An Explosive Showdown! Serial Killer Revealed!

We tried as many things as possible, but we couldn't get Rayzor and Ryuko back to their world. Not even my watch could transport them back! That woman was working closely with the Hero Association and Pro Heroes to try make some sense of her child's Quirk.

"So, you've got quite the handful I've heard, Braveheart." Ryukyu stated.

"Yeah, I seriously have had a rather interesting few days this week. Actually, I guess an interesting month!" I replied.

"I'd have to agree, hopefully things start to make sense again, isn't this all just rather crazy? Speaking of that, I'd like you thank you again for what you did a few days ago, I truly do appreciate it." She smiled.

I finished putting on my gloves for my hero costume, "Don't mention it! At least we didn't get hurt, that's all that matters."

She laid out a map in front of me, it looked as if it was the layout of an apartment building. There were details of where we needed to be, go, and stay at certain intervals.

"You guys really did your research, didn't you?" I muttered.

"That we did! Thanks to our scouting, other Heroes had been staying in that area periodically, they found that man coming in and out of that building. So, we're going in with other Pros to see what we can find." Ryukyu explained.

I nodded and we went on our way to that apartment complex.

[20 Minutes Later...]

Ryukyu and I entered the complex after getting debriefed by Mirko and Edgeshot. Thankfully, I wouldn't be alone since, Bakugo, Shoji, Tsuyu, Kirishima, and Yui. Yui had went in with Ryukyu and I, just in case something went wrong.

"Okay, keep quiet, we don't want to attract attention." Ryukyu whispered.

We both nodded and laid low. I looked over at Yui, it didn't help that her hero costume had a hat with a metal fin protruding out of the back.

"Hey, you might wanna take your hat off." I quietly advised.

She looked at her hat and took it off. We stayed silent as we heard footsteps coming down the hallway. It was him! He quickly opened a door and shut it. I heard him lock a few things on his door before silence filled the hallway once more. Ryukyu had contacted Mirko on her receiver and I had something to ask.

"Hey, Yui, what's your Quirk?" I asked.

She didn't say a word, Yui simply touched her hat and laid it on the ground, she touched her fingertips together and it grew!

"W-Woah, that's really cool! So, I'm assuming you can change the size of non-living objects, right?" I guessed.

"Mm!" She replied.

That honestly might be extremely useful, especially if we get into a fight with this guy.

"Okay, we can move out, they're on their way!" Ryukyu told us.

We nodded and quietly approached his door. Being that it was locked, I knelt down and picked the first lock with ease. But from what it sounded like, there were more locks, aaaand they were on the inside.

"There's more locks on the inside, I heard him lock four more outside of this one." I whispered.

Yui stepped forward and touched the door. She put her fingertips together and shrunk it! Huh... How come I didn't think of that? We entered the room, it was rather neatly kept, nothing gave the inclination that a serial killer lived here. It was almost as if he disappeared, we couldn't find him anywhere. Ryukyu opened a closet door and beckoned us over. There was a downstairs to his apartment? We slowly crept down the stairs and into, presumably, his base of operations.

As we walked down a corridor, I heard a "tick" noise behind me, I quickly turned around and shielded Yui as an explosion ripped through the corridor! The smoke quickly lifted and I let my shield down.

"You guys alright?" I asked.

"Mm!" Yui responded.

"Well, well, well. We finally meet, Leonidus. Might I add, you're rather quick on your feet." I heard a voice call out.

I turned around and saw him standing at the end of the hallway.

"I bet you're wondering who I am exactly, being that you don't have much time left alive, I'll gladly tell you. My name is Taketoshi Hisaka, for the past 15 years, I've single handedly eliminated those that you Pro Heroes wouldn't. Although I've taken my fair share of lives, it surely doesn't contribute to the amount of lives taken by these modern day... "Villains" that you call them today." He explained.

I tried to make a move but he held his hand out, "Ah, not so fast now. One false move and you might just explode in thousands of pieces. Now, let's be rational here and make this easier on me. I've rigged this whole apartment complex to explode, which means that you either leave this place or... Within one snap of my finger..."

He backed away into a room with his hand still in the air. He must be bluffing, there's no way he's rigged this place to explode, his Quirk only works if he's touched one surface, not multiple! Right?

"If you think we're leaving, you're dead wrong, Hisaka!" Ryukyu shouted.

"Well, that's just too bad now isn't it?" He smirked.

(I.R.P.: Listen to, "Deku vs Overhaul OST - [FINAL VER]" uploaded by Night Music!)

He snapped his fingers and I activated Mode Five. A vault door shut and locked him in the room he stood in! Within seconds, the entire ceiling above us came down! I put my hands up and felt the entire weight of the apartment complex on my body!

"More... More... MORE! Output as much Overdrive as you can, no... MORE than what you can handle! Remember who's on the other side of that door, all the people he's killed and families he's separated! If you die here, then none of them can be avenged! So... Stand up... For the love of god... STAND UP! Make those promises into reality! That's what you told them, right?! THAT'S A HERO'S JOB!!" I thought to myself.

I slowly started to stand up as I output an insane amount of Overdrive out of my body! Ryukyu and Yui crawled over to me.

