Worlds Collide! Leonidus Vs. Chandelier & Kazunori!

I was honestly already interested in what this week was gonna be like after I heard the news once Momo and I came downstairs.

"Police are advising citizens all around Japan to stay indoors as holes in the sky are seemingly popping up everywhere around metro areas. If you do have to leave your homes for any reason, take caution and don't worry, Pro Heroes are already on the case!" A news reporter relayed.

Holes in the sky? Wait... He doesn't mean... I hit my watch and my hero costume formed onto me.

"I'm gonna go check this out, you guys stay here just in case anything goes wrong." I told them.

"Okay! Just be careful, alright?" Deku responded.

I nodded and left the dorms. Hopefully this wasn't what I was thinking...

(I.R.P.: Listen to "Impending Dread" from Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot)

I activated Gear One and took off into the air, my suspicions were unfortunately right, there were quite a few rifts in the sky! How many of them held heroes or villains, I wasn't entirely sure. It seems as if the civilians listened because the streets were completely silent. I wasn't seeing anything going wrong from where I was flying. No smoke, explosions, or loud noises of the sort.

"Hmm... These rifts surely brought something along with them, right?" I muttered.

In the far distance, I could see other rifts towering above the different cities and prefectures. That baby must've really been sick today if she was making all of these portals! I'm praying that none of these portals held any demons, I doubt that Great Grandpa Tanjiro could help me out this time, being that I've asked them too much already. I saw other Pros scattered across the city; I'd imagine they were confused as to what's going on. I landed down next to Mirko who gave me a grin.

"Heya, Leonidus! You've got any idea as to what the fuck these things are?" She asked.

I nodded at her, "These things are dimensional rifts, what I'm about to say might shock you but, these were created by an infant. It pulls things out of different worlds and sends them directly to here or wherever that infant might be. Whether those things be evil or good, that's up to fate to decide." I explained.

"A fuckin' baby's the one responsible for this mess?! Are ya kidding me right now? Just when I thought this couldn't get any more damn complicated..." Mirko grumbled.

"Yeah, tell me about it, I had the misfortune of being sucked into one of those things and spit out into another universe! I should really get going now, I'm gonna scout the area out just in case there's anyone in need of help." I responded.

I took off into the air and waved at her. Where should I even start with this? There were dozens of places that people could hide in this town, I guess I just gotta look through each one until I find someone. I landed down onto the ground next to an alleyway. Right as I did, a ball of light whizzed past my face. No way... Those rifts... They couldn't have brought Mikey back... I rushed down the alleyway and found myself in a much wider area. It was like the alley that I fought Stain in. Two people were finishing up knocking out a random, low profile villain until they turned to look at me.

It was a woman and a man. The woman had black hair that were crimson red on the ends. The man was blonde, had a rather fierce look in his eyes, and had two bangs protruding from the right side of his hair.

"Oh, just our fuckin' luck, another one!" The man groaned.

"Another one? Villain? Trust me, I'm not a villain in the slightest." I reassured them.

"That's what the last guy said and look where he ended up." He retorted.

I guess there wasn't any point in trying to convince them with words. I could tell the woman was understanding me, but I could also see that she wasn't fully convinced either.


(I.R.P.: Listen to Samuel Kim Music's cover of "Gojo Satoru Hollow Purple" from Jujutsu Kaisen)

"Alright, I can tell you both aren't gonna be easily convinced. So, how about we go a round?" Alyx smiled.

"You're on, dumbass! Just don't go complaining when you wake up sore in the morning!" Kazunori retorted.

Kazunori and Chandelier stood at the ready as Leonidus got in his fighting stance. His Overdrive ignited fiercely around him as he kicked it into Gear Two. In the blink of an eye, he appeared in the middle of them, blasting them back into the alleyway walls.

"W-What... What is this Quirk?! How'd he move that fast?" Chandelier thought to herself.

