Leonidus'... All For One?! The REAL Gear Six!

"ALYYYX!!" I heard Rei shout.

I had the misfortune of being alone RIIIIGHT as Rei saw me. She nearly took me down to the ground as she hugged me, she nuzzled her head into my chest.

"I missed you so so so so so so so much! I thought you were dead and that I was gonna have to kill a bitch! I wouldn't let anyone hurt my daddy! ♡" Rei gushed.

I narrowed my eyes and sighed, "I missed you too..."

"YOU WHAT?!" She beamed.

Oh lord, I shouldn't have said that. Her eyes lit up into neon pink hearts as she started to blush and smile. She started rambling off things faster than what I could move in Gear Five! I leaned forward and kissed her.

"HOLY FUCK!" I shouted.

I woke up in a cold sweat in my bed. Momo shot up and placed her hand on my chest.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay, darling?" She wondered.

"Y-Yeah, I just had a rather strange dream, although I guess you can call it a nightmare? I started to make out with Rei and well..." I replied.

"That does indeed sound like a nightmare, love." Momo giggled.

I laughed with her and got up to use my bathroom. I turned on the light, looked towards the mirror, and saw myself. But... I looked similar to... Shigaraki. My hair was a bleach white, eyes sullen and empty, I looked like a mess. I saw All For One fade into view from behind me, I turned around just to find nobody there. Then, I felt hands on my forearms, arms, shoulders, neck, the top of my head, then one last one on my face. I struggled out of their grasps and burst out of the bathroom door. I fell to the floor, turned around and kicked the door shut. I felt arms wrap around me, I quickly turned my head and saw Momo.

"Hey, I'm here, it's okay!" She reassured me.

I quickly hugged her as tightly as I could, I buried my face into her shoulder and tried to calm down, but I just couldn't.

"H-He... He tried to... I... I don't..." I panicked.

"Easy, take deep breaths, count to five before you exhale. He's not here right now, I can check." Momo spoke gently.

I listened to her and started taking deep breaths while counting to five. One... Two... Three... Four... Five... I opened my eyes as I continued to breath like that, Momo opened up my bathroom door to find nothing in there. She closed and locked the door before sitting back down and holding me.

"Don't worry, he's not here anymore, I promise. Let's head back to bed, alright?" Momo cooed.

I nodded at her, we returned to my bed after I made sure that the bathroom door was firmly locked. I held Momo as close as I possibly could to me as I fell asleep.

[The Next Morning...]

"How are you feeling, Alyx?" Deku asked.

"I'm fine. You know you don't have to ask me that. I'm not forcing any of you to constantly check in on me." I responded.

"Oh, alright, I guess that kind of did sound forced. You do look a little tired, is everything okay?" He agreed.

We stopped in front of the classroom door, "I saw All For One again, I don't understand it at all. What does he want from me?"

"I'm not sure, I haven't talked to any of the other One For All users in a while, so I can't say for certain. But... They did mention something to me. Nana Shimura told me about how he was looking for something. It's almost as if he lives on through Shigaraki somehow." Deku told me.

Unless... No, there can't be a way that he's done that, right? Tokoyami told me that the Seventh Plane wasn't that hard to gain access to. Even though he's not an Overdrive user...

"Alyx? Did you hear me?" Deku asked.

"H-Huh? Oh, sorry, I guess I just spaced off!" I laughed.

I think I need to talk to All Might after school. Maybe even during lunch, that might be better than waiting until school's over. I sat down in my desk, my vision started to get glossy, then black spikes or vine like things formed around my vision. I kept staring in front of me, not daring to blink or move.

"That mind of yours, you can only take so much of it, right? Look at them, do you really think that they'll keep their promise? You've seen it firsthand that they lied to you, betrayed your trust. What makes you think they aren't talking about you behind closed doors, planning on conducting those tests on you again?" All For One questioned.

I stood up from my desk, I felt like throwing up, so I rushed into the bathroom. I think I passed Mr. Aizawa as I rushed to the bathroom, but I wasn't sure. I burst into a stall and vomited into the toilet. I wiped my face and nothing but black goopy shit was on my wrist and the back of my hand. I took some toilet paper, wiped off my mouth, wrist and hand before flushing the toilet. I stumbled out of the bathroom, still sick to my stomach.

"Everything alright, Alyx?" I heard Midnight ask.

I turned over to look at her, "I-I... I need to go... To the nurse..."

