Winning some time

The day of parental visit has come.

The marquis and the marchioness were standing in front of their daughter in shock, when they finally got up to the hidden little palace. Of course, they, too, heard the news that Jerome had handed over to the lover all the power and luxury… what should have belonged to their daughter.

"Mother! Father!"

Ariana hugged the guests with the widest possible smile. She knew full well that her parents' hearts have been broken,since their only child had such a fate… so she tried to show the positive side of her new life.

"Look what a wonderful garden I have!"

She showed them around in the greenhouse, to the stable, looked at all the fish in the small lake… and then entered the modest palace.

It was nowhere near as ornate as her birthplace… but it was obvious that the equipment was great quality.

"The chef is cooking something divinely! You will love it! "

She was flooded. She told her parents about how kind the staff was, how well they treated her… she showed them her library, the music room… all her jewelry.

"Yes, you've always loved reading."

The marquis also tried to note something positive.

"I have everything here. You don't have to worry, it's so much better for me, than the rumor says. "

She kissed her parents cheek.

"And the king…? "

"He visits me regularly to see, if I have anything missing. Believe me, the situation is really not as bad as you hear from the rumors. And anyway… as soon as the prince is born I'll move back home. "

She waved.

'Horrible! I don't want to be here! Take me home! '

Her face began to grow tired of the many smiles, but eventually she succeeded. Her parents left her residence with a much easier heart than when they arrived.

Actually, she had a really good life here… apart from the tiring sex marathon. She also had an agenda for the end of the second week.

After breakfast she read a little, then went out to the greenhouse, watered the plants, maybe swam in the lake, rode other times.

After lunch again a little reading, siesta… sometimes painted, and in the evening took a walk in the garden. After dinner she listened some music, then took a bath, and the king appeared at exactly 9 o'clock.

The second cohabitation was not much more pleasant than the first.

Jerome only left the room again when the girl could no longer move from exhaustion.

"This can not go on!"

Ariana declared when she finally had the strength to get up around noon.

"I have to control him somehow - I won't be able to do this on a daily basis! He may loves men… but he's obsessed with fucking women, that's for sure.

Platonic, innocent, pure love? Great shit! "

In her experience, the king was a typical 3-cartridge man.

"The point is, he has 3 runs. The first is a completely average of 45 minutes. Ideal intensity ... he is clearly cumming in the end because he can't stand it anymore. "

Ariana had enough experience from her previous life to understand men without words.

"The second run, the main catch of unquenchable hunger, takes twice as long at this time, but it's also an intense, hard-core sex, so he can't control the end, when he is at his limits he'll cumming. If we stopped here, it would be perfectly enough… but unfortunately then comes the 3rd round… which is nothing more than enjoyment…at least for him. On our wedding night, I thought he was tormenting me only because he wanted to punish me for taking his boyfriend's crown with him… but I already know he specifically enjoys spending time and experimenting with poses. Unfortunately, this process only ends when I am almost dead. "

She wondered how she could reduce the working hours.

"I can't think of anything other, than triggering an oral sex - which can be the first or the second - because there he can only hold it back to a certain degree of excitement. The second… if I could save that hour and a half… if I could get him to enjoy for a few minutes what I can do with my mouth, I could relax a bit. "