"W-What the... Incredible... Alyx, you just...!" All Might exclaimed.
The scar he had on his stomach was no longer there! I think I managed to do it? There was one thing we needed to test in order to prove it.
"Go into that muscle form of yours! Let's see if I really did do anything." I told him.
He stood up and, without any problem, and used his Muscle Form. He was holding it for more than an instant! I've always wondered how this form of his worked, is like a Quirk, or is it like my Demon Transformation?
He flexed his muscles and laughed, "This is incredible! Young Leonidus, I don't know how you did it, but you've seemingly made my strength return to me once more! It almost feels as if I'm back in my prime again!"
"D-Does this mean you can fight again?!" I beamed.
"No, of course not, I'm retired! Don't you remember?" He replied.
"Oh, right. But you can at least keep your Muscle Form up?" I asked.
He gave me a thumbs up, "Right you are, my boy! I've never felt better!"
I was super-duper excited! I guess my healing really has improved! I couldn't wait to tell the others about it. But for now, I had one more person on my list that I needed to make amends with. Or well, two people, I guess.
[20 Minutes Later...]
I stood alone on the beach at Takoba Municipal Beach Park. I heard footsteps coming up next to me. I looked to my left and saw Kariya standing with his hands in his pocket. We stared out at the horizon and didn't say a word to each other for a while. The familiar sounds of wings flapping and someone landing came from behind us. We turned around to face him.
"Hawks." I greeted.
"Leonidus'." Hawks replied.
We stood across from each other. Kariya crossed his arms as he shifted himself a bit. I walked forward and stared him down. I pulled the feather out of my pocket that I found at Momo's parent's house, I handed it back to him.
"I forgive you, Hawks." I softly smiled.
He looked at the feather, it was now fully restored to its original look, it wasn't dirty or damaged. The feather slowly floated out of my hand and back into one of his wings. Hawks let off a small chuckle and he sighed.
"Kid, you're too kind. Maybe you aren't like everyone else, I knew you'd come around, eventually." He told me.
"Well, I guess if you're alright with it, I am too." Kariya chimed in.
He stepped forward and smiled at him. Theeen he punched Hawks in the stomach.
"But... I still wanted to repay you back for what you did to Annie, asshole. Now we're even." Kariya smirked.
"Y-Yeah... I-I... Kinda deserved... T-That..." Hawks responded.
I helped Hawks up to his feet and I brushed him off.
"So, what exactly did you bring me out here for, Alyx?" Kariya wondered.
I returned my gaze towards the sunset, "Well, I just wanted to let you know, the police or Pro Heroes won't be after you anymore. You said you wanted someone to be three hours early instead of one minute too late? I guess I was fast enough to save someone this time, eh?"
Kariya's eyes widened, I finally ended his lifetime of constant running, he could finally stop living on the edge. I could've sworn I saw a tear fall down his face right before he hugged me.
"I'm just gonna head out and let you two hug it out. See ya!" Hawks waved.
Hawks left as Kariya stopped hugging me. He actually was crying!
"Thank you, I never would've figured it would be you who would help me out." He spoke softly.
I smiled at him, "You needed someone to be your hero, why wouldn't I fill that role? That's what I'm going to school for after all!"
"Good grief..." Kariya muttered.
[2 Hours Later...]
I returned back home to the dorms, I entered through my balcony door, Momo was asleep on my bed. I smiled as I carefully closed my balcony door. I got ready for bed and laid down next to her. Momo moved closer to me, she smiled as she wrapped her arms around me. Honestly, this Hero Work-Study we were doing with the Big Three has me pumped! I seriously can't wait to see all of the things we'll do this next month!
"Darling..." I heard Momo call my name.
"Hm? What is it?" I wondered.
"My Father told me... That you asked for his permission to marry me." She told me.
I felt my cheeks heat up, "I-I... I didn't think that he'd tell you that. I just wanted to-"
Momo kissed me, I closed my eyes and opened them once she moved her head back.
"I've already planned on saying yes, Alyx." She smiled.
[The Next Day...]
Momo and I arrived at the Big Three Agency. To our surprise, Tsukumo and Mizuki were already there! We met up with them as Mirio strolled on in.
"Heya, everyone! Today's gonna be simple. Braveheart, Creati, you'll be rolling with me! Cloud Nine, Moonlight, you'll be coming with as well!" Mirio instructed.
We nodded as we followed him out to conduct a patrol. We wondered around the city of Hosu. I've got some real bad memories of this place, but I can push past them. We were met with dozens of smiling faces! It was nice to see that everyone was in a great mood today.
"Hey, Braveheart-Senpai, what's that over there?" Tsukumo pointed.
We all looked up and saw some sort of weird light coming from a building. I wasn't entirely sure what it was.