She rushed over to me and helped me to Recovery Girl's office.

[30 Minutes Later...]

I took a brief nap in Recovery Girl's office after she healed me up. I woke up and found myself in a room I've never been before. There were chairs that were facing away from me, the one in front of me rotated to face me.

"We need to talk, Alyx Leonidus." Nana Shimura told me.

I couldn't move at all, but I think I could speak. I blinked a couple times as I took everything in.

"O-O... kay..." I responded.

She sat forward with a great look of concern on her face.

"Tell me, have you been seeing All For One?" She asked.

"I... I h-have... But I'm not sure why he's talking to me." I confirmed.

The feelings of paralysis lifted from me, I fell down to the ground, I stumbled back up to my feet.

"It's because... He's passed the Quirk onto you, Leonidus. Or he's at least attempting it." Shimura informed.

"W-What? T-That's... But how? He hasn't been alive in almost 2 years!" I questioned.

"During your fights with Tomura Shigaraki and Doe Setsuko, they may have been commanded by All For One to make contact with you to transfer the slightest bit of All For One to you. Not to mention the fact that he's been boasting that you're the perfect candidate for it." Nana explained.

"And is he not?" All For One's voice boomed.

Nana stood up from her chair as I turned around to see All For One standing behind me. Nana put her arm around me, I could feel her scowling at All For One.

"Oh? Protecting the boy? You seemed to be more eager protecting a stranger than your own grandson, Shimura." He remarked.

"Whatever you're trying to do, we aren't going to let it happen, Leonidus will not fall under your control!" Nana retorted.

The chairs spun around, revealing some of the previous One For All users. They stood next to Nana and stared All For One down. I saw Tomura faintly stand next to him, alongside Nine, not to mention a couple others that I didn't know. I couldn't really see them, but I know for a fact Nine and Shigaraki were there.

"It's foolish to believe that I can't control him. Do you think that I've been lying dormant all this time? I don't think you have the slightest idea as to how much control I really have." All For One grinned.

I shot awake after hearing his laughter. Recovery Girl made her way over to me.

"Goodness, settle down now, everything's alright!" She exclaimed.

She handed me a candy bar, "T-Thank you... I guess I just had a nightmare."

She healed me up a bit before sending me back to class. I returned to class right in the middle of Cementoss' lesson.

"Ah, Leonidus, glad you could make it. I'm assuming you're feeling better?" Cementoss greeted.

I nodded and smiled at him. I returned to my desk and tried to focus on what Cementoss was teaching us.

"Go on..." I heard All For One whisper.

I ignored him as I refocused on the lesson at hand.

[A Couple Hours Later...]

We stood in Gym Gamma, we were doing our training exercises with Class 2-A, 2-B, and 3-B. Sota and Selina made their way over to me. I was about to say something to them until I saw All Might.

"So, he really is alive? Good... Go on, kill him." All For One demanded.


Leonidus shot backwards as he held his head, he cried out in pain as All For One quickly began to take control of his body. Everyone looked towards Alyx, a black and purple aura exploded around him. It sent Sota and Selina flying backwards towards Izuku and the others. His screams of agony died down as smoke cleared around him. Leonidus was on the ground on all fours, looking straight down at the gound, panting heavily.

"Alyx! What was that? Are you okay?" Yaoyorozu shouted over to him.

Leonidus slowly began to cackle as he stood up to his feet. He looked up with a devious smile, Izuku's eyes widened as he finally started to understand what was going on. Black and red lines, similar to the Rivet Stab Quirk, were going up Leonidus' face starting at his neck and stopping just above his eyebrows.

"Alyx... You didn't..." Izuku muttered.

Aizawa and Vlad King stepped in front of Class 2-A and 2-B, Alyx looked over at them, keeping his demonic-like grin.

"I'm surprised, Aizawa, you haven't even attempted to erase my Quirk. Scared?" He wondered.

Leonidus turned his attention towards Izuku, the two locked eyes, neither of them blinked.

"What say you, Midoriya? Are you ready to fight?" Alyx asked.

Izuku didn't say anything, he slightly trembled out of anger.

"You did it, didn't you? You let All For One take control of your mind." Midoriya responded.

"Huh? What? Alyx, y-you... You wouldn't do that, right?" Kaminari fretted.

Leonidus began to lightly chuckle at Kaminari's worried demeanor. His chuckle suddenly stopped, he pointed his hand towards Aizawa and the others. A bright blue beam of Overdrive shot out towards them.

