The first thing I woke up to was a mistletoe hanging directly above me. Momo leaned over me and smiled.
"Did you really keep that thing around?" I smiled.
Momo kissed me, "It was either that or one of the girls would have hung it up above Mineta's room as a joke."
I sat up, hugged Momo, and rested my head on her chest. I fell back into my bed and she let out a surprised "Woah" and she giggled.
"I seriously can't stress this enough; I love you a lot." I expressed.
"What? I can't hear you, you're kind of muffled." Momo beamed.
I looked up at her, "I saaaaid, I love you a lot!"
"I know darling, I love you too!" Momo replied.
My door opened and Kaminari stood in the doorway.
"HAAAH!" Kaminari shouted.
"HAAAH!" I shouted back.
Kaminari nodded and closed the door. Momo looked at the door then back at me.
"W-What?" Momo was puzzled.
"We were communicating, that's all." I told her.
She shook her head and I rested my head on her chest again. I looked out towards my balcony door, there was a huge pile of snow blocking it! It was about 2 feet high.
"Honestly, I don't know about you, but I really just want to stay in bed all day." I told her.
"Yeah, I'm feeling the same way as well. I don't mind of course." She responded.
I lifted up my blanket and we both went under it. I activated my Quirk in my hand which made me blink three times.
"Did you need something, Alyx?" Hatsume asked.
I jumped, "Holy shit! Sorry, Hatsume, I didn't mean to do that."
"It's alright! At least I know my baby is still kicking and isn't off the fritz!" Hatsume giggled.
I blinked three times and shut off the Interface Mode.
"Hatsume? Are you telling me she can talk to you through your contacts? It seems as if she's getting better with inventing." Momo remarked.
"Yeah, she made sure to make them everything proof, I'm not sure how she did it. But at this point, I think it's best not to question her." I laughed.
I showed her my Flash Cannon, it lit up in my hand in a rainbow of colors. Momo looked intrigued and touched it with her finger.
"It looks completely solid, but it feels like jelly, and it's warm. This is interesting, may I hold it?" Momo asked.
I nodded and she cupped her hands. I gently set it down in her hands and she studied it. Momo put her finger through it and brought it back out. She squished the Flash Cannon and it popped back into its regular shape.
"I'm still trying to wrap my head around your Quirk, darling. It seems so simple, yet, there's dozens of unique things that cause it to be complicated to explain." She observed.
"I know, not even my father could tell me what exactly my Quirk is. It's strange, I've had this Quirk for 13 years and yet I have no idea what exactly it is. Iida guessed that it was an Emitter-type Quirk, but I'm not so sure." I responded.
Momo stared intently at the Flash Cannon, "Hmm... Theoretically, it could be a Transformation-type Quirk like your Rage, but your body doesn't alter in any way."
"That's true. Do you think that it could be a new type of Quirk?" I wondered.
"Possibly, we won't know for sure unless we research it." Momo answered.
Momo handed me back the Flash Cannon and I absorbed it. We popped our heads out from underneath the blanket.
"You know, have you noticed that Camie and Bakugo have been talking quite a bit? I'm starting to think that those two are taking a liking to each other, surprisingly." Momo added.
"Well, she did call him 'Bakubae' when we were in London, so maybe they're already a thing?" I guessed.
"It's possible, speaking of that, did you hear that Hagakure asked Ojiro out on a date?" Momo gossiped.
"What? No way! You're serious?" I questioned.
She nodded, "I'm telling the truth, Hagakure even told me last night."
"Wow, that's awesome!" I exclaimed.
I stared up at my ceiling as Momo cuddled up next to me.
"You know, this is relaxing. Not having to worry about fighting and we're talking like a married couple. But I'm not exactly thinking about retiring from being a Pro Hero already, that would be boring, especially since we aren't Pros yet." I smiled.
"Speaking of Pro Heroes, once we actually graduate, what rank do you think you'll be on the billboard?" Momo asked.
"Hmm... I'm not really sure." I responded.
"Really? Why's that, darling?" Momo questioned.
I put my arm around her, "Well, I guess it'll depend on what happens when I'm a Pro. Geez... I still can't believe that we're gonna be Pros after next year! That's super exciting!"
"I'm excited as well! It should be quite interesting indeed." Momo agreed.
[The Next Day...]
Mr. Aizawa told us to meet him in front of Ground Gamma thanks to a note he left on the board. We put our hero outfits on and made our way out to Ground Gamma.
"What do you think Mr. Aizawa wants us to do?" Kirishima asked.
"Probably an exam, if we're going back here again, it'll be something along those lines." Sato answered.
An exam, huh? If that's the case, I wonder what he'll test us on? As we arrived at the grounds, Mr. Aizawa was standing there patiently, waiting for us to stand in line. We stood and waited for his instruction.
"Alright everyone, today we'll be conducting another Heroes Vs. Villain exercise. I know it's been a while since the last one, so let me give you a refresher. You all will be in groups of two, now that there's an even number of you, and you'll be facing off against each other. One group will be the Heroes and the other will be the Villains. However, instead of protecting a weapon, you'll be avoiding capture if you're a Villain. The same goes for the heroes, if your incapacitated in any form and can no longer move, you'll be eliminated as well." Mr. Aizawa explained.
