A Dive into the Story: Character Analysis and More

As you all have read (I at least hope so), Alyx Leonidus is a rather kind hearted, loving, respectful character. From the feedback that I've gotten, he's not like most well-known, more popular MHA Fanfic OCs. The way I structured him follows some elements of Izuku Midoriya himself, but the character draws heavy inspiration from well known MCs and other characters like Goku, Tanjiro, Gohan, etc., until the Hosu City incident chapter. He still keeps his natural character, but it's not as prominent as it was in chapters prior. Chapter 24 Leonidus is drastically different compared to Chapter 206 Leonidus, this is because I dove somewhat into the realities of being a character like Alyx Leonidus.

Creating a character that instead of having that "I was treated terribly as a child" or negative backstory, I thought it would be really interesting to have a rather sad upbringing/story. Of course, the testing was all behind the scenes, I'm sure I'd have another 10 or more chapters to write about those! Truth be told, I never planned on having the whole "U.A. doing secret tests on Leonidus" thing at all, it was only when I discovered that his Overdrive Quirk wouldn't really fall under any of the typings of Quirks (Emitter, Transformation, & Mutant), that's when I decided to add this into the story.

The relationship between Momo Yaoyorozu and Alyx Leonidus can truly be described using the song "Footprints" by the peggies. Especially more towards the Third-Year Sports Festival where he self destructs after overthinking Yaoyorozu's concerns. The phrase that's been used a few times, "I'd prefer you to be three hours early, rather than one minute too late", can also apply to their relationship. Yaoyorozu had all the power in the world to stop the testing on Leonidus, effectively saving him from his complete mental breakdown, but she was just one minute too late.

Back to the statement from above (the realities of being a character like Leonidus), it opened up a lot of ways that people could manipulate him into gaining his trust. As seen in most chapters, he's befriended the League of Villains members Himiko Toga, Dabi, and was even tasked by Shigaraki to kill All Might among other things. It's rather easy to take advantage of someone kind-hearted, especially if that person has lost their memory, not to mention if the person in question is a figure they trusted already.

A lot of the angst/sad chapters, I honestly really enjoyed writing. Having characters express their inner emotions is something that really gets me interested in a story. Now that I've read my own story, I can say that one of my personal favorites was when Kaminari talks to Leonidus and asks him why he's so kind. The one I extremely enjoyed writing was when Alyx sacrificed himself against Gigantomachia. The original intent was for me to stop writing chapters once that happened to wait for the manga to get to a point waaaay past the Paranormal Liberation War Arc. Thankfully, I didn't do that, which in turn brought about some interesting things!

Being that the story (for the most part) was based off of the material from the Anime and the Manga, once I got to the current arc in the Manga, I had to make a decision. Like I said earlier, it was either wait until the Manga released more things, OR it was to go a complete opposite way and do custom things. I decided with the latter of things to do completely custom chapters away from any kind of source material. Of course, I there are some sprinkles of inspiration from various different Anime (Dragon Ball, HunterXHunter, Naruto to name a couple). The one thing that was never meant to even be considered or included was the relation between Tanjiro, Nezuko and Alyx.

The Kamado Bloodline thing was never meant to happen, it wasn't even a thought in my head. I was originally going to introduce them as minor characters just as a bit of an Easter Egg type of deal, but I couldn't just leave it at that, so I decided to make them supporting characters in the story. Although, I felt like it didn't make any sense as I was writing it. Thankfully, it actually really helped out with providing more chapters AND more development for Leonidus. It also provided a lot of cool things, like the Demon Transformation gene and custom lore behind how Quirks came to be.

The chapter I released titled "Unfortunate Circumstances? Valentine's Day Massacre!" was just a side story that I've been thinking about continuing for a while now. It basically explores a "villain" Leonidus being guided by Amatsu Mikaboshi. This whole act was triggered by not only the testing done to him, but with what he saw with Ayame and Momo. I've also been thinking about releasing a Harem/Lemon chapter as well, but I'm not exactly the best at writing in that genre. I also am rather hesitant due to the fact that they're high school students, not to mention I had to age all of them up to 16 being that I originally published it on Wattpad. I may have someone else write it for me now that I'm thinking about it.

There are some things I wish I did differently in this story, one of which was who I would've put Leonidus with. I was deciding between Hatsume, Hagakure, Jiro, Kendo and Yaoyorozu. It would've been interesting to see him ending up with Hatsume, perhaps I could write an alternate timeline where he does ( That would be quite interesting, it's an idea, definitely something I can do)! Exploring a lot of the alternative paths I could've taken, the story might've been way more interesting.

The villain OCs I made for the custom chapters were also really fun! My favorite one to write was Ernesh, who was inspired by Perfect Cell, and will be making an appearance again in "My Hero Academia: The Overdrive Hero 2!" in the much later chapters. Jax Boyd was one that was definitely interesting, although he was around for 2 chapters, writing a Broly-like character is really fun as well. He too will be making his return in the sequel. Arlen Vibraine was also a cool character, I think villains that dive into an MC's darkest depths of their minds and exposing their insecurities is an incredibly interesting thing. Personally, introducing the Quartet Girls was rather rough, I didn't like it as much as I thought I would.

One thing I'd like to point out, during the I-Island chapters, the absence of Wolfram was intentional. Being that All Might was "dead", there would've been no reason for Wolfram and his gang to be hired by David Shield. Instead, I took it in my hands to reintroduce Mikey O'Ryan (which I would later call him "Mikey Langlitz" being that I forgot his actual last name on accident) as the antagonist in those chapters. It also showed more of the deep seated hatred Mikey had for Leonidus.

The very few deaths I had in this story was also intentional, here's a list of people I was thinking of killing off and keeping dead during this story but they never made the cut (Either fortunately or unfortunately, depending on what you think of them): Shota Aizawa, All Might, Kariya Leonidus, Momo Yaoyorozu, Darren Leonidus, Eijiro Kirishima, Himiko Toga, Tomura Shigaraki.

More info on the sequel, the one of the main antagonists will be the Eight Bullets (Or the Eight Precepts of Death, something I renamed them to after doing some research on Chisaki) being led by Tomura Shigaraki. Chisaki won't have any sort of role in the story, for now, as I have not found any sort of way to include him into it. I have some interesting things in store for the story as well, like the return of a familiar cloud rider, which I think will make the story nice. The sequel will go on for as long as this one has until further notice or if I feel as if whatever chapter I'm writing is a good place to end it. I also plan on using villains and heroes from the Vigilantes series of My Hero Academia as well.

I'd love to hear what you all enjoyed about this story or even what you didn't really like! This was honestly a blast writing this, and I'm having fun writing the sequel to this one as well! You can still send power stones to this story of course, any form of support is deeply appreciated! I can't thank all of you enough for giving me feedback on this story, looking back on my original draft, this one is 100,000,000,000,000 times better! Feel free to keep giving me that feedback, this story definitely can be improved even more, which can make things a lot better to read!