Anger Management with Bakugo! An Unforeseen Threat?

"First things first, stop fucking looking like that." Bakugo demanded.

"Stop looking like what?" I wondered.

He gestured to my face, "Like that, you don't need to look so happy when you're going ballistic. You think I smile while I'm hammering down on that dumbass Dunce Face or some villain?"

"Right, okay, here goes!" I exclaimed.

I gave him my best anger face and he studied it. It took him a bit to think though.

"You take constructive criticism?" Bakugo asked.

"Yeah, sure, go ahead!" I answered.

"It looks like I'm getting stared at by a fucking cupcake, Uraraka 2.0. Can you not be happy for one damn second? Even Deku can get mad and the damn idiot's about as positive as you." Bakugo remarked.

I sat there and tried to get angry, but what was there to get angry about?

"Your whole family fucking sucks, Alyx. No wonder why you lost your memory." Bakugo snarled.

"Bakugo, I know you don't mean those thi-" I tried to reply.


"OKAY, OKAY! I GET IT!" I yelled back.

I sat up from my bed and closed my eyes, I used my Rage Quirk and I felt those two shadowy arms wrap around my arms. I opened my eyes and Bakugo smirked.

"So, how's this Quirk of yours work?" Bakugo questioned.

"Well, however angry I get, the more pain I can take and the more of these extra arms I get. Although I never really use it a lot, I seem to have a lot more control over it, somehow. Maybe it's because of Tomikoa?" I responded.

"That blonde bitch from Shiketsu? I can't stand her; she wasn't even at that dumbass program in London." Bakugo grumbled.

She wasn't in London? Now that I'm thinking back on it, she wasn't there, but she's in the same class as Camie! I reverted out of my Quirk and Bakugo left my room. I guess he just wanted to see if I could use it? I pulled out my phone and found Tomikoa's number. I dialed it up and waited, she didn't pick up. I put on my Hero Suit and closed my eyes to search for her Heat Energy. It was West from here, only a mile away, she was on the upper floor of a building. She wasn't moving at all, so I'm assuming that she' either sitting or lying down. I headed out from my balcony and flew towards Tomikoa. As I made my way there, I felt extremely uneasy, almost as if something was telling me to turn back and just stay home.

It didn't take me long to get to her location, it was an old apartment building. I looked in one of the windows but I couldn't see her. I slid open the window and hopped inside. I turned the corner and Tomikoa rushed me, I grabbed her forearm and she dropped the knife she had. She looked like a mess, her blonde hair was messy and she looked unkempt. She had bags under her eyes and her right eye looked bloodshot. Tomikoa stumbled backwards as I let go of her arm.

"N-No...! Please... Don't hurt me!" Tomikoa begged.

She collapsed to the floor and went into a fetal position, protecting her head with her arms. I knelt down and put my hand on her arm.

"Tomikoa, it's okay, it's me! Alyx!" I told her.

She stopped crying and shot up and hugged me tightly, "Don't let them hurt me... Don't let them hurt me..."

I held her close to me, what happened to her? Someone managed to break her mentally? I stood up with her and started to walk towards the window.

"No! No! He won't let you leave! He won't!" Tomikoa shouted.

I didn't understand what she was saying, he won't let me leave? I climbed out of the window and flew away, I looked back at the apartment building, but it disappeared?! I stayed in the air and looked around, where in the hell did it go? There's no way that could've been someone's Quirk! I flew back to U.A. as quick as possible.

[5 Minutes Later...]

I made my way through the school towards Recovery Girl's Office, hopefully she was still in! I rushed through the door, and to my dismay, she wasn't in. I laid her down on one of the beds and activated my Overdrive Quirk. I put my hand on her head and slowly healed her. She shot straight up and held onto me, interrupting my healing.

"Hey, it's okay Tomikoa, it's alright. Can you tell me what happened?" I asked.

She didn't say a word to me. It felt like she was almost in some sort of catatonic state now. Every time I tried to move, her grip would tighten on me, and she'd move closer to me. I heard the door open and I looked to see who entered the room.

"Alyx, what's going on?" Mr. Aizawa questioned.