Mr. Aizawa continued, "We've numbered these balls in order of your seat number. Albeit this class is even, there will be 11 groups, so one of you will be lucky enough to try again if you fail."
Mr. Aizawa shuffled the balls in the box and stopped after a few seconds. He grabbed four of them and looked at the numbers.
"Group One, Aoyama and Asui, you'll be Heroes. Group Two, Koda and Ojiro, you'll be Villains." He informed.
He went through the entire box of balls until there were no more left, the odd numbered groups were Heroes while the even numbered groups were Villains. The groups were as follows:
Group Three: Shinso & Iida
Group Four: Kaminari & Jiro
Group Five: Deku & Shoto
Group Six: Momo & I
Group Seven: Kirishima & Sato
Group Eight: Mina & Uraraka
Group Nine: Bakugo & Sero
Group Ten: Mineta & Shoji
Group Eleven: Hagakure & Tokoyami.
Mr. Aizawa put 11 balls back in the box to determine the groups that would go against each other. He shuffled the contents and pulled out two balls.
"Group Six and Five, you're up first." Mr. Aizawa told us.
Shit... I didn't think I'd have to go up against Deku and Shoto. Deku told me about how he could use 100% of his One For All freely now thanks to his internship with Gran Torino! And Shoto was getting better at using both of his Quirks at once! Momo and I looked at each other, we both shared a worried expression. Mr. Aizawa went through the groups, Koda and Ojiro got a free pass as their ball was the last one in the box.
"Before we start, this trial will go for 30 minutes. The Villains will be given 5 minutes to hide before the test starts. We'll be testing your durability and knowledge of your surroundings. We'll also be measuring how easily you can adapt to certain situations in a crowded environment." Mr. Aizawa told us.
The others followed Mr. Aizawa into a surveillance room. After a couple minutes, Mr. Aizawa's voice boomed over the intercom.
"Group Six, head on in." He instructed.
The large doors slowly opened and Momo & I ran inside.
"Where are we going to hide?" Momo asked.
"I'm not sure yet! We need to be somewhere that they wouldn't think about looking." I replied.
I grabbed Momo's hand and we flew further into the grounds.
[5 Minutes Later...]
Momo and I hid inside a pipe, I had to reconstruct the pipe in order to make sure that they didn't find us. I poked small holes in the ceiling of the pipe to let air flow in.
"Are you sure they won't find us?" Momo whispered.
"Maybe, we'll just have to wait and see." I whispered back.
We had a whole 30 minutes until this test was over. Hopefully we could wait it out in here. If we were facing off against Jiro or Shoji, we'd be found within minutes once they got close enough! I closed my eyes and felt for Deku's heat energy. They were quite a ways away, thankfully, and I don't think they'd check inside of a pipe.
They were moving rather quickly and within about 8 or so minutes, they arrived around our location. We held our breaths as I heard Shoto soar by with his ice. Deku yelled something to him and they seemingly stopped. We sat there for a couple of minutes in silence. The pipe started to grow colder. I leaned close to Momo and kept myself warm using my Quirk. We heard the metal pipe creak and it snapped! Momo and I fell out of the pipe and onto the street below. I saw Deku's Blackwhip come right for us!
"Counter Burst!" I shouted.
His attack bounced off and ran right into Shoto! He retracted it and they both charged towards us. I know for a fact we couldn't handle them both at the same time, Momo and I went opposite directions, she went to Deku and I went to Shoto.
"Afterimage: Absolute Mirror!" I yelled.
I created 3 other afterimages that charged towards Shoto. He created a wall of ice that went through one of them! He scorched another one that almost got to him and the last afterimage kicked him in the face! I jumped into the air as Shoto rebounded. I lifted my leg up and crashed through Shoto's ice wall! He slammed his hand down on the ground and a fiery explosion came from it! It knocked my afterimage into a pipe instead of me! Shoto let his guard down for a split second and I rushed in with an Overdrive Fist. I hit him in the stomach and he grabbed my right arm. Ice started to go up my forearm and I kicked him away from me. It got past my elbow and I couldn't move my arm anymore!
I didn't even notice that Deku was coming towards me. Before I could react, he hit me in the face with a Detroit Smash. I rolled off the ground but before I could make a move, Deku was right in front of me. He kicked me in the gut and sent me into a tower. I coughed up blood and fell to my knees, just when I thought it couldn't get worse, now both of them were after me.
"It's over, Alyx, you're clearly outmatched." Shoto pointed out.
"S-Shut... The hell... Up...!" I muttered.
I stumbled back up to my feet while clutching my stomach. Deku held tape in his hands and Shoto held up one of his hands.
"I don't want to have to knock you out, Alyx. Please, just let me do this!" Deku pleaded.
I felt myself start to lose consciousness, and I heard Deku approach me. I couldn't afford to lose, but I could barely move. Then, a familiar feeling hit my chest, and I felt an aura surround me once more.