"ALYX DON'T!!" Izuku shouted.

The beam of Overdrive was quickly halted by Kirishima, he looked shocked and stunned at Leonidus' actions. He quickly ran towards Alyx.

"Alyx! This isn't like you! Please, stop this! We aren't gonna let you hurt anyone else!" Kirishima pleaded.

"Get the fuck out!" Alyx roared.

He used an Air Cannon to send Kirishima flying back into Mina and Sero's arms. His eyes never moved away from Midoriya.

"This is between me and Midoriya, nobody else! All of you, stay out the fucking way, got it?!" Leonidus raged.

"Fine, have it your way. I'm not going to hold back against you. But why... Why in the hell did you let him take control of you?!" Izuku retorted.

Leonidus closed his eyes and smiled, "It's because I've never beaten you without losing consciousness or stumbling around like a fucking weakling. I'm going to beat you, Izuku, I'll do it with a goddamn smile on my face. You'll see, you'll be the one who's clinging onto consciousness! I don't fucking care about world domination or killing Pro Heroes, I only care about finally beating you, once and for all!"

"You let him take control because you wanted to fight me? What kind of damn reason is that, Alyx? Listen to yourself, we don't have to do this, you've proven that you're stronger than what any of us could imagine." Izuku reasoned.

"Then prove it, Golden Boy! That's not the only reason, with this power, I'll be more than enough for you! Ever since I met you, you've grown each day, but you doubted yourself even though you knew damn well you had the perseverance to get through anything. How dare you even attempt to doubt yourself when you were given your Quirk by All Might, you started out with nothing... NOTHING! You don't know what it's like to live day in and day out with past guilts weighing on your mind constantly!" Alyx continued.

"You have no idea how much I've wanted to cleanse this place of evil, do something these so called 'heroes' refuse to do! If that makes me a villain too, then I couldn't care less, those people don't even deserve to walk on the same dirt as me! You know you agree with me, Izuku, don't you dare try and weasel your way out of the truth." Leonidus finished.

Midoriya scowled at him, "Liar! How dare you allow yourself to be controlled by him! Come on then, let's go, I'm sure you're wanting to fight in some place larger."

Leonidus smirked and followed Izuku out of Gym Gamma. The others followed closely behind the two.

"Mr. Aizawa, why aren't any of you doing anything to stop this?" Iida wondered.

"We can't do anything to stop him, that's why. I tried to erase his Quirk before he shot that blast at us, but for some reason, it didn't work." Shota replied.

Yaoyorozu ran up to Leonidus and grabbed his arm, "What are you doing? You don't need to do this, darling!"

"Are you wanting to take his place instead?" Leonidus questioned.

Momo let out a small, frightened and surprised gasp. Alyx looked forward once more.

"Then I suggest you stay back." Leonidus commanded.

Yaoyorozu listened to him and fell back behind him. Izuku and Alyx approached Ground Omega, the two stood several feet apart from each other. Leonidus cracked his knuckles and laughed.

"Finally! You had me thinking that you were just stalling there for a bit." Leonidus remarked.

"No, I'm a man of my word. You wanted to fight, right? I'll give you one, I'm not holding back any of my punches, don't make this fight as easy as last time." Izuku responded.

"Good, I'm not holding back either." Alyx smiled deviously.

Midoriya entered One For All at 100%, Alyx grinned and matched his pressure by entering Gear Five at full power. All For One slightly surged around Leonidus. Alyx let of a scream of anger as he charged towards Midoriya, striking rapidly at him. Izuku dodged his punches but was eventually tripped up by Leonidus, he rammed his knee into Izuku, then he slammed his elbow into his back. Izuku went crashing into the ground, Leonidus darted down towards him, crashing his foot into the ground as Izuku dodged out of the way. The two took to the sky, engaging in rapid-fire punches, countering and blocking each other's attacks.

Izuku rammed his fist into Alyx's face, he sent him through several trees before rushing towards him. Leonidus blew away dozens of trees as he used his new Air Cannon Quirk, Midoriya got hit with a tree, sending him flying away from Alyx. He appeared behind Midoriya and slammed his fist into his back, sending him through the tree that hit him! He began to appear and reappear, hitting Midoriya back and forth like a ping pong ball. Izuku rebounded by lashing out with a Blackwhip, sending Alyx into the ground hard. Leonidus grabbed Izuku's Blackwhip before pulling him forward. He rammed an Overdrive Fist directly into Izuku's face, it sent him flying into a nearby rock structure. Leonidus floated into the sky and created a Flash Cannon.

