After departing from Katsuko and the others, I had one more stop on my list before I headed back to my world. I found myself back in the dark, dingy workshop.
"Why in the hell is it so dark in here?" I muttered.
I made my way out of the workshop and into the desolate hallway. The number of blank, mindless faces was mind boggling. They were almost in a trance like state as they wondered the halls aimlessly. I walked down the hallways and through the students to get through to the dorms. Nothing has changed from the outside from what I can tell. I knocked on the dorm doors and waited for a bit.
Momo answered the door, "It's you! Did you come back to see little ole' me?"
"Well, I'm here to see the other me. I'm assuming he's been Quirk training, yes?" I replied.
"O-Oh... I... Yes! He has!" Momo smiled.
I nodded and stood away from the door. She went back inside to presumably to go get him. Instead, the entirety of the dorms came out!
"Oh fuck..." I heard him sigh.
"Heya! I told you I'd be back. I bet you've gotten rather strong since the first time we met, eh?" I beamed.
"Y-Yeah! I have!" He nervously laughed.
(I.R.P.: Listen to "Limit-Break" from Dragon Ball Super)
I activated Infinite Mode and they all looked on in awe.
"Woah... He's so shiny!" Kaminari exclaimed.
The other Alyx tilted his head, "That form... What is it? How in the fuck are you doing that?"
"It's called Infinite Mode, being the current circumstances, I don't think you'll be able to achieve it. Your world is vastly different from mine, it's hard telling how you'll get to this level. It's the ultimate level of the Overdrive Quirk, there isn't a step above this. Right now, I can only use it at 45% of its maximum power. Trust me, you aren't gonna hit me anytime soon, don't worry about me fighting back either. I'll let you show me how strong you've gotten!" I explained.
"That marking on his forehead... I've seen it before." Momo stated.
"Huh? That weird ass glowing 'V' on his forehead? What about it?" Bakugo asked.
Momo looked at Bakugo, "That marking has only been seen once before, back when the original first users of the Emitter, Transformation, and Mutant type of Quirks were alive. Don't you remember us finding that cave? That marking was etched onto the foreheads of the drawings of the Four Idols."
"Four? I thought there were only three?" Kirishima replied.
"No, clearly you weren't paying attention. One of the drawings prior showed another figure whose hair was drawn on in some sort of white chalk. This version of our Leonidus isn't just a regular Quirk user... He's... A Quirk God!" Momo continued.
"Quirk... God...? Are you being for real right now?" Izuku questioned.
"Yes, although it seems as if he hasn't reached its full potential yet. Let's take this time to observe it!" Momo explained.
"Alright! I'm ready whenever you are, Alyx!" I shouted over to him.
"Okay, prepare to get fucking murdered!" He grinned.
(I.R.P.: Listen to "The Wall Before One's Eyes" from Dragon Ball Super)
He activated Gear Three and charged towards me. Every strike he threw at me I dodged with ease. It looked like he was getting rather frustrated.
"Don't tell me this is all you've got! You've only went up one Gear since the last time we met?" I taunted.
"You... Shut the fuck up, will ya?!" He shouted.
He exploded into Boost Fire! His strikes became much faster and so did my dodging. He jumped back from me and fired off a barrage of Stardust Shoot at me. I simply walked towards him, dodging the onslaught of beams.
"W-What?! Impossible! You aren't even moving yet... Yet I'm missing every shot!" He yelled.
"Like I said, you aren't hitting me anytime soon!" I shouted back.
He stopped firing at me and ran towards me once more. I could tell he was using everything he had against me. I let him hit me, his fists were flying but I didn't feel a single thing. He landed a blow directly on my face, I looked at him and grabbed his arm.
"I know I said I wouldn't attack, but I'm sure you'd like to at least feel how strong I am!" I smiled.
"Go right on ahead, show me this so called 'strength' you've got, asshole!" He smirked.
I nodded and rammed my fist into his gut. He vomited blood and stumbled backwards, clutching his stomach. His Overdrive disappeared as he slowly fell to his knees. I walked over to him and looked down at him.
"You've still got a long way to go, Leonidus. It kind of bums me out to know that there's a me that's this weak. But nonetheless, I'm fairly certain you of all people can get stronger. You just gotta keep training." I told him.
I held my hand out towards him, instead of rejecting it, he grabbed it and let me help him up. I placed my hand on his back and healed him up.
He wiped his face, "T-Thanks. I guess you really are strong."
We walked back towards the others. We went back inside of the dorms to sit down and chat. I was really interested to see how different this world was!
"Hey, so... How many people have each of you killed?" I wondered.
"Oh, I have the highest kill count. About 576 so far!" Momo boasted.
"Yeah, and half of those would've been mine, fuckhead." Alyx retorted.
Momo glared at him, "Oh fuck off, will you? I've saved your ass too many times to count."