"B-BOOST FIRE: TIMES 100!!" I roared.

I tossed the building a few feet above me and reeled my fist back, "DORARARARA!!!"

"B-Braveheart..." Ryukyu muttered.

I felt my arms start to tire after a couple minutes of destroying what was in front of me. My arms started to lock up but I pushed through the pain. My mind was remembering that damn smirk of his before he blew this place up!

"Don't let up, no matter what! Keep hammering down on this building, break through every single layer in front of you! Your arms might get tired, but ignore it, don't let your resolve do the same! For the sake of Ms. Ryukyu and Yui, don't you fucking dare stop! Let your arms and fists bleed, let THEM do the work! Ignore whatever thoughts are in your mind, break through this building, and get outside!" I thought.

I felt my scar ignite with my Overdrive; my arms flew punches at an even faster rate than before!


I saw a glimmer of light, "DORAAAAA!!!!!"

I smashed through the last piece of the apartment complex until debris was scattered around us. My hero costume's sleeves were practically torn to bits and blood rushed down from my hands and arms. Heavy amounts of steam came off my body and mainly my arms. My hair fell completely down and I collapsed to the ground. The vault door opened and I saw him walk out.

"Impressive, I didn't think you'd all survive that. No matter, I have no problem killing you right here as is. Although I would've much preferred you to be able to fight." He told us.

Right before he touched the ground, a hand grabbed his wrist out of thin air!

"I don't think you should do that." Rayzor warned.

"R-Rayzor... R-R... Ryuko?" I mumbled.

"Hey, kid, I didn't want to leave you hanging. I felt your energy start to lower so we came here as fast as we could." Rayzor told me.

I softly smiled as I heard the others start to make their way down. The vault door burst open and a group of Brainwash Virus people charged to Hisaka's side. Right on time, Bakugo burst through a wall, leading the charge! They all exchanged with one another as I laid there on the ground next to Yui and Ryukyu.

"Y-Yui... C-Can... You reach... In my... P-Pouch..." I croaked.

She opened up the pouch and pulled a vial of Overdrive out of it.

"O-Okay... Now... I... Need you to... Heal... R-Ryukyu, please..." I continued.

Yui actually looked concerned, which I didn't expect.

"Mm." She responded.

I told her how to heal her and she understood what to do. As she healed Ryukyu, I started creating a Flash Cannon with the remaining strength I had left.

"Yui..." I muttered.

Yui looked behind her and saw the Flash Cannon floating above my hand. She helped Ryukyu up and then ran over to me. Yui touched it and enlarged it to about the size of a basketball. I let it float away from me and it headed towards Rayzor. He glanced over as he incinerated one of the Brainwashees. He smirked and grabbed the Flash Cannon.

"Eat this, asshole!" He shouted.

He flew into the air and chucked it towards Hisaka! I opened my hand and it exploded, sending the surrounding enemies and Hisaka flying! He slammed into the vault door which knocked the wind out of him. Rayzor shoved Taketoshi's head into the door.

"Alyx, are you alright?" Tsuyu asked.

"Y-Yeah... I'm... O-Okay..." I responded.

Shoji made his way over to me; I could barely see him since my eyes felt so heavy. My arms were writhing in pains that felt like needles were getting shoved into my arms alongside icicles being pressed into them. I passed out before hearing Tsuyu and Shoji say something to me.

[25 Minutes Later...]

"Hey... Alyx... Are you alright?" I faintly heard Annie ask.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Annie kneeling over me, "A-Annie...?"

I felt someone else prop me up I managed to turn my head a bit and look at who it was.

"Glad to see you're awake, Amnesia. Do you need help standing or are you gonna try it yourself like an idiot?" Bakugo smirked.

I slightly smiled at him and let them help me up. Rayzor walked over to me, put his hand on my shoulder, and actually smiled!

"You really proved yourself to me, Alyx. I think you might've proven something to everyone else as well!" He complimented.

"E-Even though... I nearly died again? Awesome...!" I smiled back.

[3 Months Later...]

The entire course of school was rather peaceful! We managed to find a way to send Rayzor and Ryuko home, thanks to that rift baby, and the final exams were only written tests. Then, finally, it was the end of my Second Year at U.A, High! I was super excited about it! Until today...

"I'm gonna miss you so much!" Momo sniffled.

"Hey, I'm gonna miss you too, but you'll be back in a few months! Let me know when you've landed, okay?" I responded.

U.A. decided to send us back to our homes since the crime rate in Japan had actually dropped a whole 6%! Momo told me that her and her family were taking a vacation to Hong Kong for the entire summer. After a very emotional goodbye, I returned home. I told everyone about it.

"Aw, well that's just sad, sweetheart. But at least she'll be back during your next school year!" My mother reassured.

I went up to my room and found Laura snuggled up in my bed.

"So, I overheard that Yaoyorozu is gone. Is that true?" She asked.

"Yeah, it is... It's honestly gonna suck not seeing her every day. And don't even get me started on everyone else!" I replied.

Laura quickly sprung out of bed, "Well if that's the case, I can be your temporary girlfriend!"

A temporary... Girlfriend? Just when I thought I had my fair share of odd things already. I guess I did say I was prepared for anything.