He chucked the Flash Cannon towards Izuku's location, he detonated it, causing the cliff of the structure to crumble. Leonidus panted as he kept his hand out in front of him. Midoriya appeared behind him, Leonidus turned around and was quickly pelted with dozens of blows from Midoriya. Leonidus went burrowing into the ground after the series of devastating punches. The smoke and dust cleared as Leonidus burst out of the ground.

"It seems as if All For One's not getting you anywhere, Alyx." Izuku smirked.

For a brief second, Midoriya saw the look of regret in Alyx's eyes. Leonidus scowled at him before zooming towards him, savagely ramming his knee into Izuku's chin. He grabbed Izuku's face and pushed him into the ground.

"Wonderful! Now, kill him, Leonidus!" All For One ordered.

Leonidus grit his teeth and chucked Midoriya away from him, "You shut your goddamn mouth!"

Izuku stumbled up to his feet, he was breathing heavily as he stared Alyx down.

"You're in MY body, how dare you try and order me around. Unless you're wanting to die too, I'd suggest you fuck off, I won't hesitate to end you as well." Leonidus threatened.

"Alyx, I don't understand, why did you do this?" Izuku asked.

"It's because I know, deep down, I can never beat you. You don't have to live up to someone else's expectations, someone who had been sitting 6 feet underground, watching you struggle to even accomplish all of the things they have! You don't know what it's like to wake up to bad news almost every single day of your goddamn life, neither do you have to worry about bad luck following you around every corner. You're the first person I can say I'm jealous of, Izuku Midoriya." Leonidus exploded.

"So, what'll happen if you do manage to beat me?" Izuku questioned.

Leonidus began cackling, "You'll see! You'll see..."

Leonidus shot out Rivet Stab tendrils out of his back and towards Midoriya. They pelted against him, acting like long ranged fists, instead of impaling him. Izuku rebounded and charged right towards Leonidus, Leonidus responded in kind by charging straight towards him. The two connected against each other's faces with a Supernova Fist and a Detroit Smash. The collision created a bright blue and green explosion, sending the two flying away from each other. Izuku grabbed a boulder using his Blackwhip and threw it towards Alyx. Leonidus rebounded and grabbed the boulder, he tossed it back towards Izuku. Midoriya reeled his leg back and shattered it to pieces with a St. Louis Smash. Leonidus guarded himself as pieces of debris came flying towards him.

Izuku rushed towards Leonidus once more, Alyx's eyes widened as he used his new Search Quirk. He found a weak spot, Izuku's right arm. He side stepped a jab from Midoriya, he then delivered an elbow to Izuku's right arm. This caused Midoriya to unintentionally create an opening for Leonidus. Leonidus' arm started glowing bright aqua blue, he slammed a full power Supernova Overdrive Fist into Izuku. He sent him into the ground, causing a gigantic blue whirlwind to sprout from the spot Izuku crashed into. He kept his fist firmly pressed again Midoriya.

"What did... I fucking tell you?" Alyx panted.

Izuku struggled to grab Alyx's arm. Leonidus roughly drew back his fist from his face. Midoriya attempted to stand back up, but was too weak to do it, Leonidus picked him up by his arm.

"W-What's... W-Wrong...? Can't finish... T-The... Job...?" Izuku responded.

Alyx delivered a hard headbutt to Midoriya, knocking him out cold. He dropped Izuku to the ground and looked over at the others. Leonidus picked Izuku back up and brought him to them. He threw Midoriya over to Uraraka and Todoroki. Everyone looked at him in fear, both Alyx and Izuku were bloody and bruised.

"Bring me the Pussycats, now." Alyx demanded.

"T-The Pussycats? But-" Midnight tried to ask.

Leonidus pointed his finger out, a beam of Stardust Shoot appeared, "Do as I say damn it! Unless you're wanting to be the first to my body count, I suggest you bring them to me."

[20 Minutes Later...]

The Pussycats all arrived, they looked stunned and confused at Leonidus. He looked over at Ragdoll.

"You. Over here, now." Leonidus commanded.

Ragdoll nodded and quickly made her way to Alyx. She stood in front of him, Leonidus place his hand onto her face, red light shined from the palm of his hand. After a few seconds, Leonidus lifted his hand from Ragdoll and she fell over unconscious.