Mr. Aizawa, Midnight, Recovery Girl and Present Mic stood in the room. They walked over to me and tried to talk to Tomikoa, but she wouldn't say anything to them. Mr. Aizawa tried to touch her shoulder but she freaked out!

"Don't let him hurt me! Don't let him hurt me!" She cried.

Mr. Aizawa stood back and was as confused as I was. I tried to read her mind, but it was filled with nothing but a scramble of darkness, so my telepathy wouldn't get any answers from her. I looked back at Mr. Aizawa and the others and saw the concerned looks on their faces.

"Whatever's going on, the Pros need to be on high alert. I found her in an apartment building scared shitless. Whoever the hell did this must be some sort of Emitter Quirk user. That's all I can gather from this. For her to be like this, this guy's gotta powerful Quirk." I advised.

"Okay, I'll make an announcement to the others! Mic, come with me!" Midnight replied.

They rushed out of the room and I managed to lay Tomikoa back down on the bed. Recovery Girl tended to her and I walked back to the dorms with Mr. Aizawa. We didn't say much, but we knew something was coming.

(I.R.P.: Listen to, "Breakdown (Leitmotif Only)" From Jojo's Bizarre Adventure!)

I walked into the dorms and saw everyone on the floor! A dark, shadowy figure stood over them!

"A... Al... yx...!" Deku managed to say.

The figure looked behind it and stared at me. I activated Mode Four and got in my fighting stance. The figure started slowly walking towards me. I looked down and noticed that it was keeping the others in place!

"Hang on, this'll only take a second!" I shouted.

I rushed over to the figure and reeled my fist back and dodged its swipe. I smirked at it, it looked like it was scared of my speed!


I slammed my fists against the figure and it slammed against the kitchen wall. I walked over to the figure and it lunged at me once more. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Good grief... Just stay down!" I yelled at it.

I reeled my fist back and began my strikes again, "DORARARARA! DORARARARA! DORARARARA! DORARARARARA!!"

"DORA!!" My last fist sent it flying out of the kitchen window!

I rushed out of the window just to see that it had disappeared, I shook them off as steam rose from them.

"So much for that..." I muttered.

I ran back inside and everyone was slowly getting back up to their feet, they were a bit dazed, but they were alright.

"What happened? What in the hell was that?" I asked.

"I... I'm not sure. One minute I'm going upstairs to my room, the next I'm on the floor. I tried to move but I couldn't and that thing was standing over all of us." Deku answered.

Whatever that was, it must have something to do with Tomikoa and the apartment complex. There's not a doubt in my mind that this was somebody's Quirk at work here. That thing must've gotten into Tomikoa's head, which is what it must've tried to do with everyone else.

[Later That Night...]

I couldn't sleep at all, with some sort of thing wondering around the dorms, I was on high alert. I'm pretty sure we all were keeping an eye out for whoever it was. I laid back on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Maybe if I at least try to sleep, I can just forget about all of this until the morning. There wasn't much I could do right now anyway. I shut my eyes and fell asleep. I heard a loud bang coming from outside of my room and I shot up from bed. It was pitch black outside; did I already fall asleep? I stood up from my bed and walked outside of my room.

(I.R.P.: Listen To, "Yonaka ni Kiku to Kowai." from My Hero Academia!)

The hallway I stood it contorted and shifted. I heard voices whisper in my ear and children singing.

"Allllyyyyxxx..." I heard someone moan.

I turned around and saw something in the darkness. I heard something shatter and I turned around. I clenched my fists as I looked around the now darkened hallway. I felt a hand on my shoulder. Long, scaly fingers that looked like rotten dolls were placed firmly on my shoulder. I slowly turned around and faced whatever was behind me. There, standing behind me, was a long haired being. Its faces contorted and twisted. It soulless, black eyes stared back at me as it towered over me. Its pale skin was seemingly stained with blood.

"Won't you play with me, Alyx?" It bellowed.

I couldn't move, no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't move, and it grinned at me. It had no teeth, but the gums were riddled with green plaque and black tar. It twisted its head clockwise as it came closer to me. It shrieked at me and I closed my eyes. I opened them to find myself in complete darkness. I couldn't activate my Quirk or anything.

