Easy-Going! Talk Show Interview!

I woke up this morning to the sorest arms I've ever felt in years. They ached and were stiffer than hell! On second thought, maybe I should've kept the arm Hatsume made me... I stared at my bedroom ceiling, contemplating whether or not I should stay home from school and go to my Work-Study, or go to school and stay home from my Work-Study. Momo moved closer to me and put her head on my arm.

"Ow ow ow holy fuck ow." I mouthed.

I'd much rather have a huge migraine instead of these arm pains! I slowly sat up which woke Momo up. I sighed and yawned as I moved to the edge of my bed slowly.

"Are you alright, darling?" Momo groggily asked.

"Do you know what it feels like to hold back a 250,000-ton cargo ship that's speeding towards a coast side town?" I replied.

"No... Why would I ever know what that feels like, Alyx?" Momo wondered.

I lowered my eyes, "M-Momz... I don't expect you to hold back a cargo ship that weighs that much."

"Well, you asked me and I've never experienced that so..." Momo giggled.

"Babe, your Shoto is showing heavily." I laughed.

I went to move my arms but stopped, I've never felt pain like this before in years! Momo put her chin on my shoulder, wrapped her legs around me, and started massaging my right arm.

"You know, as strange as this'll sound, I really missed this arm. So, this is what it looks like without scars? It's nice seeing you not all scarred up." Momo cooed.

"Speaking of scars... Do you still have that scar? You know, the uh... The..." I tried to ask.

Momo leaned her head closer to me, "The what scar?"

"You know what I'm talking about, that one scar that you have on... The thing..." I sputtered.

"Goodness gracious, darling, you're 18 years old and you can't ask me about my breast scar? Are you wanting to see it?" Momo sighed.

I nodded my head at her, I turned to face her and she showed me the scar.

"Now say it." Momo demanded.

"Say what? I'm not understanding what you want me to-" I tried to say.

"Boob. Scar. Darling, please for all that is holy, can you say that?" Momo interrupted.

I blinked a couple times and sat there in silence. Momo pulled her tank top back up and crossed her arms. Her eyebrows raised and her head slightly went downward.

"A-Are you sure? It's not gonna be weird or impolite if I ask you?" I wondered.

"Alyx... You quite literally have KILLED villains, fought a deity, and 'died' multiple times. You're telling me you can't say, 'Darling dearest, may I please see the scar you have on your breast, please'?" Momo replied.

I crossed my arms and looked away from her, "Big titty scar. There, I said it."

"There! That's more like it, you truly need to work on allowing yourself to let go at times. There's no need to be serious all the time around me." Momo told me.

We both got up and around for school. Hopefully, today would be an easy day!

[2 Hours Later...]

"Alright everyone, I have some news about what we'll be doing today. All of you won't be heading to your Work-Studies after school, instead, you all will be going to a live talk show. I know, it's not ideal, but that's what U.A. and most of the staff members have agreed to." Mr. Aizawa announced.

A live talk show? Seriously? If I'm gonna be honest, I'd rather stay home than do that. Things like that make me hungry! I wonder what this'll be about?

[Several Hours Later...]

It was time for that live show interview, I guess? I figured this would be an interview being that's the only thing I can think of. Outside of U.A. was a limo, it felt like we should be wearing formal wear instead of our hero suits. All of us entered the limo, I sat next to Shinso, he didn't exactly look all too happy about this whole thing.

"We don't have to do this, right?" Shinso complained.

"I agree, we can just like... Leave... Right?" I agreed.

"Oh, come on, you two! This'll be amazing! All that exposure, people are gonna know who we are before we're even Pro Heroes!" Mina beamed.

We drove about 20 minutes to this studio, there were hundreds of people outside waiting for us, security stood in front of barriers. They even had a red carpet rolled out for us.

"Good grief... Alright everyone, just act casual, or watch me." I told them.

I left the car and the crowd lost their minds. I took Momo's hand as she left the limo and the crowd's cheering and hollering got even louder. We smiled and waved at everyone. As we walked, I heard someone frantically shout my name.

"Leonidus! Can you sign my baby?!" The woman shouted.

"O-Okay!" I chuckled.

This was definitely a first, I guess I can cross 'sign my name onto a child' off of my bucket list. We hurried into the studio after greeting dozens of people. We made our way to wherever this interview was being held, thanks to one of the security guard's guidance. They apparently had a live audience as well, which was just great... We all sat down in seats that were marked with our names.

"Well, GOOOOOD Evening everyone! Welcome to Musutafu City Live! I'm your host, Yasui Kotone. Today, we have the famous Class 3-A from U.A. High, the same students that saved the world a month ago! So, let's get started! First things first, how are all of you doing?" Kotone introduced.

We all looked at each other, "Pretty good, honestly."

"Eh, I'm feeling a little tired but, I'm doing great!" Kaminari added.

"Wonderful! As I'm sure all of you know, one of your peers has amassed a rather large fan base on social media." Kotone continued.

Everyone looked directly at me, I lowered my eyes and the crowd started to laugh.