"What did you do?" Mandalay questioned.

"I gave her that Search Quirk back." Alyx responded.

"W-What?! How... How dare you! I command you to kill all of them, at once!" All For One raged.

Leonidus' fists trembled as he clenched them, "I-I... I refuse. I won't... K-Kill them!"

Everyone looked confused, then Momo's eyes widened with relief.

"Come on, Alyx, fight it! Don't let him control you anymore!" Momo shouted.

Alyx flew up into the air, his teeth clenched tightly, the same with his fists.

"All For One... You're the dumbest fucking person I've ever met! You don't think I've planned this all along? You just allowed yourself to be killed by me, yet again!" Alyx laughed.

"What are you talking about? You can't kill me! I can control whoever I want, you aren't in control here, Leonidus!" All For One fumed.

"Is that so? I don't think you realize that how wrong you are, I've been in control this whole time, now... Say your prayers, All For One, I'm cleansing you once and for all!" Alyx smiled.

Leonidus stood in a charge up position as he entered Gear Five. The others looked up in the sky, Izuku finally came to, he left off a slight smile at Alyx. Leonidus began to charge up, his aura exploded outward.


The others watched on as the world seemingly began to shake! Annie, Liz, and Kariya stopped in their tracks back at home as they felt Leonidus' power suddenly skyrocket!

"H-Holy shit! Do you feel that?" Kariya asked.

"T-That's... Unreal..." Annie muttered.

Mabel Leonidus stopped in her tracks as well, she felt slight shakes in the ground she stood on.

"F-Father... Is that really you?!" She muttered aside.

All For One began to panic, he desperately searched for a way to stop Leonidus, but found nothing that he could do. He slowly started to feel himself fade out of existence.



Leonidus's aura surrounded him completely, it got brighter and brighter by the second! Ocean waves violently rocked back and forth, places all across the world experienced tremendous shaking, almost as if the world was coming to an end! Leonidus' screams of power started to become strained, it sounded as if he was in agony as he charged up more and more. As he continued to charge up, he saw a vision of Nana Shimura basked in a pillar of light. She reached for his hand, Alyx grabbed her hand and she pulled him out of the darkness. All For One's possession began to fade as Leonidus opened his eyes.


The entire area was covered in a bright flash of blue light, All For One screamed out in pain and terror as he harshly faded out of existence. Everyone shielded their eyes until the light faded out. They all looked up towards Leonidus.

"H-Ho... H-H-Holy shit..." Kendo stuttered.

The left side of Alyx's face was glowing an intense aqua blue, the tips of his hair were a blue that faded into white, they were glowing as well. The familiar "V" like symbol that's found on his forehead was also now on his chest. Red lines were on the left and right side of the symbol, they went down his shoulders and ended at the tops of his hands. Leonidus floated back down to the ground, Yaoyorozu was the first person to rush over to him, Alyx's Quirk deactivated as he fell into her.

[Several Hours Later...]


I slowly woke up with a huge migraine and a shit ton of pains all over my body. I was bandaged up nearly all over the place! Momo was getting undressed in my room, I guess she must've just got back from school. I sat up in my bed which caused her to turn around. I gave her a very tired smile as she made her way to me. She sat down on my lap and laid her head on my shoulder.

"Could you promise me something?" Momo asked.

"Yeah... I can add it to my list of promises." I lightly chuckled.

"Once we have children, please don't let them befriend any villains." Momo told me.

"Of course, I wouldn't want- Wait, once we have kids?" I stopped myself.

"Yeah! You don't think I'm actually wanting to have a child in the future?" Momo giggled.

She's already thinking about that stuff already? Good grief... I laid back down on my bed, I had a rather interesting thought in my head.

"Hey, so, I've got a question." I spoke up.

"Hm? What is it?" She responded.

"Soo... You aren't expecting me to act like a baby, like ever, do you?" I continued.

"A-Act like a baby? Alyx, why in the world would I want you to do that?" She answered.

"I dunno, Kami told me a while ago that all girls want a guy to do that in a relationship. Or at least, that's what Jiro told him." I explained.

Momo looked up at me with a bit of concern, "Heavens no, that'd be extremely eccentric!"

"Oh... So, you aren't gonna ask me that? That's a relief!" I replied.

"Sweetheart, I haven't got the slightest idea as to what those two are into." Momo told me