"Wow, really? Well, I guess I can say I've killed people, on accident of course." I replied.
"Oh really? What exactly did you do? 5 people?" Izuku laughed.
"No, about 1,500 people! Most of which I devoured!" I smiled.
They all stared at me, I guess they didn't really expect that out of someone like me.
"Y-You're serious? Dude, that's fuckin' manly!" Kirishima beamed.
"Yeah huh! I wasn't conscious at the time, so I don't know if it really counts." I responded.
I looked over at Momo who was licking her lips and looking at me. The other Alyx smacked her on the back of the head.
"Sorry, she has a habit of finding men like you attractive. As soon as she hears 'I've killed people' she's immediately aroused, depending on how many you've killed." He sighed.
"Ah, okay, I guess I kind of accidentally triggered that. Speaking of that, do you guys happen to have dorm rooms. My travel watch has a recharge of one day and I think I'll-" I tried to say.
"YOU'RE STAYING IN MY ROOM!" Momo exclaimed.
"O-Okay, I guess that answers that!" I laughed.
Mina made something for all of us to eat. Surprisingly, it wasn't some sort of trashy food! I guess the whole villain stereotype is still in my head. I guess being that I've been friends with villains in the past, I fit right in with them, which was really nice!
"So, what's it like here? Are there any heroes around?" I asked.
"Very few, maybe like, a couple hundred or so? A lot of them most of us have already killed. Hard to believe there are people out there actually wanting to be heroes, no offense." Izuku replied.
"None taken, I understand where you're coming from. I don't exactly belong here so I can't judge you guys on how society is run. I ran with some villains in my world, so I have experiences in both fields." I told him.
Momo leaned over and simpered, "Oh really? Tell me more, I'd looove to hear it."
"Well, I used to be in a group called 'The League of Villains'. I didn't mean to be a member, but they threatened to harm my family if I refused to work with them, so it was kind of a forced membership. The only thing I had to do was relay information to them and that was it. They never told me what they'd do with it. Then they killed my Father after I refused to kill All Might." I explained.
"Hmm... That's rather interesting. So, I'm assuming you were identified as a traitor, yes?" Iida wondered.
"Yeah, but we worked through some things and everything's okay now! It took a lot of time to make amends with people though." I confirmed.
I explained more about everything in my world and how different it was there compared to here. Alyx and Izuku told me what was happening here as well.
"So, you all are planning on having a huge war against the remaining heroes? I'm assuming that you're going to try and reform some, that would be a smart idea to do." I restated.
"Yep! That's the idea!" Uraraka grinned.
I guess that'll be something to see! I'm not going to join this war, of course, I've had quite enough of those. I decided to take a break outside to take in the scenery. The sky was a rather yellow-orangish color, it actually was kind of beautiful to look at, there wasn't a cloud in sight either. I'm assuming the city is normal, although I'd also assume that it'd be rather dirty, probably stained with blood. I felt someone latch onto my arm, I looked over and saw Momo.
"Hey there, so, I was just wondering where you were going to sleep. You know, in my room?" She asked.
"I guess whatever spot is available!" I chuckled.
"Well... I do happen to have a spot open on my bed, care to make a reservation?" Momo softly smiled.
"Sounds like a plan to me." I smiled back.
She pressed herself closer into my arm, "Although positivity sickens me, yours I can say I feel comfortable with. I've only seen it in those dumbass heroes I slaughter, but yours... It's definitely different."
"Yeah, I guess you can say that it isn't exactly like a generic kind of positivity, if that's what you'd like to call it. I've been through a lot, I'm pretty sure the scars show that already." I replied.
We sat there in silence. I looked down at my watch, it was about 8:00, so I'd have to wait until tomorrow night to head home. I didn't think that the villain version of Momo actually had a soft side, unless this was just an act, it still was nice feeling.
"Are you wanting to retire to bed? I can tell that you're tired." Momo questioned.
"Yeah, sure thing. I am feeling kind of tired." I agreed.
[10 Minutes Later...]
I laid in her bed alone, she was getting ready for bed, I didn't think it would take this long for someone to get ready for bed. My lower body began to feel jittery, I sat up and saw that my veins were glowing once more. My Overdrive crept up my arms and then surrounded my entire body on its own. I looked up and saw that the entire room was black, I was no longer in Momo's room.
"W-Where... Where am I?" I muttered.
I stood up and smoke began to fill the room. I put my guard up and looked around the room.
"Alyx." I heard someone call out.
I turned around and someone emerged from the smoke. His hair was glowing white, he kind of looked like my father!
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, grandson." He smiled.
"Grandson... Wait, Grandpa?" I wondered.
"That I am, it's been a while, hasn't it? You've grown so much since the last time I seen you, my boy. You were just turning 9 when I saw you last." My Grandpa responded.