Alyx took a deep breath in and looked to his right. A ball of light came flying towards him with great speed! It slammed right into him and exploded! Smoke filled the area where Alyx stood.

"Chan! Do it!" Kazunori yelled.

Chandelier let out a hellish scream that blew away the smoke! Their eyes widened as they saw that Leonidus had disappeared.

"Looking for me?" Alyx asked.

They looked up at the nearby rooftops and saw Leonidus and 10 of his afterimages. A red dragon appeared next to Chandelier as she stood back-to-back with Kazunori.

"Overdrive: Speed Bound." Leonidus muttered.

The afterimages and himself began to vibrate, almost as if they were phasing in and out rapidly. They darted towards the two, Kazunori created two balls of light that were surrounded in a fire like substance. He locked arms with Chandelier and she spun him clockwise, the fire substance created a protective barrier around the two as Kazunori chucked the balls of light towards the Leonidus afterimages. One by one, they vanished as the balls of light jetted through them! Alyx appeared above them and delivered a hard Overdrive Fist right in the middle of the fiery barrier. It shattered and sent the other two skating across the pavement.

Chandelier took the initiative and engaged Leonidus, he deactivated his Quirk, which surprised her. She struck at him with a flurry of well-placed kicks and strikes that were countered and blocked by Leonidus.

"Hey! You're pretty good! No wonder you guys dealt with my afterimages so easily!" Alyx complimented.

Alyx ducked a punch and backflipped away from her.

"Running away? It seemed like you were enjoying yourself there, I take it you like fighting?" Chandelier asked.

"Read me like a book! I've gotta hand it to you two, this is getting me pumped!" Leonidus beamed.

"Good! Because I've just distracted you!" She smirked.

Leonidus looked to his right and saw the red dragon, it shrieked at him, putting him in a state of paralysis. His worst nightmare suddenly appeared before him!

(I.R.P.: Listen to "A Fierce Battle For Death" from Super Dragon Ball Heroes)

"H-HATSUNE MIKU?!" Alyx exclaimed.

"Kazu! Now!" Chandelier shouted.

Kazunori held a much larger ball of light in his hands, its flames rose higher than ever before!

"Get ready, this thing's as hot as the sun, and it's gonna fuckin' destroy you!" Kazunori cackled.

He chucked the ball right at Leonidus. He managed to temporarily break out of Chandelier's Quirk to stop the ball of light, he struggled to keep it away from him, the only part of his body that he could move or tense up was his arms. Kazunori applied more pressure onto his attack, making Leonidus' feet indent into the ground. Chandelier and her red dragon shrieked at Leonidus, not only to further paralyze him, but to make sure that the ball of light would connect against him. The front part of Leonidus' hero costume began to sizzle off of him, almost as if it was evaporating water! His eyes widened as the attack slowly made its way towards him. Leonidus grit his teeth and closed his eyes.

"Hell yeah! We've got this in the bag, Chan! Just one last push and he's burnt toast!" Kazunori celebrated.

"Did you seriously make a pun?" Chandlier wondered.

The flames from the ball began to nip at Leonidus' fingertips, he took a deep breath in and out.

(I.R.P.: Listen to "To The Realm of God" from Super Dragon Ball Heroes)

Leonidus' eyes shot open to reveal that they were an icy white! His hair faded from brown into white as his Overdrive aura exploded! Kazunori and Chandelier guarded themselves as fierce winds blew around the alleyway. The ball of light vanished, Kazunori and Chandelier looked towards Leonidus.

"What... In the fuck?" Kazunori muttered.

Alyx had entered Infinite Mode right in the nick of time! The heat coming from his body proved to be greater than Kazunori's attack, vanquishing the ball all together! Kazunori fell to one knee and began panting heavily.

"H-How...? T-That... Nobody should be able to stop that." He remarked.

Leonidus stared the two down, the symbol on his forehead was intensely glowing, he made no signs of movement.