"W-What do you want from me?" I shouted to the darkness.

"Your soul..." Something whispered in my ear.

It pulled me backwards and I shot up out of my bed. That sounded like... Arlen? Chills went through my entire body as I found myself in a cold sweat. I didn't even notice it, but my hands were shaking and my heart was racing. That thing I saw, those voices and chanting, I couldn't get them out of my head. I sat up from my bed and walked to my balcony door. I quickly opened the curtains but found nothing staring back at me. I closed them and regained my composure. I walked over to my door and slowly opened it. I looked outside and saw that the hallway was normal and not distorted. I decided to check in on Momo. I walked to her room slowly, making sure that I wasn't still in whatever hellish nightmare that was. Once I got there, I slowly opened her door.

"Momo!" I shouted.

The dark figure stood over her and grinned at me. It disappeared and I knew I was too late. She was staring up at the ceiling with glassy eyes, I rushed over to her and picked her up. She was in the exact same state as Tomikoa was! I rushed downstairs to the common room and set her down on the couch. I set my hands on the ground and created a force shield that covered the entirety of the dorm. Whatever was inside this shield would be evaporated, it was nothing but negative energy. I saw movement outside of the shield from the common room window. Whoever it was, rushed away from the dorms, alongside the shadow figure.

I heard footsteps coming downstairs as I lifted the shield up. Only Bakugo, Jiro, Tsuyu, Mina, Tokoyami, Shinso, Deku, and Mineta came downstairs. I knew something was wrong when only they were here.

"Alyx, what's going on?" Tsuyu asked.

"It came back, the Quirk user was right outside the dorms! They ran off, but from what it looks like, it's just the 10 of us now. You guys round up the others and bring them down here, I'm gonna check on 2-B!" I instructed.

I ran outside of the dorms and headed to 2-B's dorms. I burst through the doors and saw Kendo at their refrigerator.

"Alyx, what are you-" Kendo tried to ask.

I interrupted her, "I don't have time to explain, wake everyone up and get them to our dorm building!"

We rushed up stairs, I created 8 afterimages to help quicken the process. I started on the first floor with one of my afterimages. I burst through a bedroom door and found Tetsutetsu. He shot up from his bed after hearing his door slam open.

"Come on! We need to go!" I shouted.

Tetsutetsu nodded and quickly got out of bed to follow me. I went through the rooms on the first floor, my afterimages found 3 people that were affected by this Quirk. It had Shoda, Fukadashi, and Kinoko and rushed towards our dorm. I saw 3 other afterimages come downstairs, all holding at least 2 people. The only people that weren't affected were Pony, Yui, Shishida, Reiko, and Monoma. We rushed out of their dorms and headed back to mine.

"Fuck, is this really all we got? How'd he hit so many people already?" I wondered.

Everyone all shared similar traits: blank expressions, glassy eyes, seemingly in a catatonic or unconscious state. I remembered something though, all the lights were off in the apartment building Tomikoa was at, and when the thing attacked her, all the lights were out as well. It must manifest itself through darkness! I rushed over to the lights and turned them on.

"Everyone, gather around me!" I demanded.

Everyone rushed over to me and I put up a force field around the dorms. The light from my shield would most definitely protect us from that thing.

"What now? If that person's out there, what do we do? We can't leave unless we want to be attacked." Kendo pondered.

I nodded, "Nothing, that's what. We wait until sunrise, then we act. Right now, we need to treat the others before we move forward. Deku, can you hold this shield for me?"

"Yeah! I can!" Deku exclaimed.

I lent him a bit of my Overdrive and he took my place. I walked over to Momo and put my hand on her forehead. I closed my eyes; I saw the same scramble of darkness that was in Tomikoa's mind. Whatever this was, I think I'm starting to understand it.

"I'm going in." I told them.

I entered her mind through the Seventh Plane, I opened my eyes and saw myself standing amongst a crowd of people. I pushed my way through the crowd of blank faces. I saw Momo on the ground in the middle of the circle.

I knelt down and she looked at me, "No... Not you too..."

"Momo, it's going to be alright, I promise. I'm not a part of this nightmare." I reassured her.