"What am I doing here, Grandpa?" I asked.
He placed his hand on my shoulder, "I'm here to give you my power. You're going to need it for the road ahead, I won't be the only one speaking to you."
His aura flared out and he phased into me. Everything flashed white and I quickly woke up as I shot up from Momo's bed.
"Hey, what's wrong? Is everything alright?" She questioned.
"Y-Yeah... I just had some weird dream... That's all." I panted.
I steadied my breathing and calmed down. I felt Momo place her hand on my chest, I looked over and quickly looked back.
"Why are you naked?" I asked.
"I waaaas going to surprise you but you were already asleep. I figured you would've liked it." She grinned.
I looked back at her again, "Well, if you're thinking that I do, you'd be absolutely right!"
[3 Hours Later...]
A look of pure ecstasy was on Momo's face, "I... I can't feel... My legs..."
"Yikes, I think I went a little too hard there, you alright?" I laughed.
"I'm more than... Alright... I'm fucking feeling amazing!" She panted with glee.
I threw my bed clothes back on. I had quite the interesting time with this version of Momo, as weird as I felt about all of it, it was exactly like Special Training!
"Damn, that was perfect, you really had me spinning there! Special Training is honestly awesome!" I told her.
"W-What? What did you just say?" Momo questioned.
"Special Training. Didn't you hear what I said?" I answered.
She slowly sat up and lowered one of her eyebrows, "You mean 'sex', right?"
"Huh? Sex...? The fuck is that? Are you talking about gender? What's that gotta do with this?" I wondered.
"Y-You... You can't be serious, right? Holy shit, I knew you were sheltered but this just blows it out of the fucking water!" She laughed.
I shook my head, "Good grief..."
I climbed back into bed with her. She rested her head on my chest and placed her hand on it to slowly rub it.
"So, how different are you compared to our Leonidus, besides what I've just seen." Momo giggled.
"Well, how about you tell me more about this world's Leonidus?" I asked.
She moved closer to me, "He's rather... Incompetent. He always tries to make idiotic advances towards me, it's fucking hysterical! Especially when I hit him in the dick with my staff! Ever since he made his way to Japan, killing heroes has actually gotten a lot easier. Although he's extremely lazy, we barely see him, unless it's to get something to eat or if he decides to go kill something. He got that scar on his eye from when he helped Aizawa try and kill this double agent villain. Other than that, he's just a fucking dickhead. Now, what about you?"
"I'd have to say I'm the opposite of that. There normally isn't a time that I'm not working on improving my Quirk. Trust me, I'm far from incompetent. If you're wondering how I got the scar on my left eye, someone sacrificed themselves to save me from a villain that attacked the city I lived in. From there, I developed severe Retrograde Amnesia, I even forgot how to use my Quirk for a while!" I told her.
"Aw... Poor baby, that must've been awful!" She responded.
"Yeah, it was. But that's enough about me, I'm sure you don't really care about it." I remarked.
I laid my head down and closed my eyes. I heard the bed creak as she sat up.
"I do care, I can tell you're hiding something. What is it?" Momo worryingly questioned.
That was honestly surprising, I would've figured that she would've agreed to what I said. I opened my eyes and looked at her.
"I guess I forgot you can read me like a book... I guess I can tell you. Simply put, I'm scared of tomorrow. I feel like every day is my last at this point, making a name for myself so quickly unintentionally, I think it's coming back to bite me in the ass. I guess that's the perks of becoming a Pro Hero in training." I lamented.
"Why are you so worried about something like that? It sounds like you're overthinking it and you haven't actually given yourself a break yet. You have to learn how to take care of yourself too, you know? The both of you are so goddamn uptight about your emotions, that's what's so similar between you two. I guess not anymore, but you need to work on it, Leonidus. I'm sure once you do, you'll be feeling much better." She reassured me.
I smiled and gave her a hug, "Thank you, you really are like my Momo!"
"Clearly, you're going in the right direction if you're in a relationship with me from another world." She gushed.
"I guess so!" I laughed.
I got readjusted in her bed and she laid on my chest again.
"So, do you always sleep naked or is this just a special occasion?" I asked.
"Both! Why? Do you find this rather arousing or something?" Momo giggled.
"Perhaps..." I smiled.
She rolled her eyes and sighed, "One minute you're pure... And the next you're not. I think that's hot as hell."
I wrapped my arms around her. She snuggled up against me.
"Hey, so, how exactly did you kill 1,500 people?" Momo wondered.
"Oh, I'm part demon, I guess? Seeing blood triggered a response in me that made me black out. Then I killed nearly 1,500 people and I think I ate some of them?" I replied.
"That settles it, you're the hottest guy I've met so far." She admitted.
Good grief... Out of all of the Momo's I could've met, this one would probably be the most interesting.