"Well, there's only one way to find out!" Mirio exclaimed.
We hurried over to the building, we stopped right in front of the door, Mirio peeked his head in to see if the coast was clear. He popped his head back out from the cement wall and put his thumbs up. I entered the building quietly, where exactly was this light coming from? All of us spread out around the room we were in. This place must've served as an old warehouse, judging by the rusty shipping containers and dusty smell.
"Where did that light come from?" Mizuki wondered.
Just then, something exploded! The entire warehouse came down on top of us! The last thing I remember before blacking out was trying to find Momo. As I came to, I pushed off a chunk of debris from the top of me. Sunlight came down to the middle of the room and...
[25 Minutes Later...]
Mirio pushed the rubble off of Tsukumo and Mizuki. Thankfully, Mizuki used her Quirk to shield off the oncoming rubble.
"Are you guys alright? I think that was an ambush attempt. Come on, we need to find Braveheart and Creati!" Mirio told them.
Tsukumo and Mizuki got up and followed Mirio. They cleared the rubble in front of them until they reached the middle of warehouse. A single light shined down in the middle of where Alyx sat with Yaoyorozu in his arms. Tears streamed down the blank expression across his face. Nejire and Amajiki made their way into the now destroyed warehouse.
"Oh my God..." Nejire muttered.
Alyx slowly stood up, still holding Momo in his arms, and walked forward. His eyes were empty and cold. Pro Heroes circled around the warehouse, wondering what happened. Among them, stood Denki Kaminari, Mina Ashido, Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro Kirishima, and Laura Whitson. Through the rubble, Alyx Leonidus and the others slowly walked out. The others couldn't believe their eyes. Momo Yaoyorozu... Had been killed.
[One Week Later...]
Alyx stood silently on his balcony, his eyes were dark and puffy, he hadn't slept since Momo's death a week prior. Neither had he left his room, not for school, not for anything. The morale at U.A. High was the lowest it's been since All Might's supposed passing. There was only one culprit to this crime, the one Alyx knew very well, The Quartet Girls. He knew that facing them by himself was a death wish, but that's exactly what he wanted, death. For failing to keep his promise, he acted more reckless towards his own wellbeing. He isolated himself from the world around him, not even opening up to the pleas from his friends.
"This must be a sick joke... God's cruel way of punishing a kind hearted soul like me, someone that can live life without problems." Alyx thought to himself.
He could no longer cry, as his tear were well and gone. His Grandfather Tanjiro and Aunt Nezuko couldn't reach him, as he completely shut down all attempts at communication. He sat there, alone, cold, and filled with nothing but despair. Leonidus stared at the wisteria tree in the distance, it no longer held it's glow, as the petals began to wilt. He jumped off his balcony and flew towards the tree, in front of it, was a small handmade grave that Leonidus made the evening of Yaoyorozu's death. He sat on his knees in front of it and closed his eyes.
Katsuki looked out of the dormitory windows, he saw that Leonidus was in the usual spot he was around this time.
"I'm going out." Bakugo announced.
He grabbed his jacket before leaving for the wisteria tree. He made his way closer to Alyx, he sat down next to him as Alyx opened his empty, dead eyes. He looked over at Bakugo and immediately broke down into his arms.
"I-I broke it... I broke my fucking promise, Katsuki! Just fucking do it... Please... Do it!" Alyx sobbed.
Bakugo held him tightly, "W-What are you... What?"
"Just fucking kill me! I couldn't keep my promises to her... What the fuck am I still doing here?!" He cried out.
Bakugo looked down at Alyx as he saw that barely any tears fell down his face, but without a doubt, he'd be bawling his eyes out. Katsuki began to tear up as well after hearing his friend's request.
"D-Don't you fucking... Ever ask me that again, got it?" Bakugo sniffled.
Leonidus looked up at him, "But it's fucking true! I-I don't deserve to-"
Katsuki slapped Leonidus before he could say anything else. He grabbed Alyx by his shoulders and stared at him as tears flowed down his face. Bakugo held Alyx close to him, placing his head on his shoulder and his hand on the back of Alyx's head. The two didn't say anything else, tears flowed, but no noise was uttered. The rest of Class 3-A came outside with the same sullen expressions. They crowded around Bakugo and Alyx, all of them joined in on the hug.
"We aren't going to let you do that... I swear to God, Alyx, we'll help you. And I promise you, we'll find out whoever the fuck did this, and we'll kill 'em." Bakugo quietly wept.
Alyx's eyes widened and the grip he had on Bakugo's jacket tightened even further.
"I love you guys... All of you..." Alyx sniffled.
The wisteria tree began to slightly brighten as the wind gently blew. Leonidus had finally broken out of his despair temporarily, right into the arms of his peers. How long would this last?