I held my hand out to her and she grabbed it. We immediately shot out of the dream and I returned to the real world. Momo finally woke up and she hugged me.

"W-What's going on? I'm... I'm not feeling so good." Momo groggily asked.

"That shadow thing attacked, it's gotten to most of us, but we're fine. I've got an idea." I responded.

I stood up and told Deku to drop the shield. I told him to use his Blackwhip once I signaled for him. I turned off the lights and stood in the middle of the room. Everyone remained quiet as movement started back up outside. The shadow figure slowly faded in through the wall.

"Deku, now!" I shouted.

He wrapped his Blackwhip around the figure and pulled it forward, sending another person launching through the window with it! The man stumbled to his feet as Deku pulled him towards me.

"W-What... But how?! I... I was..." The man muttered out of fear.

"It's pretty obvious when you invade people's minds. Plus, all Quirks have some sort of range and the only way you could've done this is if you were nearby." I explained.

"P-Please... I was told to do this, I'm just an errand boy! You're gonna let me go right? You're those heroes in training, it's the right thing to do!" The man pleaded.

I huffed, "If you asked a few hours ago, I would've. But, since you decided to interrupt my sleep, attack the people I love, AND try to get away with it, I'm feeling pretty pissed right now. And trust me, you don't want me pissed, right Bakugo?"

He nodded and laughed, "Yeah, you're gonna fucking regret this, dipshit."

"Let's take a vote, shall we? All in favor of me being 100% angry and giving him the Cioccolata Experience, say 'I'." I asked.

Everyone in the room said "I" and I smiled. The man started shaking and trembling.

"W-W-What's t-the C-Cioccolata E-Experience?" He stuttered.

"One word, creep, 'Muda'." I retorted as I went into Mode Four and Boost Fire.


"WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!" I screamed as he yelled in agony.


"MUDA!!!" I let off one last punch that sent him flying through the Common Room wall and into the sky!

Steam rose off of my arms as everyone else started to wake up. I walked over to the hole in the wall and repaired it and the window. I looked back as Tsuyu was staring at my arms.

"You know, I think that I like it better when you're not angry." She said.

I smiled and laughed, "Yeah, I get what you mean! My arms are still on fire!"

I helped everyone back into their rooms but Momo was still laying on the couch as I walked back downstairs.

"You brought her here, didn't you?" Momo questioned.

"Tomikoa? How could you tell?" I replied.

She held up a strand of blonde hair, "I found this on your shoulder. There's only one person that could've left that."

I nodded, "I did, Bakugo told me how she wasn't in London during that W.H.A. Program. It kind of worried me since I figured she would've been there if I was there. Which, I know it might seem weird because of what happened a couple months ago, but I can't let someone I know get hurt."

"So where do you draw the line, Alyx? She nearly killed me and yet you're saving her? You can't play both sides, Alyx, it's just impossible." Momo argued.

"But I... I don't mean... I..." I stumbled over my words.

"Alyx, this is effecting everyone. You're constantly going out all the time, for God's sake, you're friends with some of the former League of Villains! As much as it seems like it, we really don't know who you are anymore. We were going to all discuss this with you, but I just couldn't resist it, I just needed to say it." Momo continued.

I looked down at the floor as I shifted on the couch.

"All I ask is that you stop trying to be on both sides. Please, Alyx." She spoke softly.

Momo sat up and held my hand. Was I really that distant from everyone?

"Alright, I understand. I know sorry isn't going to cut it, but it'll be a start. I'm sorry for being so distant, I guess I've been just trying to please the wrong people." I apologized.

"Thank you, that's all I wanted to hear." She cooed.

Momo hugged me, "But one more thing, never touch that arrogant bitch again."

I laughed as I hugged her back. She pushed away from me and smiled.

"You know what we haven't done in a while?" Momo smirked.

"Cuddled up in my room and watched Forensic Files on Netflix?" I replied.

"Precisely! Come on, let's go!" Momo told me.

I grinned, "Aw yeah! This is happenin'!"

Now that we don't have to worry about some asshole giving us nightmares, we can actually let our guards down, for now. There was still one thing on my mind, who sent that guy to us and why?