"Still, he's been paralyzed for the next 5 minutes! You rest for now, Kazu, I'll take care of him!" Chandelier told him.

She rushed towards him with the red dragon by her side.

"I've got a clear shot, there's no way he can stop me now!" She thought to herself.

She threw a punch at Leonidus but seemingly missed it! Her eyebrow lowered as he simply stared at her. She kept throwing strikes and kicks at him, none of which landed.

"What the... None of my attacks are landing!" She muttered.

Chandelier stepped backwards wondering how Alyx was doing this. Her thinking made her lose track of time, as Leonidus broke free from her Quirk! He slowly stepped forward towards her, he stopped right in front of the two of them. Kazunori stumbled up to his feet and stood in front of Chandelier.

"I-I... I can still fight... Asshole..." He growled.

Leonidus reverted out of Infinite Mode and smiled at them.


"Wow, that was awesome! You guys nearly had me there!" I chuckled.

I held my hand out to this Kazu guy, he glared at me before standing up on his own.

"I take it you guys probably came from one of those rifts, right?" I questioned.

"Rifts? What? Hold on a minute, who exactly are you first?" The woman responded.

"I'm Alyx Leonidus, Third-Year at U.A. High. Who are you guys?" I answered.

They looked at each other for a minute. I could tell that they finally let their guards down.

"Chandelier Osore, I'm a Third-Year at U.A. as well." She told me.

"I'm Kazunori Jikan, Third-Year at U.A. Now, what in the fuck are you talking about?" He added.

I pointed up to the sky, "Those rifts have been scattered all around the place. Whether they bring heroes or villains, I have not one clue. But it seems as if I found some heroes! Those rifts are created by an infant that-"

"A BABY?!" They both shouted.

"Yeah! As crazy as that sounds, it's true! I'm not freaking out about this anymore, given the things I've been through, so I'm used to things like this." I confirmed.

"Huh... No wonder you weren't wondering who we are at first. Not to mention during that fight, you weren't going all out, what exactly have you seen?" Chandelier asked.

"Oh! I've 'died' about 3 times, reconnected with my Great times eight Grandfather and Great Aunt, met these people called the 'Hashira', learned and mastered Total Concentration Breathing and Breathing Styles..." I listed off.

[10 Minutes Later...]

"...Had my first love come back from the dead, met a cat that was actually a human, would you like me to go on?" I finished.

They both looked beyond dumbfounded at me. Chandelier blinked a few times before wiping her eyes.

"T-That's fine, you can stop now." She lethargically responded.

"Hey... Those earrings, they look familiar. How'd they not get torched?" Kazunori questioned.

I grabbed my left earring, "Oh, these? These are called 'Hanafuda'. My Great Grandfather gifted these to me during my First-Year at U.A. I've worn them to honor him ever since. I also have it designed on the back of my hero costume as well."

"How sweet! You also mentioned something about Breathing Styles and Total Concentration Breathing? Is that a part of your Quirk?" Chandelier smiled.

"No, it's not. That's also something my Great Grandfather taught me! Oh! Did I mention I have another Quirk called 'Rage' AND I'm a demon? There's so much I can tell you guys! Let's head back to U.A., I'm sure Mr. Aizawa will let you guys in." I explained.

They followed me out of the alleyway. The sky was actually starting to clear up!

"Hey, aren't you cold? It's not exactly warm out here." Chandelier wondered.

"Nope! Thanks to my Overdrive Quirk, I can keep myself warm or cool in any weather! Speaking of warm..." I told them.

I grabbed the bottom of my hero costume and healed it. It slowly reconstructed back to normal. It was like I never lost the top of my hero costume in the first place!

"That's enough about me, what about you guys? What are your Quirks?" I questioned.

"My Quirk is called 'Fear', you've already experienced it firsthand. Depending on the frequency of my shout, it determines how long you're paralyzed for, the opponent also sees their worst nightmare. This is due to my scream affecting the occipital lobe in your brain, making you think that you're seeing your worst fears, but it's actually an illusion." Chandelier explained.