"Don't make it obvious or anything, guys." I chuckled.

"How about you share with us some of the questions people have asked you, Leonidus?" She smiled.

I nodded at her, I pulled out my phone and looked at the fan page.

"Alright, I'm just gonna go through the ones that were highly liked. So, here's one from @Summer_Child00, they asked 'How many abs do you have, Leonidus?'." I announced.

I looked up from my phone and at the camera, "Really? This one was the most liked? That's a rather basic question! I have... a six pack, I think?"

"You have eight, darling, I should know." Momo corrected.

"Oh, right! I guess you know my body a lot better than I do!" I laughed.

Momo looked back at the camera and winked. Mina started dying of laughter and Shoto looked rather confused.

"ANYWAYS... Here's another one, this is from @SudoKindnine, they ask 'Who would win in a fight, you or Goku?'." I continued.

The entire studio went quiet, I ushered the camera to zoom in on my face. I gave a dead stare at it.

"Listen, um... I'd love to answer that question, truthfully, but I don't think that I'm mentally prepared for the argument that'll ensue afterwards. So, it's pretty much up to interpretation and debate." I responded.

After I answered a few more questions, the "interview" went on. Shoto was asked somethings, most of which, he took them literally. Don't even get me started on Bakugo... Most of the things we were asked were basic, generic talk show things. If I'm gonna be honest, this was probably the easiest yet most boring thing I've ever done in my entire life. After the show ended, we signed shirts and interacted with the actual audience. A little boy came up and tugged on my sleeve of my hero costume.

I looked at him and smiled, "Hey there!"

"M-Mr. Leonidus, I-I have a question." He told me.

I knelt down next to him, I could tell that he was about 7 or 8 years old. I nodded at him to let him know that he could ask me a question.

"Are all Quirks useful? Even if they're scary?" The boy asked.

I thought for a bit, this kid must have a Quirk that people aren't typically fond of. I activated my Rage Quirk which took him by surprise, I moved the two Rage arms towards him so that he could look at them.

"Yes, they can. I used to be scared of my Rage Quirk, it took some time, but I learned to accept it. Whatever your Quirk may be, if you keep working hard, it'll be extremely useful! Any Quirk can be weak if you don't work on them, it doesn't matter how strong it may look." I advised.

He held one of my Rage arms, I heard a rattling coming from him, he had a tail like a rattlesnake!

"What's your Quirk, kid? And your name?" I wondered.

"My name is Ozaki. My Quirks are called, 'Rattlesnake' and 'Scarecrow'. People call me scary whenever I use them and I don't like it." He lamented.

I placed my hand on his head, "Ozaki, your Quirks are amazing! I can tell you'll be a strong hero in the future."

"R-Really?" He replied.

"Yep! With enough training, you can take on anything! It doesn't matter what your Quirk is, if you think you can do it, chances are... You may be able to! All you have to do is stay focused and not worry about what others think of you, you can do that for me, right?" I confirmed.

He nodded at me, I gave him a smile, which made him start to tear up.

"Ozaki, no matter what your Quirk might be, you can become a hero. I promise you; you'll see. It'll take some time, there's no doubt you'll experience some serious hardships, but I'm certain you can overcome them." I told him.

Tears streamed down his face as he hugged me, "T-Thank you... Leonidus."

I hugged him back, I felt his grip tighten on the back of my hero costume.

"I promise... I'll become the most best hero ever!" He sniffled.

I closed my eyes and smiled. I could tell this kid was gonna be something amazing. I can already feel it.

[Two Hours Later...]

We arrived back at the dorms, today was a rather stress-free day! I was kind of glad that we didn't have to go to our Work-Studies today. Although, I'd imagine Selkie wasn't too happy about it. I don't really blame him either.

"Thank God that's over, that was boring as hell." Shinso sighed.

"It wasn't that bad, I had a lot of fun!" Kirishima replied.

Tokoyami sat down on the couch, "Well, at least we won't have to do that again anytime soon. Now we can focus on our Work-Studies again."

"Alyx, are you fucking seriously taking your hero costume off... In front of all of us... In the fucking kitchen?!" Bakugo chimed in.

I looked up at him, "Yeeeeah? What's wrong with that?"

"What's... You're in front of people, darling." Momo added.

"All of you have seen what I look like topless, it's not like I'm naked under this thing. I wear sweatpants under my hero costume!" I argued.

"Huh?" Bakugo uttered.

I stepped out of the kitchen with my hero costume in my arms. Everyone looked at me confused.

"Is that ALL you wear?" Mina wondered.

"What? I'm supposed to wear jeans all day? No thank you!" I laughed.

Both my phone and Tsuyu's pinged, I looked at the message I got. Selkie and the Oki Mariner Crew actually got a lead on Mistress Monsoon! There was an old cargo ship that's been used as some sort of squatter's den, or well, HAS been. I'd imagine this Monsoon person cleared out whoever or whatever's lived there and claimed it as their own. Tomorrow was gonna be interesting, I wonder if I'll get to fight this Mistress Monsoon myself?