Lucky charm

The prince did not attend the ceremony, he already had to deal with the preparations for war.

Ariana barely saw the boy she rescued in the 7 days. Sometimes the familiar face appeared in the crowd, but just looking at her, he never came any closer. Every time their eyes met, she nodded with a smile… he seemed like a lower-ranking knight, not wanting him to think she was looking down on him.

"I'm sure he believes int hat, if he would come here to talk to me, people would misunderstood. How attentive. "

She thought.

The next 3 days were about the chase. The family that catches the most, and most valuable preys wins the goblet. Although the Vanderberg family performed very well, they were only 3rd out of 25 entrants were placed. The Grosterning family became 4th.

Marcus and Ariana's relationship developed nicely. By this time they had been beem engaged for 2.5 years.

They were not in love, but 14-year-olds could not be expected to have deep emotions, at least they were very good friends. Ariana sincerely trusted in this engagement.

On day 6, the young men, who were about to marry, hunted for a single prey. A huge black bear marked with a ribbon. Whoever dropped the animal could offer the ribbon to his chosen lady, as proof of his intention to live the rest of their lifes together.

Only people over the age of 18 could enter the race, and they only could ask for single lady's hands. This was the most popular part of the ceremony, because the winner was recognized by the King himself, alsos the validity of the engagement.

The "Chance of Lovers". This is how the book mentioned it, as it was a chance for those, whose families did not support the covenant because of age or rank differences.

'I remember at such a ceremony will be the first time when Jerome sees Jürgen. Then he won't know yet that under the robe the beautiful creature has a tail, and falls in love immediately. And next year, by handing over this ribbon, he formalizes their relationship, thus starting Ariana's living hell. Ahh… It gives me a shiver if I think back to how disgustingly Tess described the big moment.

So on reflection, it's weird that I don't see Jürgen anywhere — I think he was already 18 at this time… as a baron's only child shouldn't he show up here? '

She looked around, but nowhere could she see the blonde beauty.

The son of a viscount was successful that day, so he could ask for the hand of a marquis's daughter.

The last day was about music and dancing. The streets of the capital were flooded with musicians and street performers. And in the palace, the nobles celebrated at a ball in the evening.

That morning, Ariana decided to watch the street fun, so she dressed in simpler clothes and set off in the company of two guards.

Tired of the long walks, she sat in the shade of the trees with the guards in the company of pretzels and honey wine.

'It's unbelievable that I drink alcohol in public places at the age of 14.'

She smiled to herself.

"Miss, will you excuse me for a moment?"

One of the guards was called by nature.

"Feel free."

She smiled. And the man disappeared behind the trees.

Ariana became aware of an older drunk man making a scene, and the victim was a very familiar lady.

"Sir Kornrad, isn't that your bride?"


Without thinking, the other knight hurried to the aid of his love.

So Ariana was left alone for a few minutes. That's when she saw the familiar face in the crowd.

"Prince charming!"

She shouted, waving at him.

The boy was surprised and immediately approached her.


"Well, the past few years have been very gracious to you, you have become my prince, a ready man."

She patted his shoulder with a smile.

"You're getting more beautiful too…"

He replied blushingly.

"Did you manage to find a nice fiancé, or are you already married?"

"No, not yet. I heard you're engaged with someone. "

"Oh yeah. This is the way it goes among the nobles. "

"Are you in love?"

Ariana was surprised by the question, swallowed hard and answered honestly.

"We're just friends… but we are still young, I will have time to fall in love."

"I see."

"Why is my favorite prince grieving? Is it because you have to go to war too? "

"The calls of duty."

"Oh… I understand… well good luck for the fight!"

"Thank you!"

With his sad look, the girl's heart felt like breaking apart… who would believe he doesn't even have a lover who waits for him, to have the strength to fight?

She pulled out the golden sword tassel with a violet colored silk, like her own eyes, and tied it to the man's sword. She had originally bought it for herself, but she thought it might give the boy strength to survive.

"I hope it brings good luck to you!"

The boy's gaze showed a momentary sensitivity. As Ariana looked up with a radiant smile, she saw tears gathering in the young knight's eyes.


He was about to say something when one of the knights stepped out of the trees.


Ariana turned around. The knight did not notice the boy, he was busy with stings from a poisinous plant. By the time she looked back, there was no sign of Prince charming.