, you touch me, I'll turn you into a fucking candy cane." Bakugo threatened.
Kaminari nervously laughed and then slowly sat back down on the couch.
"Speaking of Christmas, what about Mr. Aizawa? Shouldn't we get him something?" Tsuyu questioned.
"Yeah! I don't see why not. What would we get him though?" Deku piped in.
Kirishima sat there in thought, "Hmm... What about a cat! We could get one of the adults to help us out!"
"A cat? That sounds like a great idea! Do you think he likes cats?" I responded.
"Of course! Who wouldn't like a cute little cat?" Uraraka added.
[The Next Day...]
We decided on getting Mr. Aizawa a cat. We were going to give it to him early since we weren't sure how we'd hide a cat in the dorms. I was doing my routine flying through the city when something caught my eye. In an alleyway, there was a cat, cold and scared. I landed in the alleyway and the cat struggled to look up.
"Hey there, little guy." I cooed as I knelt down next to it.
The cat looked quite peculiar, it's fur was a light blue and there was white fur along the bridge of its nose. It's eyes were a sky blue, who would leave a cat out here like this? I healed the cat and it started to stand back up, it nuzzled my hand and purred. I picked the cat up, there wasn't a collar or any tags on it, which gave me a bright idea.
"Why don't you come with me? I think you'll like the place I live at!" I told the cat.
It hopped onto my shoulder and held onto my hoodie using its claws. I took off back towards the dorms.
[5 Minutes Later...]
I knocked on the doors and Mina opened it.
"I brought a little friend home!" I exclaimed.
"Oh. My. GOD! He's soooo adorable!" Mina squealed.
Mina picked the cat up off of my shoulder. She showed Shoto, Momo, Shoji, Kirishima, and Jiro.
"Did you get Midnight to help you or did you get Present Mic to?" Kirishima asked.
"Oh, I found him in an alleyway while I was cruising around the city. I didn't wanna leave him out in the cold!" I told him.
Shoji nodded, "Well, that was a lot easier than what I expected. Let's go get the others down here and let's go get Mr. Aizawa."
I waited with the cat as they got up to go grab the others. It seemed to be used to being in a home, since it wasn't freaking out. In a few minutes, Mr. Aizawa walked in.
"What's this gift about?" He asked.
I held the cat up and we all exclaimed, "Merry Christmas, Mr. Aizawa!"
His eyes widened as he looked at the cat, he took the cat and it cuddled up in his arms.
"What are you gonna name him, Mr. Aizawa?" Deku asked.
He softly smiled, "Oboro."