"Huh, that actually sounds really cool! What about you, Kazunori?" I beamed.

"Mine's called 'Light Balls'. During the day I can heat them up as hot as the sun, but that takes a lot out of me. During the night, they don't look the same, they resemble mini moons. They're pretty damn bright too, I could probably blind someone with 'em if I got the chance." He told me.

"Light Balls, eh?" I responded.

I looked forward, Mikey flashed in my mind, I didn't realize that I was staring off. Kazunori grabbed my shoulder and stopped me from running into a pole.

"You could at least pay attention to where you're going, right?" He scowled.

"Yeah, s-sorry! I guess I was just thinking about your Quirk." I apologized.

He crossed his arms, "Don't try making any fucking jokes about it, alright? Just because you're nice to us that doesn't mean that I won't blast your ass out of here."

"No, no! I wasn't thinking of jokes. Just... I've had experience with someone with a Quirk that was pretty much identical to yours almost. He is... Was... An old 'friend' of mind." I reassured.

"You say 'friend' as if it's a bad thing, did something happen?" Chandelier worried.

"Yeah, to make a long story short... He poisoned my first girlfriend, attempted to kill me, then I had to kill him. I didn't want it to come to that but I didn't have any other choice." I replied.

"Damn, must've been rough." Kazunori remarked.

"Yeah it was. Trust me, I've been through a lot, I could tell you guys more about me once we get back to the dorms." I continued.

They both nodded at me, hopefully these rifts didn't bring anyone too dangerous here.

[45 Minutes Later...]

After talking with Mr. Aizawa, he let Chandelier and Kazunori into U.A. I knocked onto the dorm doors; Momo answered with a smile.

"Darling! You're-" She stopped talking.

"Hey, Momz! I've brought some friends along with me, they're from one of the rifts." I told her.

"Oh, well, it's a pleasure to meet the two of you! I'll make some tea, I'm sure you'll make yourselves at home." Momo greeted them.

I gave Momo a kiss before she went off to make tea. I sat down with Chandelier and Kazunori in the Common Room. I'm pretty sure everyone was in their rooms doing whatever it is that they normally do. After a few minutes, Momo came into the room with lavender tea and set a cup down for all of us.

"So, what were you going to tell us, Leonidus?" Chandelier wondered.

"Oh, right. I guess I can say that my time here wasn't exactly easy. Before I moved to Japan from America, I lost my memory. That's how I got this scar on my left eye, it was thanks to a villain that my family had dealt with pretty much their entire lives. I'm not sure why he held a grudge against us, neither will I ever truly know. But I nearly lost all functionality of my Quirks, although I never really use my Rage Quirk." I recalled.

"Oh my... That must've been horrible! I'm assuming things got better?" She replied.

"More or less, they did. I'm technically 'blind' but I have contact lenses that help me see. I used to have a prosthetic arm but I healed that up a while ago." I continued.

Kazunori took a sip from his tea, "What was that white haired shit you did earlier? I've been meaning to ask."

"That was called 'Infinite Mode', since my Overdrive Quirk's been awoken, I'm practically untouchable unless someone can keep up with my speed. Think of it as an auto dodge thing except those with the untrained eye can't really see me dodge things at times." I informed him.

"Well, no wonder I couldn't land a hit on you. That Quirk of yours is something else, I've never seen anything like it. What kind of Quirk is it? It feels like an Emitter but I'm not entirely sure." Chandelier chimed in.

"Well, that's the thing, it's neither of the known Quirk types. It's a completely new kind of Quirk called 'Power-Up'. I've got a thing on it somewhere in my room, I can go grab it to show you guys!" I answered.

Chandelier nodded and I went upstairs to my room. As I entered my room, I looked up and noticed a rather familiar face. Or well, two sets of very familiar faces.